I have been growing for a number of years and have used many different lights. I have used California lightworks, Budmaster led, platinum led + several other leds, metal halide, hps and cmh. When I started I was growing in antique wardrobes with led. I learnt to grow just using blurple led for the 1st 5 years. I had good results. Cheap electric bills too, but always thought for the time i'm putting in that I wanted more out of growing.
I now grow in 7 3ft x 3ft tents with a 400hps in each. I stopped using led and sold all my panels. I progressed and expanded, but just couldn't take it that step further with led. Since switching to hps my electric bills are now £1500 every 3 months. It was £600-£700 when I grew with led. The yield has gone up a lot, but so has electric use so that was kind of expected.
I think leds do have their place, but how much weed you want to grow does come into play. It just got silly how much money I'd spent. I had £1000's of led panels which I would have lost had I of got raided. That was a stress. In the end I just I just wanted to keep it simple and stress free. Also had a few fans start to go, so moved them whilst they were worth a lot.
I stopped using 315w cmh after 1 1/2 grows for this reason. I had several powercuts and on 2 of my 4 cmh kits the lamps wouldn't fire up properly afterwards. I sold the 2 working cmh kits. By the way cmh is the best light I have used for quality and is a great light for a 3ft x 3ft area. I would of gone cmh in all tents, but that put me off. The lamps are like £90. I also found the cmh ballasts ran very hot too. Compared to normal hid ballasts they were just so hot and that subconsciously caused me stress. I even used a clip on fan to cool each ballast.
I went old school and got myself 7 magnetic ballasts and grow under 400w sylvania grolux duel spectrum lamps. I'm a bit shocked by how much the yield has gone up. Next grow is 3-4 weeks from finishing and I've still got this...
I have missed the balance here people. I'm a bit shocked by the yield. I'm going to buy 2 led panels for vegging to cut down some of my electricity use. They draw 180w and cover a 3ft area. I loved the way plants grew under led. Stacked nodes. Hps makes the a bit stretchy I find. Metal halide makes them grow leaves bigger than large hands. Led and cmh were very similar in appearance during the growth stage.
So if you want to do a personal grow to save you buying street weed, go led. If you want to cash crop or just grow in the winter grow with hps or halides and heat you house to save £ on heating you'd otherwise be paying for. I'm now only growing between October and February now every year. I'll just have too much weed. Plus I grow in coco and it's a lot of work. Two feeds a day, so I'll have my life back. lol
I loved how silent my extractor fans were when growing under led. Put the tv on quiet and you can't hear it. Hps growing in my place sounds like a factory. It's not good to live in these conditions. A Weeerrrrrrrrrrr noise never ending coming from the fans. All these lights have their advantages and disadvantages.
Anyway, it's been an interesting read this thread.