*Why are you c@nts such hypocrates?

Big P

Well-Known Member
ok firstly the rough wording was to invoke fire and pissedoffedness back into the stagnant politics section and it has nothing to do with women

so lets have it cunts, why are you such hypocrates? I would like you to start GrowRebel.

AP Slammed Bush’s ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural in ’05, But Now It’s Spend, Baby, Spend

By Rich Noyes (Bio | Archive)

January 14, 2009 - 13:51 ET
Four years ago, the Associated Press and others in the press suggested it was in poor taste for Republicans to spend $40 million on President Bush’s inauguration. AP writer Will Lester calculated the impact that kind of money would have on armoring Humvees in Iraq, helping victims of the tsunami, or paying down the deficit. Lester thought the party should be cancelled: “The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?”

Fast forward to 2009. The nation is still at war (two wars, in fact), and now also faces the prospect of a severe recession and federal budget deficits topping $1 trillion as far as the eye can see. With Barack Obama’s inauguration estimated to cost $45 million (not counting the millions more that government will have to pay for security), is the Associated Press once again tsk-tsking the high dollar cost?
Nope. “For inaugural balls, go for glitz, forget economy,” a Tuesday AP headline advised. The article by reporter Laurie Kellman argued for extravagance, starting with the lede:

So you're attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention comfortable and financially viable?
To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can. Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must.

"This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform," said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and Chief Creative Officer at Liz Claiborne, Inc.

"Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn't mean that style is going to be in a downturn," agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.

And if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is good for times like these. "Just say you're doing it to help the economy," chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge.
That spin is a far cry from four years ago, when the AP seemed interested in spurring resentment of the Bush inaugural’s supposedly high cost. Of course, displays of Republican wealth are routinely slammed by the media as elitist or aristocratic, while reporters seem to consider rich Democrats as stylish paragons whom we all should copy.

To get a real feel for the contrast, here’s an excerpt of Lester’s January 13, 2005 piece (as recounted in the MRC’s CyberAlert), starting with a lede designed to rain all over Bush’s parade and including the suggestion from two liberal Democrats that Bush eat cold chicken salad and pound cake instead:
President Bush’s second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?

■ 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.

■ Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.

■ A down payment on the nation’s deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year....
The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?

New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt's inauguration during World War II.
"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," according to a letter from Weiner and Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."...
Billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the National Basketball Association's Dallas Mavericks, voted for Bush -- twice. Cuban knows a thing or two about big spending, once starring in ABC's reality TV show, "The Benefactor," in which 16 contenders tried to pass his test for success and win $1 million.

"As a country, we face huge deficits. We face a declining economy. We have service people dying. We face responsibilities to help those suffering from the...devastation of the tsunamis," he wrote on his blog, a Web journal.
Cuban challenged Bush to set an example: "Start by canceling your inauguration parties and festivities."
Obviously, that’s not the media’s message to Barack Obama this year. And no one in the press is going to argue that, with the nation at war, the new President should be satisfied with cold chicken salad and pound cake.


New Member
The question was: Why are you cunts such hypocrites? The answer is, liberals are born that way. They just can't help themselves. :lol:


old pothead

Well-Known Member
When will anyone see that it does not matter if you are right,left or center.They are all self serving pieces of shit.Obama has not even been sworn in and has lied just as much as anyone before him.OPH


Well-Known Member
the bullshit again! rep dem who gives a fuck . i share the same earth as you so live and shut the fuck up. thats what makes YOU a hypocrate. thinking that what you think matters and noone else .

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Why do you insist on lumping all liberals into the same pile, VI?If i recall, you're the one who said you'd put up a sig saying sarah palin won the palin biden debate, with something like, Bulldog tears biden a new ass, or somesuch...That never happened... You're the guy who was a libertarian, yet you've morphed into a conservative...and oh, look, I found a link that says you were a liberal!
10-25-2008, 08:14 PM

Marijuana EXPERT
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Sep 2006​
Location: Socialist Republic of Kalifornia​
Posts: 10,105​

I used to be a liberal Democrat until I was mugged by the federal government. bongsmilie

Broke is temporary ... poor is a state of mind.
Now, in case you say, aw, I was just joking, let's remember how you gripe and moan about socialists and the like.Yet, you back Mccain/Palin,who you call a socialist.


Marijuana EXPERT
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Sep 2006​
Location: Socialist Republic of Kalifornia​
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Originally Posted by misshestermoffitt
Dude you need to spend your next SSI check at the bookstore buying a dictionary. Puke = spew, vomit, expell in a violent fashion.

Why are you calling me a liberal? I never claimed to be a liberal. I don't like McCain or Palin, I think Obama is the lesser of 2 evils but I am in no way a fan of his. I have explained this to you over and over and over again. Could you please write it down on a sticky note and attach it to your monitor? It would save a hell of a lot of time.

Its not what you "claim," its what you say. I agree that McCain is a socialist ... any politician who voted for the bailout would come under that catagory. But if you consider Barak Hussein Obama a better choice, then how can you not be a liberal? Honestly, that doesn't compute. I mean, Obama is left of McCain by a long shot.

Broke is temporary ... poor is a state of mind.

And here, you contradict yourself again, by advising us not to vote for socialistic representatives.

Marijuana EXPERT
Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Sep 2006​
Location: Socialist Republic of Kalifornia​
Posts: 10,105​

Miss ...

