Whose got the best ganga in colorado?

shit i got the best in Colorado :)

i soon will be moving to colorado... denver area... cant wait... had some questions.... if i have felonies in another state can i still grow mmj? can i still be a caregiver?
dam i couldn't find the information I was looking for on the website anymore. I am pretty sure that if you can get your license than you can be a caregiver. I remember reading something about drug charge, if your charges are not drug related than you'll probably be fine. I think that it was that you couldn't own/operate or work at a dispensary if you were a felon or had any prior drug offenses but it could be that if you have had prior drug offenses you could not get a license at all, so like I said if you can get your license you should be okay to be a caregiver.
pretty soon i will have the best gangja in colorado... real ass chitown sourkush comming to a dispensery near you
dam i couldn't find the information I was looking for on the website anymore. I am pretty sure that if you can get your license than you can be a caregiver. I remember reading something about drug charge, if your charges are not drug related than you'll probably be fine. I think that it was that you couldn't own/operate or work at a dispensary if you were a felon or had any prior drug offenses but it could be that if you have had prior drug offenses you could not get a license at all, so like I said if you can get your license you should be okay to be a caregiver.

hay man thanx for taking the time to reply..... yeah i think your right from what i gather i can be a caregiver for 5 people including mysel makes 6.... so thats 36 plants total... im gonna get a edibles rec. and ima try and get patiants that have an edibles rec..
ooo yeah sourkush video by a test grower of mine on this site... his name is howak47.. i love that guy he makes me look soo good... peep the vid... sourkus pre 98 bubba kush x east coast sour diesel i.b.l. the vid shows sk bubba dom pheno grown from clone... the strain is f4 stricktly inbred.......... not to be confused with that bullshit dna is tryna call sourkush... its a well known fact that they stole my idea, and theres isnt has dank has mine...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2jl_NC2YxA
hay man thanx for taking the time to reply..... yeah i think your right from what i gather i can be a caregiver for 5 people including mysel makes 6.... so thats 36 plants total... im gonna get a edibles rec. and ima try and get patiants that have an edibles rec..

if you plan on growing for more then 2 patients (6 count each for a total of 12 plants max), do NOT live in Denver itself, live in one of the burbs. Denver recently passed a rule that saying no commercial/patient grows in neighborhoods - 2 patients, 12 plants max. They are doing this because of some smell complaints and to get grows out of basements and into industrial zoned areas (no smell complaints. they can control the permitting/licensing/inspections - ever see a 10KW grow with sketchy wiring/plumbing and wonder when it would burn down? they also get to rape us for large $$$$. fun)

another wacky CO rule .... no outdoor growing. we have the most abundant sunshine in the US and we can't grow outdoors .... freakin stupid and a waste of resources. I believe you can get away with it in a greenhouse, but I haven't really looked into it yet.
eyecandi, not to say you are wrong but i have had no luck finding anything on not growing outside in any actual laws, have you found it in the actual law text? Anything you can reference? I really do not plan on doing one but i have been really curious after watching some of those MSNBC, or whatever it was, specials with the 10' tall bushes in the back yards in Cali.
Perfextionist- you cannot sell to disp. without being a state licensed growing facility (i am pretty sure i am right on this, if not someone will correct) and you can only sell to your 5 patients, everyone else gets to get robbed at the disp. Basically they are making the biggest disp. bigger and driving a lot of people back underground.
It's the same here in Fort Collins. No outside grows are allowed, and in a house, you can only grow for yourself and one patient for a total of 12 plants. Now thats for growing in a residence. No selling to the dispensaries. Individual cities can set their own guide lines.If you want to grow for more than that, you will need to rent a building. Dispensaries are required to 70% of their own medicine and can only buy more from another dispensaries.
I get alot of my kind from colorado, the best ive ever had from there was a growers strain called "Purple MtBerry Diesel"
This was some canibus cup quality shit, top 5 of my life.
If you see this shit in some shop you got to try it!

