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Obama pushes bill to rein in lavish CEO pay

Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:41am EDT

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will push on Friday for passage of a bill to put the huge pay packages of some U.S. corporate executives under greater scrutiny.

The Illinois senator has introduced "say-on-pay" legislation that would give investors more of a voice in setting executive compensation packages.

"We've seen what happens when CEOs are paid for doing a job no matter how bad a job they're doing. We can't afford to postpone reform any longer," Obama said in prepared remarks for delivery later on Friday.

"That's why Washington needs to act immediately to pass this legislation."
Amid fears the U.S. economy may be in recession, many U.S. voters are anxious about a weakening job market, the mortgage crisis and higher gasoline prices.

At the same time, many are also expressing outrage over big pay packages given to executives of some of the companies at the center of the financial and mortgage crises, such as Bear Stearns Cos Inc and Countrywide Financial Corp.

Obama is vying with Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York for the Democratic nomination to run for president. The winner will face Republican Sen. John McCain in November's election.

Clinton supports the "say-on-pay" bill.

In his home state of Arizona last week, McCain added his voice to those expressing concern about the vast compensation earned by executives when their firms performed disastrously and most shareholders lost millions of dollars.

"I think it is outrageous when someone who is the head of Bear Stearns cashes in millions and millions of dollars in stocks," McCain told reporters on Saturday.

"I think it is unconscionable when the guy who is the head of Countrywide and his co-conspirators make huge amounts of money when Americans face the threat of losing their homes."

(Reporting by Caren Bohan; Editing by John O'Callaghan)


New Member
Hooray for Obama. It's about time some logic was applied to executive salaries. The current state of executive pay is lucrative beyond reason. I believe executives should be well compensated, if they are doing a good job, but the millions that some get while the company is crumbling is ludicrous. Good pay for a good job, but if not, termination with no parachute, just like all the workers that get the ax in downsizing.


New Member
Hooray for Obama. It's about time some logic was applied to executive salaries. The current state of executive pay is lucrative beyond reason. I believe executives should be well compensated, if they are doing a good job, but the millions that some get while the company is crumbling is ludicrous. Good pay for a good job, but if not, termination with no parachute, just like all the workers that get the ax in downsizing.
And when the Movers & Shakers of industry just finally throw up their hands in frustration, and defeat, then walk away ... how will the O'Bama's of the world get things done?



New Member
And when the Movers & Shakers of industry just finally throw up their hands in frustration, and defeat, then walk away ... how will the O'Bama's of the world get things done?

Are you asleep or what? seems like they have been doing just that for years now, actually spiked under Bush, your Buddy. They've been closing down and offshoring jobs quite frequently actually, so that would be old news. The greedmongers that control the coporations have no social conscience. If they can save a nickle, they'll shitcan a whole bunch of workers and go right on with their multimillion dollar jobs. It's not enough to make a fair profit, they want to make a great profit at the expence of everything else. Profit is king and everything else is sacrificed, Capitalism at its finest.


Well-Known Member
Great... those guys definitely don't need all that money especially if doing cutthroat or immoral business practices. If they're doing a great job at running the company... they will be rewarded a proper retirement, ViRedd, whatchu' smoking to support these guys? We all know if they throw up their hands and walk away, someone new will just replace them, someone perhaps that deserved that job and will strive to run the business successfully at risk of losing a nice fat retirement... the world moves on.


Active Member
I'll report back when the lights of NYC go dim.

Its nice to see a move towards ending corruption, but I won't be holding my breath on this.


New Member
Again ... who owns the corporations?

Who sets the salarys and signs the employment contracts for the CEOs that you all hate so much?

Med ... how is your retirement income generated?



New Member
Again ... who owns the corporations?

Who sets the salarys and signs the employment contracts for the CEOs that you all hate so much?

Med ... how is your retirement income generated?

Look, I never said profit was bad. It's the excess profit I'm about. I mean how much do you need when everything else is put on the back burner for the almighty dollar, (not so almighty now though). Multimillion dollar salaries are way over the top. No-one is worth that unless they actually own the company. If these criminal corporate entities would hold the line on executive salaries and give back to the workers and the communities, plus reduce excess emmissions, I'd be all for them. I mean why should the biggest asshole get all the money. They actually get paid more for cutting jobs, cutting salaries, shipping jobs overseas, and taking shortcuts with the environment. They figure out that it would be cheaper to take the fines than to fix the problems, so they just keep on polluting. The corporation that is granted status as a person is a very bad citizen overall.


so whose got directions to the hidden city? they have got that cloke machine figured out by now right? =]=]=]

unless i'm working a government job... how does the government have any right to say i can't make as much money as i can???

just wait until everyone just ssays fuck it... you think theres too many foreign products currently? just wait... the feds keep imposing so many ridiculous regulations and just plain red tape bullshit and just make it less appealing for Americans to want to achieve any sort of success...


New Member
so whose got directions to the hidden city? they have got that cloke machine figured out by now right? =]=]=]

unless i'm working a government job... how does the government have any right to say i can't make as much money as i can???

just wait until everyone just ssays fuck it... you think theres too many foreign products currently? just wait... the feds keep imposing so many ridiculous regulations and just plain red tape bullshit and just make it less appealing for Americans to want to achieve any sort of success...
Hey Ian, welcome to America, land of the "Free". I guess we should all blame the government for our lack of success eh? Just keep using that excuse, government is bad, makes me poor etc. etc.......


