Why am I using RO water?


Well-Known Member
I never checked my water and immediately bought a RO system. I checked tonight and my ppm 38 and ph 7.4. My RO is like 5 ppm and ph is lower.

Is this enough to justify the $180 I spent and the painfully slow drip rate? I also have ALOT of waste water lost. I bet it takes 150 gallons to get 25 gallons.


As a side note I got All the House & Garden nutes intro'd to 10 little ladies tonight via a 6 site DWC setup fresh off ebay. Swiss Cheese from my 100% germination rate (after a dismall first attempt) I also got the Nirvana beans through Attitude. I have the light low and water temp is 65.5. CO2 ppm is 1350-1450. Humidity about 45%. That Magnum XXXL 1000W is gonna let 'em shine!!!

I've heard good things about H&G. I think I have the perfect setup. We'll see. I'm gonna do a 3-4 week veg and then 6-8 flower.
I don't have a hydro setup, but in my experiences RO or distilled water is not very good. The ppm and ph usually is way off and you spend more time messing with ph which can have some negative effects. I made the switch a few years ago to local well water. I have very sandy soil with tons of limestone which makes for some pretty good water but of course it would depend on your local conditions. Plus non-RO or distilled water lacks things like natural minerals which are essential to growth. If you must use RO or distilled water get some cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
Your tap is better than fine and there is no need for the RO.

Too bad you didn't check before you spent the $$$$.