Ive got one seed from it, next grow shes going in the cab.
eyecandi, not to say you are wrong but i have had no luck finding anything on not growing outside in any actual laws, have you found it in the actual law text? Anything you can reference? I really do not plan on doing one but i have been really curious after watching some of those MSNBC, or whatever it was, specials with the 10' tall bushes in the back yards in Cali.
Perfextionist- you cannot sell to disp. without being a state licensed growing facility (i am pretty sure i am right on this, if not someone will correct) and you can only sell to your 5 patients, everyone else gets to get robbed at the disp. Basically they are making the biggest disp. bigger and driving a lot of people back underground.

your right, I can't find anything written either. I can't recall who told me either, I thought it was our lawyer (I remember asking about placing some girls on the warehouse roof over the summer) ... either way, I can't find it written anywhere. did find this page with a nice compressed version of the rules in general (also gives an overview on the 70/30 rule for Perfextionist). however ... I will say that rules are changing constantly and there are some 'verbal' rules that aren't on paper ... yes, odd and wrong - for example though: Our grow/dispensary put in paperwork with Excise and License within 2 days of another application - they submitted first, but we got the paperwork saying approved, go ahead and build (any other normal business gets one of these and it means BUILD!! spend money!!! grow your business!!) - so we did. then 2 months later they send a letter saying 'no longer approved' after spending a shit load of $$ and getting every inspection/permit done the right way. During the initial hearing, they admitted that 'the first come first server rulei' <eg:paperwork submitted first is the winner> is verbal, it's not on paper/written. We were DENIED. going through appeals now, but it is REDICULOUS!! what kind of law is a rule when it is unwritten? total bullshit ...... just another reason (on top of all the fees/licenses we get raped for) many people are going back underground ... it's the only place to make a profit.


I really want to know myself, as we plan on buying some land and putting up greenhouses. Could save a bunch of time and $$.
your right, I can't find anything written either. I can't recall who told me either, I thought it was our lawyer (I remember asking about placing some girls on the warehouse roof over the summer) ... either way, I can't find it written anywhere. did find this page with a nice compressed version of the rules in general (also gives an overview on the 70/30 rule for Perfextionist). however ... I will say that rules are changing constantly and there are some 'verbal' rules that aren't on paper ... yes, odd and wrong - for example though: Our grow/dispensary put in paperwork with Excise and License within 2 days of another application - they submitted first, but we got the paperwork saying approved, go ahead and build (any other normal business gets one of these and it means BUILD!! spend money!!! grow your business!!) - so we did. then 2 months later they send a letter saying 'no longer approved' after spending a shit load of $$ and getting every inspection/permit done the right way. During the initial hearing, they admitted that 'the first come first server rulei' <eg:paperwork submitted first is the winner> is verbal, it's not on paper/written. We were DENIED. going through appeals now, but it is REDICULOUS!! what kind of law is a rule when it is unwritten? total bullshit ...... just another reason (on top of all the fees/licenses we get raped for) many people are going back underground ... it's the only place to make a profit.


I really want to know myself, as we plan on buying some land and putting up greenhouses. Could save a bunch of time and $$.

Thanks for the info, and not thinking i was a dick, just really curious about this too. Would love anyone else with any info to chime in, if nobody does i may start a new thread on this, just to pick everybodies brain, as i am sure some of us, such as you and socommj have spent a lot more time in the laws than guys like me.
LOL, I rarely take online comments at face emotional value (btw ... yours didn't seem in the least bit dickish). too many variables in life and emotion/intent can easily come across wrong (patterns in content/abuse are obvious though).

the laws/rules change monthly, and running a full time grow/business is SO time consuming ..... so I try to have the best info I can, but always miss something. that's why we pay $$$ to the lawyers ;)

always feel free to ask anything, truly. community networking is the best path towards better rules, laws and increased knowledge.


(side note: 2 seeds from heirloom I planted 4 weeks ago .... 1 showed a single calyx with 2 little white hairs today!!! woohoo! It's a Girl! :) )
this first group was grown by SoCoMMJ :)

first up we have Centennial blue berry

DNA's sour cream


Mr nice seed bank's critical haze


and these last two are grown by bone doc

Red Queen #1

Red Queen #2