Hey Ian, welcome to America, land of the "Free". I guess we should all blame the government for our lack of success eh? Just keep using that excuse, government is bad, makes me poor etc. etc.......[/quote]

lets not be confused friends... i'm poor cuz i chose to move away from home while in college... then drop out and work enough to get what i wanted... i don't need a lot... mostly i just want enough money to pay of some debt i've incurred... besides that i live quite frugally... and not just cuz i don't always have a lot of money... but because i don't need/want anything...

most anyone can take responsibility of themselves...

you must be mistaking me for someone else... because its all about the individual... the government keeping me down? no... the government taking away the reward for doing my best... i see it happening all the time...

i'm a fairly happy person... i do my thing and try my best to do no ill to others and help those i feel like helping... i used to not care for anyon else... but that was only cuz i didn't care for myself...

and i don't think we should ever be made to care for others... that seems more like something you'd need to choose to do for any kind of success...

whoa... starting to ramble... darn these politics threads... k... deep breath...


take care all =]


New Member
Hey Ian, welcome to America, land of the "Free". I guess we should all blame the government for our lack of success eh? Just keep using that excuse, government is bad, makes me poor etc. etc.......[/quote]

lets not be confused friends... i'm poor cuz i chose to move away from home while in college... then drop out and work enough to get what i wanted... i don't need a lot... mostly i just want enough money to pay of some debt i've incurred... besides that i live quite frugally... and not just cuz i don't always have a lot of money... but because i don't need/want anything...

most anyone can take responsibility of themselves...

you must be mistaking me for someone else... because its all about the individual... the government keeping me down? no... the government taking away the reward for doing my best... i see it happening all the time...

i'm a fairly happy person... i do my thing and try my best to do no ill to others and help those i feel like helping... i used to not care for anyon else... but that was only cuz i didn't care for myself...

and i don't think we should ever be made to care for others... that seems more like something you'd need to choose to do for any kind of success...

whoa... starting to ramble... darn these politics threads... k... deep breath...


take care all =]
Let me try and understand your position. You are OK with asshole executives getting multimillion dollar salaries for cutting jobs and offshoring work that you may need to buy groceries, am I correct? I mean this is the reality of the situation. It is open season on workers these days. It's all about cheap labor and no responsibilities for the corporate world. just leave us alone and we'll do good for America, yeah like NOT!


i work for a company that is an outsourcer... we provide services for a few differnet companies... those companies that use us also use overseas outsourcers... and guess what? because we actually do our job well, our company is growing... not cuz we're cheap labor... but because we get the job done right...

when things are going wrong, who are you to blame these people for looking somewhere else to get what they need...

i'm ok with people getting paid what others agree to pay them... simple as that...


New Member
i work for a company that is an outsourcer... we provide services for a few differnet companies... those companies that use us also use overseas outsourcers... and guess what? because we actually do our job well, our company is growing... not cuz we're cheap labor... but because we get the job done right...

when things are going wrong, who are you to blame these people for looking somewhere else to get what they need...

i'm ok with people getting paid what others agree to pay them... simple as that...
I'm sure glad you are a minority. If people in this country believed like you, we'd still be working for 5 cents an hour. We have to stand up to these corporate entities if we want a good standard of living for our families, they shouldn't be allowed to operate in this country or sell their goods without taking care of their employees, cleaning their messes, and trying to lessen their pollution footprint. We've seen the way the corporate assholes would like to do it, and it has fucked the people to tears, in every way. If you are happy working for minimum wage, fine. Just don't expect the rest of America to follow suit.


i haven't worked a minimum wage job since i was 16

you seem to make a lot of assumptions about me...
and all i said is that the government should limit the amount of money one can make...


New Member
i haven't worked a minimum wage job since i was 16

you seem to make a lot of assumptions about me...
and all i said is that the government should limit the amount of money one can make...
Maybe you should expand your typing skills, you've just said that government should limit the amount one can make, Really, arguing with yourself, a new horizon. Peace my brother. Get all you can from the corporate structure. they will surely get all they can from you.


Maybe you should expand your typing skills, you've just said that government should limit the amount one can make, Really, arguing with yourself, a new horizon. Peace my brother. Get all you can from the corporate structure. they will surely get all they can from you.

must not be high enough, sorry:blsmoke:

haha.... always that n apostrophe t... three small marks that make a world of a difference...


New Member
The corporations are evil and should be destroyed. The capitalistic system creates wealth, so let's destroy that evil too. Confiscate the mansions, yachts, private jets and all luxury cars and melt them all down into New World Order coins to be spent on goods and services produced by whom?



New Member
The corporations are evil and should be destroyed. The capitalistic system creates wealth, so let's destroy that evil too. Confiscate the mansions, yachts, private jets and all luxury cars and melt them all down into New World Order coins to be spent on goods and services produced by whom?

A-fucking-men. I knew youd come around Redd, Kudos. Well, TaTa, gotta run, got to go and count my sheckles,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have so much of a problem if there wasn't hunger in this world... people need to care for each other, not the other way around. I'm around luxury cars, and private jets and billionaires all day... they're selfish assholes ( except my boss, he made 33m. last year after taxes and still drives his '76 Suburban :D )