why are my leaves wilting?


I just installed a 400w HPS grow light 17 inches above my 9 inch super silver haze plants. I checked them this morning and the leaves are wilting and i cant figure it out, are they not getting enough light? the HPS light is a Hortilux bulb 16-17 inches above my 2 plants.


Active Member
How about a little more info.

You dirt or Hydro?
How old are the plants?
Have you started nuts yet?
What’s light cycle?


Well-Known Member
help please....
That happens on all my grows from time to time, and it looks worse than it really is, but I think it is just them resting, after the dark period. Then when you flip on the lights, its grow tiime now. Just watch, if they got progressively worse, then you might have an over watering issue. But no worries, bro'! protopipe1