Why are my top leaves folding up like a taco

Light to strong or heat issue is first 2 things to look for. What's the Lux@ canopy level and leaf temps? She looks beautiful btw.
Well I had 3 heat laps in it haha just took one out yester day they were curing but not that bad in till I put a nothing heat lamp in it last night cuz it was cold out in my room so I'm going to take that 3Rd heat lamp out and see if that helps or not but don't have any way to tell the temperature in it so I'm just really going buy feel
You’re good. If the new growth looks taco’d, but levels out after a week it’s actually a good thing. Just means it’s growing fast. If the fan leaves that were folded, then you’d have a problem. I think I read something about it being called “praying”. Basically it’s the plant growing new growth faster than the old growth