Why are my seedling leaves turning yellow?


After I transplanted my seedlings from tiny pots to solo cups with happy frog the leaves started turning yellow. I was using a cheap Amazon light in a small grow box then moved them to a 4×4 with a led grow light.
Some pictures would be helpful. What's your watering schedule? How do you know when to water? How old are the seedings? Any feed yet?
it doesn't let me upload pictures but I water like every 2 days, they are like 4 weeks but haven't really frown they are very small. I have only gave them water, no feed yet but I just got some mega crop so I'm going to feed them some of that.
Those are too small to be transplanting. They're struggling to grow after having their roots disturbed at such an early stage. You shocked them. Next time let them grow longer before doing anything. Just keep them damp for now and they should pull through. Do not over water them. You might also want to think about how much light they're getting. You don't need to blast seedlings with light.

Just to show how long you can keep plants in small pots here's a 2.5" pot that holds about a cup of soil. Don't be in a hurry to transplant seedlings. Good luck with your grow.

Many seedling problems come down to watering. It commonly seems to be over watering whenever someone just whatever's every "x" days. What works best for me with seedlings is a small medicine dropper that I can get 3, 4, 5 etc. ml of h2o out of at a time and when I see the soil is dry I water again. Many people mist their seedlings, I've never done that so I can't properly explain, even though it seems pretty straight forward.