Who's John Galt?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have so much of a problem if there wasn't hunger in this world... people need to care for each other....
amen - people need to care for each other, not by governmental interference but all on their own. if we must put up with the folly of government, it should allow us the freedom to do just that. government should quit trying to punish those who have no charity in their souls, that just doesn't work and only causes those fools to work a little harder to hoard their wealth. instead government should reward philanthropy with usable benefits, not just a paltry break on taxes they are not really entitled to in the first place.

this is more than just a political matter, it is a social and philosophical one as well. as we lose our freedoms to an ever more ponderous and uncontrollable federal government, the american dream becomes more and more about the accumulation of material wealth. the cars, the boats, the big houses and the seven digit accounts have become the only way to express our success. our pockets are picked in the name of enforced charity, seeming to render any other donations redundant and too great a strain on our earning power.

there will always be those with little or no empathy for the suffering, but it is not the place of government to punish them. limiting their earning power is only an act of petty vengeance, beneath even the swine that roam the halls of our crumbling bureaucracy.


Well-Known Member
And when the Movers & Shakers of industry just finally throw up their hands in frustration, and defeat, then walk away ... how will the O'Bama's of the world get things done?

Movers and shakers my ass, more like the rapers and pillagers..... Tell me one thing Vi... What do these people do to deserve that kind of pay????


New Member
Movers and shakers my ass, more like the rapers and pillagers..... Tell me one thing Vi... What do these people do to deserve that kind of pay????
Hey Dank, you must be busy. I don't see many posts by you. Being retired, I have a lot of time on my hands. BTW the offer still stands on the OZ of pot if you make it to Vegas, as long as I still have some.


New Member
Movers and shakers my ass, more like the rapers and pillagers..... Tell me one thing Vi... What do these people do to deserve that kind of pay????
A better question would be ... what do you do that pays you only a pittance of what they are paid?



Well-Known Member
You still didn't answer my question Vi.

One thing for sure is that I work a lot harder than they do.


Active Member
We aren't saying that a good days work doesn't mean a good earning, but when you don't do a good days work, why should you get paid, on top of that, why should you get bonuses and raises?
And what is this BS about losing freedoms? Are you the head of one of these oppressive companies? Then maybe you should look in the mirror, because you took that right away yourself. I'm guessing you aren't though, so this really isn't applicable to you.


New Member
You still didn't answer my question Vi.

One thing for sure is that I work a lot harder than they do.
Dankster ...

Please define the term "hard work." Thanks ...

And as to your question ... gain the responsibility for 100,000+ employees, hundreds of thousands of stockholders, and the bottom line of a multi-national corporation and you'll find the answer to your question.



New Member
Dankster ...

Please define the term "hard work." Thanks ...

And as to your question ... gain the responsibility for 100,000+ employees, hundreds of thousands of stockholders, and the bottom line of a multi-national corporation and you'll find the answer to your question.

Baaaarrrrffff!!!! Multi-national=Criminal!!!


Well-Known Member
Are you asleep or what? seems like they have been doing just that for years now, actually spiked under Bush, your Buddy. They've been closing down and offshoring jobs quite frequently actually, so that would be old news. The greedmongers that control the coporations have no social conscience. If they can save a nickle, they'll shitcan a whole bunch of workers and go right on with their multimillion dollar jobs. It's not enough to make a fair profit, they want to make a great profit at the expence of everything else. Profit is king and everything else is sacrificed, Capitalism at its finest.
Not entirely under Bush. We have Bill Clinton to thank for signing NAFTA. Here's one of the latest stories as a result of Clinton's legacy...
Hershey’s Flight to Mexico a Raw Deal for 3,000 Workers in U.S. and Canada
In another blow to working families in the United States and Canada, the Hershey Company has announced that it will be closing multiple plants, cutting its workforce by 11.5 percent and moving jobs to a new plant in Monterey, Mexico. This decision is yet another byproduct of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which, from its inception, has done more to erode the U.S. economy than perhaps any single piece of legislation in U.S. history.


New Member
Not entirely under Bush. We have Bill Clinton to thank for signing NAFTA. Here's one of the latest stories as a result of Clinton's legacy...
Hershey’s Flight to Mexico a Raw Deal for 3,000 Workers in U.S. and Canada

I'll definently agree about NAFTA, that was one of the worst things Clinton did, But under Bush, these activities have spiraled out of control, in fact, some companies are now rewarded for leaving. What genious came up with that tax loophole. We're being sold down the river daily. I guess when we're all washed out to sea with no Jobs, no medical, no homes, and not even the option to file Bankruptcy, we'll wake up and wonder what happened.


New Member
I'll definently agree about NAFTA, that was one of the worst things Clinton did, But under Bush, these activities have spiraled out of control, in fact, some companies are now rewarded for leaving. What genious came up with that tax loophole. We're being sold down the river daily. I guess when we're all washed out to sea with no Jobs, no medical, no homes, and not even the option to file Bankruptcy, we'll wake up and wonder what happened.
Now there's a great argument for the Fair Tax. With the Fair Tax, we would be using the corporations greed to our benefit. End taxes on corporate profit, production and capital. In other words ... reward them for STAYING. Once that's done, watch corporations clamor to get under our tax haven protection. Capital expenditures will increase, employment will increase and production will increase ... all to the benefit of American Citizens.



New Member
Now there's a great argument for the Fair Tax. With the Fair Tax, we would be using the corporations greed to our benefit. End taxes on corporate profit, production and capital. In other words ... reward them for STAYING. Once that's done, watch corporations clamor to get under our tax haven protection. Capital expenditures will increase, employment will increase and production will increase ... all to the benefit of American Citizens.

Yeah right, lets give corporations and fat cats some more tax breaks instead of putting tarrifs on foriegn made cheap goods. That'll help the econimy and keep them here. What planet are you from., The corporations are in it for the money, period. No American labor can compete with 5.00 a day in China. We need to stop importing Chinese made goods and tell them to fuck off on debt repayment, just like some of the 3rd world countries have before us. we are fast becoming one and if we don't act soon, we'll definently be one.