Why are sheeple still running their cars on gasoline?


New Member
Some more stuff about hydrogen technology that I wrote up in talk and toke. Maybe you guys are interested. https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/75754-why-do-sheeple-still-run.html


Maybe it's because that's all they can afford. I still owe a bit on my pickup and to change vehicles at this point would bankrupt me. Poor people drive 10 year old cars and can't afford the gas to drive them let alone swap for some 40-70K hybrid. When they cut loose with an affordable swap to hydrogen, Sign me up.


Well-Known Member
I agree with mm on that one. my family can't afford to get a new and better car and neither can i:) while it would be nice to have an alternative to todays car it wouldn't make a difference if you can't afford one:)


Well-Known Member
Maybe you guys should read the whole thread.... I was talking about retrofitting your car with a hydrogen kit. I haven't checked out the prices on how much a kit costs but I posted a link that you can buy a kit from(or a book or something)....

Maybe you guys should google "hydrogen kits for car" and let me know what you come up with:mrgreen:.... I'm broke too ATM, so theres no sense to look into buying a kit until I can afford it....

Read the whole thread over again guys, theres so some info, if you have any questions about anything than you can ask. Don't be shy, theres not such thing as a stupid question when your a new to a subject.




Well-Known Member
Because I can't afford a new Dodge Ram Turbo Diesel, if I could, I'd hit up the Fast Food places for their fry grease and make bio diesel. It only takes a heat source to heat the oil to around 120° F, methanol and lye.
There are no modifications needed to run your vehicle on bio diesel, and the best part is your exhaust smells like french fries.


Well-Known Member
Because I can't afford a new Dodge Ram Turbo Diesel, if I could, I'd hit up the Fast Food places for their fry grease and make bio diesel. It only takes a heat source to heat the oil to around 120° F, methanol and lye.
There are no modifications needed to run your vehicle on bio diesel, and the best part is your exhaust smells like french fries.

Actually, I'm not sure what would happen with the effects is you run it through a diesel engine. I know you couldn't exclusively run hydrogen through a diesel engine because you need a spark to get the hydrogen to combust(I think...)




Well-Known Member
No I'd run on bio diesel, It take just as much energy to produce Hydrogen as it makes. It take more energy to produce ethanol than it produces.
I've already studied this.. The Best option is Bio diesel it's cheap and cost effective to produce... We tard i have been looking into this for the last few years now...


Well-Known Member
No I'd run on bio diesel, It take just as much energy to produce Hydrogen as it makes. It take more energy to produce ethanol than it produces.
I've already studied this.. The Best option is Bio diesel it's cheap and cost effective to produce... We tard i have been looking into this for the last few years now...
We tard i have been looking into this for the last few years now...

^^Feel free to share any pertinent info :D

Right, I know what bio-diesel is, I was just wondering if you replaced hydrogen for the air intake if you would get more power from each piston stroke. :?:?:?

If I'm not mistaken, the first "diesel" engines were meant to be run off bio diesel, or something besides diesel fuel... Am I wrong? Do you know off the top of your head Dank?

I know it takes more energy to make the hydrogen than it produces, But the cost you would pay for the electric and water bill would be nil compared to what people are paying for gasoline. Right?

When I first learned about hydrogen I also learned that it takes more power to convert it-just like any process, you lose efficiency in the form of heat- than it makes. BUT with gas going for 4 dollars a gallon, the efficiency that you lose from hydrogen sounds pretty cheap compared to gas.

You can get a lot of electric power for 4 dollars. The price that you would pay for electricity vs the miles you would get from the 4 dollars is outstanding compared to the miles from gasoline. As a note, I have not done any physical tests running hydrogen through engines, but I have looked at it from a mathematical point of view from figures I have gotten via the internet. I'm laid off right now, so I'm in not in a point where I can have my own lab for testing fun stuff. :-P





Well-Known Member
Yes the First Diesel Engine was meant to run off of Vegetable oil.
At this moment it would take less money to produce hydrogen as far as electrical and water cost, but as the price to produce energy raises so will the cost of electricity proportionately.

You have to remember that most electricity is produce using one of 3 sources.
Hydroelectric turbines.
Natural Gas.

