whos high at work? consitantly?


Well-Known Member
Been smoking everyday for 10 years. Had a job everyday of that time until about 2 months ago. I honestly believe i have never been stoneed DURING work. Sorry if I sound a little proud of that but I am. Ironic thing is I didn't stop smoking until I had to find a new job. Not a puff for the last 2 months. Just got a great offer. test should be in a week or two. Cant wait!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well i hate to say it but i work at wal-mart and the easiest job i ever had im pretty much stoned the whole time and its a great place 2 "unload" my harvest and believe it or not its acutally impossible to get fired considering everything i have done:mrgreen::blsmoke:


i went to a job interview stoned a few years back. i had been using a leather briefcase to store my weed in probably 1/4 lb at a time. so i pull all the weed out and put in some papers antd things related to the managers job i was applying for. i show up and the owner of the company does the interview and says what kind of work have you done in the past i open the brief case and the whole damn room stinks up like weed. (im thinkin SHIT!!!) he looks at me and says these samples smell like marijuana??? i just played dumb "does it" he says im gonna hire you because your most qualified but dont let me catch ya stoned at work. well of course i gotta get high at work and found a few other managers that got high at lunch and started to hang with them.the boss would stand at the door every day after lunch to "see us in"
and say were you guys out smokin weed at work? we say no and go back to work.later in the day the boss comes around to each of us who had smoked earlier and asks where did you guys go for lunch today? trying to catch us in a lie. the funny thing was we all gave him the same answer(damn burnouts) butwe did eventually get caught and repremanded and i eventually quit.