Why are my leaves is twisted?


Well-Known Member
This clone has started growing twisted leaves but they look healthy?

Any guesses what the cause could be, the plant I took it from didn't do it.



Well-Known Member
Upload pics please. Twisted leaves CAN be genetic, but usually isnt. Heat stress, improper pH, and root obstructions are all known to cause this. You need to include more information if you seek accurate advice.


Well-Known Member
I uploaded one!

It's Bubbleberry, in Happy Frog, def not heat stress, it's by itself away from the flower room under a single bigger-sized CFL. Same soil/water as the other plants. Only given it silica/grow big/organic CalMag+



Well-Known Member
Hm, looks like genetic leaf twist is common to Blueberry and this is half Blueberry genes...

Seems weird that the plant I took it from hasn't also done the leaf twist, though. I took the clone before flowering started, and this has only happened on the newer growth. Maybe it needs more light??

It's also only at the top. The bottom leaves are much smaller (the CFL has shitty penetration) and they aren't twisted like the leaves from the top shoot.

Pic of the plant clone is from:


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