Wht is it?


Well-Known Member
what is it 001.jpgwhat is it 002.jpgwhat is it 003.jpg

It lives outside my grow shed. I have seen 2 of them this is the larger of the 2.
I first saw it last year and this year he has a routine. He sits on
top of that fence in the morning and after noon. them usually moves under a lean to
behind the shed.

I'm guessing they may be escaped pets. cause none of the local skinks and lizards
look like this. Pictures taken in Central Florida.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a Tokay Gecko.
I knew it looked like something I had seen in a pet store. just could
not locate a pic of something to compare it to.

I think your right. I googled it and this is googles pic.

I'm no photographer. did not even play one on TV. but when I see the rascal
on the fence this is what it looks like.

I'm sure he helps keep the palmetto bugs down.

Don't think I will tell anyone else they are here.
I would hate for some prick to capture them. Then I wold not get to
enjoy them.

Thanks for the help. +rep


Ursus marijanus
Ask it if it'll Tokay some with you. Bet those big eyes will get all sorts of red. But if it offers you a roach, check for legs. cn