Why are my buds smelling bitter/peppery around Sep. 15

i don’t know how this all ends, but I gotta be the change I seek...so I don’t give up on my principles just because anyone else has. At least I find peace in knowing I do what I think is right.
anyhow, so far no major change in leaf coloring in margins, but their noses are decent, just not in direct sun. The flushing didn’t make much of a difference either, but I didn’t really do a “proper flush”. So, we wait...
i don’t know how this all ends, but I gotta be the change I seek...so I don’t give up on my principles just because anyone else has. At least I find peace in knowing I do what I think is right.
i'm just saying that you will never convince the whole world with your ideals... it's just like legalizeing weed all over the world where in the philippines the majority of the people are against it just because over 70% of all rapist stated used to consume cannabis while in europe "mostly" theyre for it due to the medical benifits of it or the muslims in the orient ain't see the world like american/european muslims does. unfortunately you[nobody] can make the whole world think the same at the same time unless your naruto with jumper-abilities or superman... i hate to say this but think about it logically eventhough i wish and dream about it how wonderful the world could be if everybody would think, act or get together but thats the curse and blessing of being a human and having an individual mind. till then convince me of a better one. :peace:
i'm just saying that you will never convince the whole world with your ideals... it's just like legalizeing weed all over the world where in the philippines the majority of the people are against it just because over 70% of all rapist stated used to consume cannabis while in europe "mostly" theyre for it due to the medical benifits of it or the muslims in the orient ain't see the world like american/european muslims does. unfortunately you[nobody] can make the whole world think the same at the same time unless your naruto with jumper-abilities or superman... i hate to say this but think about it logically eventhough i wish and dream about it how wonderful the world could be if everybody would think, act or get together but thats the curse and blessing of being a human and having an individual mind. till then convince me of a better one. :peace:

No, you can't force people to think one way or another, and I don't expect change to happen over night or within my life time. It's bigger than that. Sorry for the sh*t that happened to you, sounds like you went through it. But from my perspective, the world has made A LOT of progress in the last several hundred years. Think about it: human sacrifices, slavery, genocide, torture, witch hunts. I know these things still exist, but according to my understanding, we've come a long way. Enter the internet, where so many people across the world have access to information and thought progression. People are no longer AS isolated. Yes, there is a lot of misinformation out there and censorship, but the point is PROGRESS. If your only hope is that the world is perfect within your lifetime, then you have no hope. But if you can settle for PROGRESS within your lifetime and you know you contributed to that, then that is pretty powerful. I don't want to make this thread about philosophy, maybe we should start a new thread for that.
Most of my girls are holding steady with the leaf margin yellowing, so doesn't seem to be getting worse at least. The smell is pretty good even on some of the sunny buds! I guess it could have been that Mg/K/S (some combination of) deficiency after all. On the other hand, I checked my surface temps on sunny buds and I'm getting ~96 deg F! Upper leaf surface was a little lower at 92....yikes! This is on a more mild day....I bet the buds have been over 100 deg at some point over the last few weeks...with 48 deg nights....I'm wondering how much that played into all of it...
mushroom compost can be high in salts depending on the quality of it. You should get a soil test done for next season since you are using so much soil. The test will pay for itself by saving you from buying unnecessary amendments and you can eliminate soil imbalance as a variable for causing issues. Water quality can be an issue too...sometimes other things can be present that a harmful that won't be detected by a ph or TDS meter.

Admittedly way late, but do you have a good source for a soil test through mail-in?
Also, how is water ruining the plant? ...or the environment for that matter?
Ruining the plant maybe, the environment hell no. The majority of the water in norcal is syphoned of to ship down to socal. The water you use onyour plants will actually eventually filter down to your aquifers, replenishing them. Water in nature is cyclical, if you put it in the ground it returns to where it belongs. Keep it local.
Ruining the plant maybe, the environment hell no. The majority of the water in norcal is syphoned of to ship down to socal. The water you use onyour plants will actually eventually filter down to your aquifers, replenishing them. Water in nature is cyclical, if you put it in the ground it returns to where it belongs. Keep it local.

That's what I was thinking.
I get irritated about water whiners. When they stop building golf courses and putting stupid ass lawns in desert socal, there won't be as many water issues. People need to focus on real waste. How do all their cars get so shiny?
May be strain dependent. I just harvested a nice pepper toned plant... I consider that classic earthy smell. Maybe you should open up to new smells aye? You may have to get a nose full of smells you’ve never smelt before... and you better like it!

I'm going to have to revisit this statement; not in the sense that I need to get used to the plants' final smell - that I understand. Perhaps, though, I need to better understand the development of final scent is a dynamic and oscillating process; I'm starting to think the "peppery phase" is due intermediate terpene(s), as the buds mature to their final olfactory "destination." The final terpenes (or even thiols?) are built from these intermediates.

Interestingly, I'm getting that same peppery smell again on several of my plants, though this time peaking around October 1. When I look back to last year, it seemed to be peaking around September 15. What is the connection? Idk, but these were both around the full moon.....hmmm.