Why are these growing to the side and not up?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got a few pics for ya. Any idea why 2 of my plants are majorly leaning to the side? The closest part of the stem to the soil looks like its got a curly cue going on. I am wondering if this is because I planted the seeds with the wrong end facing down (which I know I did because I was stupid and trusted some guys youtube video on how to plant seeds.) Anyways, I am going to run into problems later on? I was thinking of just tying them down now and trying to lst them since they are already doing it for me.IMG_9990.jpgIMG_9991.jpgIMG_9992.jpgIMG_9993.jpgIMG_9994.jpg


You wont run into any problems with it growing like that, 1 of mine did the same, as it grows the stem will thicken. You can LST them as well since they already starting it for you, maybe its a sign?! :o LOL
They're lookin good so far.. Keep it up!