They are working on producing Gasoline from Coal, now this is a viable option, but it won't come cheap.
Natural Gas, I remember that back in the 1970's there were city cars running on Propane and Natural Gas. The Problems with these options are that there is a lot of modifications needed to be done to a vehicle to use this option, also the draw back to Propane is that you still have to deal with the oil Companies. Natural Gas would be the better option.

Electric cars are great, they have outstanding 0-60 proformance but you are extremely limited on the distance you can travel.

Don't feel bad about the Job Situation, I quit after my Boss screwed me out of $1,000 and has been blowing smoke up my ass since Christmas. I gave the man the benefit of a doubt, but I can only wait so long for what's owed to me. Also he screwed me for $225 on my last pay check... That's ok, I get to watch him squirm now, the IRS is after him for Tax evasion.


Well-Known Member
Because I can't afford a new Dodge Ram Turbo Diesel, if I could, I'd hit up the Fast Food places for their fry grease and make bio diesel. It only takes a heat source to heat the oil to around 120° F, methanol and lye.
There are no modifications needed to run your vehicle on bio diesel, and the best part is your exhaust smells like french fries.
And if it takes off, how much ya wanna bet our "representatives" will find a way to tax it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they will try, But it's hard to tax something you make yourself..... That's one reason They don't want to legalize Marijuana.... Taxation issues. Also if they legalized Marijuana it would take away a cash cow for the court system.
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Well-Known Member
Hey Dank:mrgreen: do you get the same mileage from bio diesel as oil refined diesel? And why did we convert to diesel when the original engine was built for vegetable oil? Sorry to pick your brain. Thanks:mrgreen:

Ohh ya, if this is true than every house could be self sufficient(you'll like this Dank. What do you think, bunk or plausible?) YouTube - FREE ENERGY Home Generator -Zero Point Energy - Off the Grid . You were saying that the electric rates would go up if we converted to hydrogen...... not if your home is self sufficient with this magnetic generator!




Well-Known Member
Really I'm not sure why the world went to oil refined Diesel as opposed to Vegetable based Diesel.
Rudolf Diesel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm also not sure if the mileage get any better with the bio diesel either, I see it as a better alternative.

After watching the movie, although it is plausible I remain a bit sceptical about the generator.
I don't understand why the University of Queensland says that they would have to rewrite the laws of physics though. The concept is simple, it works off of magnetic repulsion backed with an armature...


Well-Known Member
Really I'm not sure why the world went to oil refined Diesel as opposed to Vegetable based Diesel.
Rudolf Diesel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm also not sure if the mileage get any better with the bio diesel either, I see it as a better alternative.

After watching the movie, although it is plausible I remain a bit sceptical about the generator.
I think I have an answer to why they switched to refined diesel and not vegetable oil---------------------Its either politics or they didn't want the price of vegetable oil to increase:mrgreen:.... I'm jk, maybe I'm right though.. You said that the biodiesel has to be heated for it to work better? Also, I think vegetable oil turns into a solid(:confused: or real high viscosity at lower temps.) at around ~40 degrees or so(don't quote me on that one).

As a note, its funny we found an alternative to the vegetable oil so fast but "we can't find an alternative to gasoline"... When are people going to take action, these people running the show are corrupt.

About the generator- Before I found the link to that generator I was sure there are ways to implement magnetic forces to make perpetual motion. Permanent magnets always exert forces so why not use them to perpetuate motion, it seems very viable to me... Than after a little searching I found that link to the Australians with their generator. I also heard that they will not be selling these generators to the public but rather selling them to the energy companies....:cry:.... Another example of focked up politics.. But that was just hearsay from the internet and I haven't looked it up because I doubt they would disclose that technology to the public for obvious reasons. I'm sure thats why they said " I don't understand why the University of Queensland says that they would have to rewrite the laws of physics though. The concept is simple, it works off of magnetic repulsion backed with an armature..." because they don't want the public to be certain of it, and to have us sheeple guessing if its real or not.... If the technology is real, than we should demand that we should be able to supply our own houses with this technology because ITS FOR THE GREATER GOOD. These people(politicians) are supposed to be working for us and not the other way around...

I wish I had a job where I could study this stuff and be able to bring these incredible innovations to the public.... :mrgreen:

