Why are all oscillating fans garbage?

I have 2 ac infinity 6' oscillating fans. I've used others, but to me, these aci fans run much smoother and quieter than the others I've used. I alternate each one, 12 hrs at a time, and never push a higher speed than 5.

Imo, like anything else, pushing something to the max limit, is always going to wear it out faster.
I wouldn't be concerned with speed, the fan motor is not an issue.
Built in obsolescence is a mainstay of today’s manufacturing
I have a freezer in my garage that is over 50 years old
The matching refrigerator I gave to a guy for a beer fridge
I’ve replaced my refrigerator five times since then and that old fridge is still running like new
Built in obsolescence is a mainstay of today’s manufacturing
I have a freezer in my garage that is over 50 years old
The matching refrigerator I gave to a guy for a beer fridge
I’ve replaced my refrigerator five times since then and that old fridge is still running like new

When I needed another dehumidifier, I drove a considerable distance to buy two old ones off craigslist. It's the same with lawn mowers etc. Even Honda engines are made in china now, until you step up to commercial grade.
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It’s crazy I have 2 working oscillating cheap plastic fans still working (10-12 years old) but yet I’ve grown through prolly 20+ 200 buck “commerical” and prolly way more than 2o for the cheap plastic ones and they will die within 1-3 years no problem , I wonder in past few years at least the hydrstore brands did they make them weaker ? I switched to non hydro store brands since they looked durable and the osct part is metal. Why make everything metal but the oct part? That’s if anything the most vulnerable part and like everyone says there isn’t one I’ve bought besides those 2 old ones that don’t “pop” or need a lil oil to keep em moving… fans are one of my least favorite purchases for grow rooms. shot if I had the height j would use the shafer fans or ceiling fans. Man that air Movement and durability is def better
I bought three Sun Leaves clip-on fans years ago. They are also shit quality, like everything else....BUT, you CAN take them apart to clean them and oil them. I've had mine since ~2013 and they still run okay. They do NOT oscillate. I did buy one of those pricey little AC Infinity oscillating fans that are all the rage...It works fine so far. I'm sure something will eventually go wrong with it and I won't be able to fix it.

It's funny, because here I sit in a room with my two antique, Emerson, oscillating fans from the 1930's -air movement so strong. they are moving the curtains from across the room! Things CAN be built-to-last.
I need to rant because I'm so sick of all of these garbage oscillating fans. I swear I have to buy new ones constantly as they start quiet and wind up loud as fuck. Clicking, whirring, popping. I've tried all of the usual suspects and they always wind up garbage. So far the best one has been my Honeywell tower fan, but even it has gotten louder over time. No they havent been knocked down, abused, etc. They are born and die in the tent. I just threw out the ACinfinity Cloudray or whatever that shit is. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK every time it makes a pass. I finally took it out and dropped my fireproof safe on it I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like Dustin Hoffman in Hook. The infernal fucking ticking.

Who has an oscillating fan (tower preferably) they have been using for several years that isn't obnoxious as fuck? Yes I know your (insert here) fan you've been using for 3 months is whisper quiet...they all start that way.
Because they are made in Asia. They have no EPA or DEC there. There is no pride in craftsmanship. Every corner is cut. They can dump manufacturing chemical by products right into their rivers and streams. They burn coal and our old tires for power. They are not a market economy so wages are low. We cut our own throats going for cheap. The closest we came to a comeback in manufacturing was 2016 thru 2020.
Because they are made in Asia. They have no EPA or DEC there. There is no pride in craftsmanship. Every corner is cut. They can dump manufacturing chemical by products right into their rivers and streams. They burn coal and our old tires for power. They are not a market economy so wages are low. We cut our own throats going for cheap. The closest we came to a comeback in manufacturing was 2016 thru 2020.
Go to a Ford factory, put all the pride in one pile and all the fireball and vodka airplane bottles in another, and tell me what you end up with.

We buy cheap because our money isn't worth what it once was. $15k in 1973 equivalent of $103k now. The quality of items has dropped proportional to what we spend on them, although this isn't an absolute.

Manufacturing did not exceed or fall off the trend its been on for the last 14 years during the years mentioned using the available metrics, mainly GDP%
Bought one of these Lasko "Air Stik"s for my tent before i switched to the ACI's, Its absolute dogshit. Its back in the box since its past the return window. After a loss of power (eg a timer cycling off) you need to physically press the button to power it back on again. Terrible for a grower lol. Air movement was also not great even on high.

Maybe not aci fans, but all the others I've used, have. I'm not willing to risk it with the aci fans. I don't need them any higher than 5 anyways.
AC Infinity states in the user manual that running the fans nonstop 24/7 will decrease the lifespan of them. I dont have it handy but i think they even suggest 18/6