Why aren't fabric bags cone shaped.

Everyone knows the pyramid focuses the energy UP.

those plant pictures are nice xtsho but if you put your medium in pyramid formation you could have grown the same plant with a teaspoon of soil.
Who or where does it say this about a pyramid shape?
Square fabric pot, milk crates (the pot fits exactly in the crate) and square metal tomato cages are working well for me. One of the drawbacks of square fabric bags is they don’t hold their cubical shape very well if ya move them around…the crate solves that. The crate also offers great attachment points for LST - I use binder clips and pipe cleaners. Grab the flower bearing branches from first and second node when young and stretch them horizontally to the edge of the crate and tie them down. They will make a 90 degree turn upwards in a day, and you now have a fully exposed cola that otherwise would been inside the canopy.

the milk crates give ya a little airspace for circulation between the bottom of the fabric bag and on whatever the crate happens to Sit. I stack the crates with the plants on another crate to increase the airflow.

the tomato cages give ya 2 options: keep the footprint of the plant inside the column (if you are limited in lateral space), or pull all the branches outside the crate and let them spread out. I chose the latter for the grow at my GFs house.

If I were growing in a tent I’d arrange the crates about a foot from each other in a square pattern (one crate at each corner of a larger square footprint). I’d build a PVC frame the same footprint of the larger square formed by the 4 crates, and use cup hooks and string to create a SCROG net above the plants, zip tie it to the tops of the tomato cages, and then let them grow up to the horizontal string lattice and start weaving them into the net. but, alas, I don’t have room for a tent.

im using round fabric pots in milk crates with tomato cages at the GFs house, and just the milk crates and square fabric bags (without tomato cages) at my house. both are working well.View attachment 5136566View attachment 5136567View attachment 5136568View attachment 5136569View attachment 5136570View attachment 5136571View attachment 5136572View attachment 5136573View attachment 5136574View attachment 5136575
Wow, that’s a great looking grow! What size square pots do you use, 10 gal? And where do you find milk crates? I used to see them everywhere. I’m growing mine in my 8x12 greenhouse this year, in fabric pots (and milk crates if I can find em) looks like a great space saver to me! Only have 10 plants. That’s my limit on what I can harvest by myself. And it’s plenty.
@FirstCavApache64 A square pyramid would better anyway.

@crimsonecho in fact if you had actually put some thought into it you would realise that it would be made to hold the same volume as it's equivalent fabric pot it's just that the soil that it missing from the top where it is not needed is in fact redistributed to the bottom where it can be made better use of.

Once someone does it, everyone will want to make it if it isn't patented. A zipper could be put in too in order to make it reusable for those who reuse their bags.
What about a big black trash bin bag? A not at the top and couple of holes at the bottom and you're of to the races!
Wow, that’s a great looking grow! What size square pots do you use, 10 gal? And where do you find milk crates? I used to see them everywhere. I’m growing mine in my 8x12 greenhouse this year, in fabric pots (and milk crates if I can find em) looks like a great space saver to me! Only have 10 plants. That’s my limit on what I can harvest by myself. And it’s plenty.
I got the milk crates from Milk Crates Direct, and the square bags are from Amazon. The bags are 1 cubic foot and fit exactly in the crates. They are so easy to cart around and help the bags keep their shape.

I also am using this setup at the GF house, but with round bags and square tomato cages - I’ll be buying more square bags for her next grow for sure…her grow below:

I got the milk crates from Milk Crates Direct, and the square bags are from Amazon. The bags are 1 cubic foot and fit exactly in the crates. They are so easy to cart around and help the bags keep their shape.

I also am using this setup at the GF house, but with round bags and square tomato cages - I’ll be buying more square bags for her next grow for sure…her grow below:

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i cant believe there is site named milkcratesdirect.com
i cant believe there is site named milkcratesdirect.com
Yeah, I was amazed I stumbled upon them in my first internet search…they also have a super crate that is bigger than the standard one but I couldn’t find the right size bags for them. No matter, they’d be much heavier and more effort to move around, and the results in the standard one are pretty awesome…
You're wrong. You mean YOU can't grow anything of substance.

You come on here calling people names when you're the real fool. Go look in the mirror if you want to see a troll. Nobody cares about your stupid pyramid scheme. Everyone is laughing at you. Get lost loser.

1.5 liter pot.



2.5x2.5 inch nursery pot. 8 ounces of media.



Is there a way for you to put a small cylinder of potting soil on top of that square? It seems like the real magic comes from zip tie-ing disparate shapes together like magical lincoln logs of compressed medium. Then make sure you have some crystals in the tent too. Because mystic!
Nothing - but I like these square ones more than round ones…same material, different shape. More soil volume in the same overall footprint.
I guess. Couldn’t you just use larger round fabric pots if you are worried about the volume difference? I wonder what the price difference is. I don’t see the difference.
Is there a way for you to put a small cylinder of potting soil on top of that square? It seems like the real magic comes from zip tie-ing disparate shapes together like magical lincoln logs of compressed medium. Then make sure you have some crystals in the tent too. Because mystic!

and add a hollow ball with holes right into the rootzone and just watch them take flight!
What’s wrong with normal cloth pots?
Nothing, but the OCD in me really likes the idea of a square shape in a square tent. It probably makes zero real world difference but when I spend so much of my time obsessing over VPD, airflow, mold, bugs and the list goes on it's an interesting idea to be able to maybe, just maybe get a tiny advantage by having that extra amount of volume in the same space. In me it comes from tuning cars and always wanting to tinker and tweak things. I'm doing okay with reusing the same crappy round pots I've been using for 4 grows but it would be fun to try something new for cheap.