Why are these clones yellowing and shriveling?


Well-Known Member
I had some trouble while back,,similar have taken hundreds of clones with great success ,,,but while back coming from the winter into spring ,,I had issue many were rotting on me so made it simple and has never failed have almost 1005 rate most times,,,if Murphy's law is in effect ,,,,it sounds like the humidity is to high,,was the trouble I was having they were staying to wet,,,,,This is how I solved issue ,,,,,I use Pete moss pellets very easy and cheap and re usable ,,if one does not take,, I soak the Pellet until it is soaked well,,,I then squeeze out all extra so it is moist,,,,,I fill a red beer cup up with dirt,,I make a hole in the dirt for my pellet,,,,I cut my clones and set them in a baby food jar with a little bit of water ,,,That is to avoid air pockets in the plant stem,,,,,I then dip the clone I use a tooth pick to pre poke a hole and stick him in,,,,,Then take the cup and make sure the dirt in the cup is moist ,,,I take another cup and mak a cover for him like a dome but with a few small air vents in side,,the red cups inside is white and gives it a glow for the clone with out to much light,,,,after 5-6 days I put a different red cup over it,,it has more holes,,and a few in the top so it can have a but of direct light but not full ,,day 10-12 remove cups all together,,,,,,Note I do spray the inside of the cup with water but not the plant,,that way it can take what it wants and not wet the soil to much,,they should be flying buy this point ,,here is a few picks of the cup domes I make



Well-Known Member
Pre soaking cubes in a light solution and ph'ing to around 6 overnight guarantees success the next day when you cut clones. Helps to use a screwdriver to open the holes alittle bit so your not forcing the cut in

Kush is My Cologne


Well-Known Member
What about not using heating pad first few days? And yeah they are pretty small but it's the standard rapid rooter size. I like rockwool but you gotta PH it and I've heard it doesn't fully flush and when you transfer it to soil it can be problematic
loving them to death,number 1 rookie mistake


Well-Known Member
I know this is no longer relevant to the first post, due to it being a couple months ago, but just for general advice, you need to take the cuttings that aren't too "succulent", meaning being mostly water and the stems are bendy. The cuttings used look like they were succulent. That kind will decay easily. You want good solid stems, by going easy on the water for a few days before taking them. Also, I wouldn't use powder type rooting hormone, because it dries out the end of the stem. You need the gel type.

Another tip is that if one or more cuttings wilt shortly after being put in the rooting container, while the others don't, it means that the cut you made isn't working to take up water so you have to pull it out and make a new cut above the first one.

About this particular case, it might have been a poor rooting strain. Pretty much have to select for good rooting in addition to other characteristics. A poor rooting plant will never perform well anyway, no matter what. It just will never have a strong root system and will be slow growing in general. Bubble Bomb is the best strain I found all around, including incredible root growth. In one week they have plenty. You just need to select the pheno with fat buds and you're good. I've never seen a strain grow roots like it. Needless to say, top growth is also rampant.


Well-Known Member
Ended up getting 13 out of 90 to pop and grow not very happy but now 4 of the 13 are randomly dying
Try a bubble cloner works good for my holy grail and critical kush
get an EZ cloner, and you are done.
no spraying, no adding anything to the water, and unless it's cold, no heater for the water.
roots in 10 days or less.
they are less than a hundred bucks on amazon.
easiest, most effective way, and you'll get probably around 90% success.


Well-Known Member
Made a nice one with a 1/2 gallon bucket holds 10 only need 4 and a double air pump and stones works great made the inserts outta a foam polishing pad I put a Lil hydroguard in 5.0 water with a bit of b52 roots Ina week or so


Well-Known Member
Not really sure it just deff has sum indica in it got a clone from a friend the bugs were dense but took 12 weeks doesn't blue dream have 20 percent indica ethierway? The cuts I have seem to take a bit to clone compared to the holy grail or critical kush I have

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
11 days after cut! image.jpeg
I get roots every time in 6-7 days with root riot cubes and stimroot #3. Use a rusty razor blade, used res water, and never clean the tote lol. Use an opaque tote filled a third with perilite (never clean it :() and wet it till really moist, set the pre soaked cubes with 3-4" clones cut in a 45 and one node skinned below surface, put a heat mat under it and must. I cover the tote and set it under a soft white T5 at 100% humidity, taking the lid of once a day and shake water off, that's it and haven't lost a clone in a very long time :). I used to use alcohol and clean everything and was very meticulous, now not so much. I guess it's a drive it like ya stole it thing lol.


Well-Known Member
How long do u guys normally take clones been going with about 4-5 inches 3 nodes the stems about the size of a pipe cleaner

I keep getting like one root to come out then it seems to "live" of this one root without growing more using a bubble cloner with hydroguard and 1ml of sensi a and b and b52.

mabey just plan tap with hydro guard so they want to grow more roots looking for food?