ARS 36-2801
Read the laws my friend... The only way that can be legal is if the helper has a MMJ card or listed as caregiver... You cant hire people to sell weed for you...
As far as prices.. Who does caare.. It is more about they are breaking the law and it will effect all AZ MMJ card holders if it continues... Look at Cali my friend.. A shit ton of dispoensaries are closing... A close friend lives there and he is about to move back to AZ because of all the drama going on there...
What ever happens in Cali effects the whole MMJ scene...
You really want to debate the law? No where in there does it say, as a caregiver, you can not hire someone to work for you. But do you really want to go there? You mean to tell me, you follow the LAW, to the word and do not accept ANY compensation for meds? None of that "donation" shit. You don't take ANYTHING of value? It's ALL for free, right? Just "trade" right? Yeah, sure it is. What, you're Mr AZMMJ Act policia sent here to protect us from the bad guys? Get of your fuckin high horse, dude.
I have no affiliation with AZCS other than using their forum, which has been an excellent resource for me. I just don't have a problem with people making money from growing and or selling pot, AZCS or anyone else and will defend anyone who does. Especially considering that we are all allowed to grow our own and aren't forced to go to a dispensary if we want to be legal. If people want to charge $1000 an oz, I don't give a shit. If that's too much, they won't last long now, will they? This is America and our system is best set up to support free markets. It's what I believe in. If someone is charging too much, someone else will join the game and eventually the prices will be exactly what it should be. Is that going to happen if clubs keep getting shut down? No. We need more of them. LOTS more. Now if they're breaking the law and draw attention, now that's their problem now, isn't it? Will they get raided? I wouldn't bet against it, but I certainly wont be cheering it either.
A lot of people here pretend to know how they operate their business and have made all kinds of accusations in this thread based on those assumptions. I don't know the exact details of how they operate. Why would someone who isn't even a member of their forum, or part of their collective know? How the hell does someone know where they are getting their meds, unless they are supplying them? Or what they are paying for them? Does AZ not allow a non-profit LLC? I don't know, I'm not an AZ tax attorney or accountant. Are you? Do I think they probably have a better idea of how they are operating in the legal area better than you, I or anyone else here? Yes.
All I know for sure is I'm gonna go get baked, play with my dog so he stops fucking with me and then eat some chicken.
First you must have something to do with these guys???
I have not even told you what I really think or what someone with a little knowledge could do to an organization that is doing illegal business.... Very easy to black ball them.. Is that what I want to do - NO... I can care less but if a friend says some shit is going on I am going to look into it and warn OTHERS and the Organiztion which I did...
So if you are not LISTENING or READING it is not my fault...
As far as donations for meds,,, I Dont do that shit.... If a fellow patient is in need of clones YES I give them for FREE or trade... If you knew me you would know this... I do not try to sell shit... No need my friend..
Growing plants is a long passion of mine and not just pot...
Get over it my friend... my opinion is this place will get raided and it is fact they are violating the law...
Accept it or NOT... I don't care...
To AZCS if they were not such ass holes ALOT of people would just look the other way... Like I give a shit what they are doing.. I have my own problems... But when they get raided I will be talking sooooo much shit to yu for being a stiff...
A tree that stand firm in the wind snaps....
Havent seen Philo post in a long time.
I know man!!
Az Section died without the guy!!