Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???


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Could be signs of rootbound plants, transplant them.
(sorry for the long response was away for the weekend)
I transplanted them from solo cups into these 1/2 gallon pots last weekend... i find it hard to believe they'd be root bound after 1 week... i have 5 Gallon smart pots they'll be going into was planning to transplant them prob next weekend


Active Member
what type of soil are you using? i use ffof and dont have to really use anything for at least a month and have no problems with yellow leaves till they go to 12/12. those pots are kinda small id put them into a 5 gallon container you will get more buds then the amount of money and extra soil think about it do the math. plus once you buy the 5gallon pots you can always reuse them.
(sorry for the long response was away for the weekend)
yea im using the fox farm ocean fresh soil with a 3/1 perlite mix .. and i was going to transplant them next weekend into the 5 gallon smart pots already have them guessing after reading all the comments i shoulda just went from solo cup to 5 gallon's


Active Member
how long since u had them in that pot? also it only the little leafs anyway just cut them off dude and problem solved ;)

Mister Black

Active Member
I've had same thing happen at same kind of timeline. I just cut off the offending leaf(s). I figure it all helps more juice go to the buds!

Be careful diagnosing N deficiency and adding N. I had a similar diagnosis recently and added N balls to my plants, watered in then watched the plant burn, shrivel and almost die over the next 2 weeks.


Active Member
Yea I definitely do not want that too happen... Prob gonna transplant them into the 5gal. Smart pots this weekend.. just gotta head too the store and grab some perlite... Just wanna give it some time to root the soil so when I pull them out 90% of the soil doesn't fall off


Active Member
whenever i re-pot a plant or pot for 1st time i dont add any nutes for a week as the new soil should contain enough
nutes for it.. not sure if that may be a factor good luck anyway :)