Why are so many new growers choosing blurple/led over hps/mh??

I joined like a month ago and have blocked like two or three people . It's unfortunate but that was the only way I would stick around. Still hearing shit talk so I'm wondering why even stay ...
Because there is a lot of great information and good people. Just put this one on ignore. RIU requires a strainer but the information comes fast and furious.
Yes, I've been sitting here wondering what dog he has in this hunt. I'm guessing there's a financial interest somewhere to flog obviously good tech so hard. LED isn't snake oil and doesn't require hyperbolic sales tactics.

With the growing legalization all over the world more and more children are starting to grow cannabis. Many of the kiddies end up here to play. They don't understand that this isn't facebook. Many of us are adults that have been doing this for decades. We don't care what some teenager with more money than brains has to say. I'll keep rocking my HPS and I'm damn proud to be doing so. I could care less what some clown has to say about it. If they're so worried about what light I use to grow then let let them buy a $1000 light to replace the $150 light that does the same thing. Some of these kids actually think some of us care about saving a few pennies on electricity. They go on and on about this tech, that tech, blah blah blah. But if they do ever post any pictures of their grow all you usually see is some Fucked up Shitty looking plants that should be taken outside and shot so they don't have to suffer anymore. I wonder what purpose some of these people have other than pushing LED technology because they can't grow weed so why are they even on a weed forum.

And in the background there is an outdoor grower growing dank using the sun and having the time of their life smoking the dank they grew without using some fancy LED or HPS light.
Thats's a bummer. Thought you had a clue, but Ive seen you troll a plenty. Why don't you back up what you say with some facts.No need to get political or rectal.
I joined like a month ago and have blocked like two or three people . It's unfortunate but that was the only way I would stick around. Still hearing shit talk so I'm wondering why even stay ...

I'm against blocking anyone. I'll listen to everything. I am against censorship which is what you're doing when you block someone. Go back and unblock those that you blocked. Pretending that those you disagree with don't exist does not make them go away. Make sure you see everything even what you might not want to see.
As you try to make your points... Realize you're all on a forum arguing over lights that someone else bought...my neighbor just bought a ford but I didn't go kick his door in to argue that Toyota's are better! And Epstein didn't kill himself.....lol I gotta stop smoking before I get on here. I'm all like. Can't we all get along?

No we can't all get along. It will never happen. People will always disagree. FACT.
Thats's a bummer. Thought you had a clue, but Ive seen you troll a plenty. Why don't you back up what you say with some facts.No need to get political or rectal.

Put up or shut up dbag. I've seen plenty of @xtsho 's goods and he knows his stuff for real. You're all talk with no walk and if you were on fire I wouldn't cross the street to piss on your sorry ass.

Yo momma must be so proud.
Everyone. If any ones concerned I use a cheap 60 dollar Blurple... Feel,free to send me a better light and ill,smash this one lol. Even tho this cheap led works great for my 1-2 plants at a time.
I'm against blocking anyone. I'll listen to everything. I am against censorship which is what you're doing when you block someone. Go back and unblock those that you blocked. Pretending that those you disagree with don't exist does not make them go away. Make sure you see everything even what you might not want to see.
Listen with all due respect some people gravitate towards negativity. This is a fun hobby for me and I want to keep it that way. There's a fine line between disagreeing and downright being disrespectful . Jmo please nobody take it personally
That's not true! Ohhh nvm

Oh it's true. History proves it's true. WWI, WWII, etc... People are willing to die over their disagreements. It's been going on for thousands of years. One look at the situation in many countries in the middle east and other places around the world proves that people can't get along all the time. They couldn't yesterday, they can't today, and they won't tomorrow. That's an extreme example but the ferocity and tenacity some have regarding the insignificant LED vs HID argument is similar and shows how shallow the mind of man can be.
Oh it's true. History proves it's true. WWI, WWII, etc... People are willing to die over their disagreements. It's been going on for thousands of years. One look at the situation in many countries in the middle east and other places around the world proves that people can't get along all the time. They couldn't yesterday, they can't today, and they won't tomorrow. That's an extreme example but the ferocity and tenacity some have regarding the insignificant LED vs HID argument is similar and shows how shallow the mind of man can be.
Done well disagreement was a lovely team sport we played in the 60s. We had teams, rules and were scored. It was called debate.
I disagree with both of you on pure principle.

When I was a Sophomore in High School the Principle was a man named Arley Boyce. He was quite a character. I ended up in his office more than once. I have fond memories growing up and going to Beaverton High.

Arley Boyce. RIP...