I can't say it better than TBT did above, other than to say ... stop voting for socialistic representatives. Also, I've paid into Social Security since I was 14 years old, and into Medicare since its inception. I agree that its a Ponzi scheme that never should have been started in the first place ... but shouldn't I be allowed to recoup my money "invested?" As far as your "adult" children are concerned, did you check into the high deductable insurance policies as suggested? I provided some links for you.


I just thought you'd like to see, liberals are not the only people who can be hypocrites!:mrgreen:
The question was: Why are you cunts such hypocrites? The answer is, liberals are born that way. They just can't help themselves. :lol:


Big P

Well-Known Member
just sayin i have removed all my party affiliation, all i want is sex drugs rock and roll rap safety and lots of money,

as long as I got that we cool from now on.

i just wanna know why liberels are showing themselves to be such hypocratics now that the shoe is on the other foot, you know?



Well-Known Member
just sayin i have removed all my party affiliation, all i want is sex drugs rock and roll rap safety and lots of money,

as long as I got that we cool from now on.

i just wanna know why liberels are showing themselves to be such hypocratics now that the shoe is on the other foot, you know?
unless the shoes are on both feet, you are limping. :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
you know that makes a lot of sense, so we need a new pair of shoes or is it our feet that are the problem,

i guess we need two shoes to march together but unfortunatly we are morons only got one shoe and we are constantly fighting over it then marchin some then fighting for it again then when the shoe is on one foot the other foots like hey! hey! hey! your puttin too much wear and tear on that baby!! but then allass!! once they get the shoe back its like all gangbusters lets wear the treds off this mofo

i wonder what would happen parties were made illigal


Well-Known Member
you know that makes a lot of sense, so we need a new pair of shoes or is it our feet that are the problem,

i guess we need two shoes to march together but unfortunatly we are morons only got one shoe and we are constantly fighting over it then marchin some then fighting for it again then when the shoe is on one foot the other foots like hey! hey! hey! your puttin too much wear and tear on that baby!! but then allass!! once they get the shoe back its like all gangbusters lets wear the treds off this mofo

i wonder what would happen parties were made illigal
cut off the feet and we can get a wheelchair and "just roll with it". :bigjoint:


Active Member
not a rep not a dem just an american whos tired of getting the shaft from both parties. they are supposed to help the people they just help themselves and tell the people its for their own good. the left rags on the right the right rags on the left and the people suffer.the bush party cost 70 mil obamas will be over 150 mil how did either help the people?if youre not a lobbiest or cant give either party lots of money youre out of luck just look how long its taken to leaglize a plant that grows wild everywhere


New Member
Maybe, in order to be clear, we should say what we mean by the terms "Conservative" and "Liberal."

When I talk about conservatives, I mean those with a libertarian bent. You know ... those who espouse a smaller, less intrusive central government, with the majority of power in the individual states. It would include getting back to honest money, abolishing the income tax and re-chaining the federal government to our liberty document, the Constitution.

When I talk about "Liberals," I mean those who are in favor of increasing the size and scope of the federal government, increasing onerous regulations, increasing the income tax, along with the fearsome power of the IRS. I'm talking about those who use phony arguments like "fairness," "the common good" and "Social Equality" to further take us down the road to serfdom.

Bush, McCain and the majority of the Republicans in government are NOT conservatives.

Many Democrats are NOT liberals as I portray liberals to be. However, folks like Obama, Pelosi, Dodd, Kennedy and Reid ARE definitely liberals of the Marxist kind. These are the types I refer to when I speak of liberals.

Most of the Republicans and Democrats who are now in power at the federal level, and most of them at the state level as well, are anti-free market and anti-liberty. Stop listening to what they say and start looking at what they do.



New Member
Maybe, in order to be clear, we should say what we mean by the terms "Conservative" and "Liberal."

When I talk about conservatives, I mean those with a libertarian bent. You know ... those who espouse a smaller, less intrusive central government, with the majority of power in the individual states. It would include getting back to honest money, abolishing the income tax and re-chaining the federal government to our liberty document, the Constitution.

When I talk about "Liberals," I mean those who are in favor of increasing the size and scope of the federal government, increasing onerous regulations, increasing the income tax, along with the fearsome power of the IRS. I'm talking about those who use phony arguments like "fairness," "the common good" and "Social Equality" to further take us down the road to serfdom.

Bush, McCain and the majority of the Republicans in government are NOT conservatives.

Many Democrats are NOT liberals as I portray liberals to be. However, folks like Obama, Pelosi, Dodd, Kennedy and Reid ARE definitely liberals of the Marxist kind. These are the types I refer to when I speak of liberals.

Most of the Republicans and Democrats who are now in power at the federal level, and most of them at the state level as well, are anti-free market and anti-liberty. Stop listening to what they say and start looking at what they do.

Well, whatever they are, they have definently screwed the pooch, and as usual, us middle class/poor people will pay.


New Member

First of all you used the word libertarian in your defination of conservative.

To me the defination of conservative means "I must conserve what is mine by exploiting everyone else".

As for beng a liberal. You make it sound like they want to rob the rich and give to the poor. Well didn't the rich get that way on the backs of the poor? I see Liberals as people who want to even the score.

Why is it OK to give free money to huge corporations who mismanaged themselves into the ground, but we can't give free money to people who bust their asses but only get paid minimum wage?

A person that makes minimum wage falls below the poverty level. That means they are willing to work for what they want, so they are unable to qualify for services that they pay for through their taxes (I.E. food stamps, medicaid etc.) They don't get health insurance and paying for it privately would take 75% of their income.

The raise that congress just voted for theirselves ($4700) is equal to about 1/3 of the yearly income of a person who makes minimum wage.
