Why are my fan leaves drooping?


Active Member
I can only guess, but I say it is either over watered or needs more room for the roots. Either way if it is fixed it should recover well.


I can only guess, but I say it is either over watered or needs more room for the roots. Either way if it is fixed it should recover well.
I do have a bigger pot I can put it in but its real clay.

Would that be ok to put it in or am I better off just leaving it i the pot its in now?


Well-Known Member
go buy a biger pot a 5 gallon bucket for like what 4 bucks lol and put it in there with some fox farms potting soil problem solved and drill some holes in the bottom for drainage


Well-Known Member
I think for that size of a plant, the container should be ok.

How often are you watering? What is the temp where you are? How much direct sun is she getting?


It only gets about 4-6 hours of direct sun a day, it hasnt got any the past couple days as weather has been shitty here. The temps are around 20-23C not sure what that is in Farhnhight tho? and I watered that bitch lol

Im going to stop giving it the miracle gro for a bit and see what happens.

For that size of pot how much water should I give it? 2 litres enough? 4 seems to much


Well-Known Member
As far as how much water to give it, more is better then less. I have found you cannot really overwater the plant by giving it too much water in one feeding. Overwatering comes from watering too frequently and keeping the soil constantly wet, which suffocates the roots. Just make sure the soil is saturated and you should get some run-off out of the bottom of the pot.

Good idea to lay off the fert. right now. Give it a good flush with plain water that is PH'd to the proper level and see if her conditions improve.

Good luck and keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
i had a plant looking like that the other day - it just needed more water.. it is especially hard to over water in pots..


Sweet thanks so much guys, i'll lay off the miracle gro for now and keep up with the watering....

i'll post an update in a couple days


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks so much guys, i'll lay off the miracle gro for now and keep up with the watering....

i'll post an update in a couple days
if you give it 2 litters of water every watering how often do you water it.. i give my plants half of that every 3 days.. 2 litters might be kind of stressful.. almost like you are trying to flush the plant every watering.. but idk thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
that soil looked like shit dude???? u didnt dig that out of ur back year did u??? buy some shit from the store.......thell grow much better


I've tried finding Foxfarms but where I am, I can't find any so this is what i'm using.

Schultz Professional Potting Soil Plus

A complete potting and planting mix
Premium blend of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and organic materials enriched with Schultz™ slow-release plant food
Feeds for up to nine months and provides ideal growing conditions for indoor and outdoor potting needs
Excellent for tropical, foliage, & flowering houseplants, potted vegetables & seedlings.

I was told by a buddy that this stuff is really good and I did underwater it a bit so the soil did look like shit.

I'm going to start watering it 1 litre every other day and see how that works for now.


Well-Known Member
Its probly that slow release fert....Thats why everyone on here stays the hell away from MG soil cause it can fuck your plants up....Might wanna transplant to better soil...Get soil with nothing in it top soil or potting soil just make sure there are no nutes in it look on back of the bag or ask someone who works there....