Why are My Plants so Skinny?

So, my plants are about 1.5 months old. They are about 6 inches tall, but they are nowhere near as bushy as expected. They're just really tall and lacking alot of leaves. They're in a lowish light area. It's not dark or anything, but there are many trees around it.

I can post pics if needed.

Basically, there is the stem, and the leaves arent very big. there aren't any branches, and there and only three "Fingers" per leaf. The stems aren't very big either.


Well-Known Member
pics always needed. especially when asking about something like "skinniness". which can very greatly from one persons opinion to the other. like my skinny might be your reg. or my reg be your skinny. post pics man. plus. more info is needed. its almsot like asking why is my dog so skinny???? not giving you pics, or feeding conditions, or anything. just why is my dog skinny? ELABORATE SON.
They get a good 8-10 hours of sun a day. they are in a deep ravine, but the sun comes up at one end and sets in the other.

The soil is very good. I tested it with a kit form home depot, and everything is 'High"

I'll try to get back there today and grab some pics.
are you sure its direct sunlight (test by puttin ur hand over the leaves and if its shading them, it direct) if not it could only be gettin a couple of hours and the rest of the time its shady, u did say it surrouded by a bunch of trees and of course w/ the sun moving it changes the lights angles


Well-Known Member
, my tomatoes did the same thing when the live fence behind them grew to long and there was to much shade


Active Member
Looking at those I can tell that those are probably some bagseed. They looks VERY weak. If you bought those seeds, please let me know so I dont make a mistake and buy them. I doubt it is light because I have a few in the shade that are doing very well. Are you using nutes?
Haha. you guessed right. I had some high mids, so i saved them and planted them. Do most bag seed plants do this? If so, im buying some today =P


Active Member
It looks to me like you did not veg them inside or at least not for very long. Giving them a good start inside always helps. I agree that yours need more light, they look lanky like they're stretching to find light. Hopefully as they get taller and the angle of the sun changes they'll get more light.

You can get great results with bag seeds but like with anything you get back what you put in, ya know? Treat em right and they'll treat you right.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Looking at those I can tell that those are probably some bagseed. They looks VERY weak. If you bought those seeds, please let me know so I dont make a mistake and buy them. I doubt it is light because I have a few in the shade that are doing very well. Are you using nutes?
I've got one plant that's like that right now that I ordered from attitude. Female Seeds X-Line C99 Hybrid. All my other seeds either my own crosses or ones I've ordered from attitude are all over 3 feet right now (topped). The x-line c99 is just under a foot with no side branches. I've even got another type of c99 right next to it and they are doing just fine. Exact same soil, location, conditions, etc.


Active Member
Haha. you guessed right. I had some high mids, so i saved them and planted them. Do most bag seed plants do this? If so, im buying some today =P
Not all bag seed, but most bagseed are usually unstable genetics. They also have a higher chance to herm. Stable genetics is the only way to go. 80 to 90 percent of your end product all depends on the strain. If you are going to buy, I suggest Female Seed Company Pure AK. They cost around 20 bucks for a pack of 5 fem'ed seeds at the tude.


Active Member
I've got one plant that's like that right now that I ordered from attitude. Female Seeds X-Line C99 Hybrid. All my other seeds either my own crosses or ones I've ordered from attitude are all over 3 feet right now (topped). The x-line c99 is just under a foot with no side branches. I've even got another type of c99 right next to it and they are doing just fine. Exact same soil, location, conditions, etc.
I thought that you didn't buy seeds being that you breed your own and have so many. Sorry to hear about your Cindy99. All of mine are doing great. I'm running the Indoor C99 and the Outdoor C99. I had a few Female Seed Company Seeds that did not germinate and they replaced them. I suggest you contact them and let them know whats up. They are a really professional company to deal with. Here is a pic of one of my C99....

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Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I thought that you didn't buy seeds being that you breed your own and have so many.
Nope. I do both. I bought a pack of c99 and jack herer this year.

Sorry to hear about your Cindy99. All of mine are doing great. I'm running the Indoor C99 and the Outdoor C99. I had a few Female Seed Company Seeds that did not germinate and they replaced them. I suggest you contact them and let them know whats up. They are a really professional company to deal with. Here is a pic of one of my C99....

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My female seed co c99 was a ufo freebie, so I'm not worried about it. I got mosca c99 too and they are doing great so far. Is your c99 from clone or seed? If seed then what company?


Well-Known Member
i have grown plenty of bag seed and if grew right it would do fine pot is pot boys

Don't blame skinny plants on bag seed, around here we call it commercial and it's consistent all year nice green buds who ever is growing this shit has their act together to supply the whole area all year long even neighboring states have the same good looking bag seed. These bag seed growers are growing on a scale i will never reach.

It's plain that it's lack of direct light his pic's are in shade you can see the sun in the back ground
Could be a fue reasons. for one if you want your plants to grow out bushey . your gonna want to top them. to top them your gonna want to go 2 or three nodes down and cut on an angle . this will stunt its growth and make it grow more like a bush .... and for your problame with the thickness of the stock. if its an indoor grow . be sure to have fans blowing . the plant will adapt and grow a thicker stock so it dosent blow over. be sure not to have the fan cranked thow, start wit a light brease and gradgualey bring it up as the stock gets thicker. long process but it works . this will also provide a better flow of juices through whats called the quick of the plant . if you do thease things correctley you will end up with a thick short bushey nice dark green plant with really nice dankey buds. the best of luck to ya friend. any more questions message me i wouldent mind seeing some pictures and seeing the end product.

Stay High , Exspand your mind for a wider variety of thinking

P.S dont throw out the cutting when you top it , buy yourself some root gel and make a clone


Well-Known Member
HPIM2475.jpghere is some of my bagseed from last year...started the seeds on June 21. You can get great resuts with it. 6 ounces for me

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Here are some pics.
The amount of leaf-litter, sticks etc. tells me these plants are probably being grown in a wooded area under low-light conditions. This works well for stealth but is a poor choice if you want healthy plants. They are still small enough to relocate to a sunny location with little risk of transplant shock. There are hundreds of threads in this forum for location selection. I would suggest starting there.


Well-Known Member
who me?..
anways you plant is stretched to fuck. your absolutly best bet is low stress training..fancy words for saying bending your plant.
you bend you plant over and all of a suddend the side braches want to become top braches witch means more main colas. iits what you need to do. just train it around the pot in a circle will streangthen up th stim at the same time. its all up to you buddY