Why bash Islam?

Saying that. I am absolutely certain 100% Basshar al Assad is a follower of Islam. could name many more.

Shame on them, that's really all there is to it.
I find a day care center full of children on one thread and here I find like minded people confirming each others idiotic sentiments and running desperately after the hate train hoping to catch a ride. Most of the recent thoughts expressed on this thread are shameful, juvenile whining. Shame, Shame, Shame on your weak minds. I'm gong to the beach and watch the whales go by.
Moreover, almost all muslims are hypocrites. And, someone else posted about this but I will highlight it again. They bang on about respect. Yet act like it's the will of god to disobey French Law. Full face veil. I got on the bus once and sat next to obviously a muslim woman all in black, it was like sitting next to the grim reaper, felt like it too.
Yet you put on your Abercrombies in Saudi and they start wailing blue murder.

Mate, you try even entering with a bible yet alone trying to convert people to christian and it's unacceptable, to say the least. Yet many muslims think it's funny to try to impose Sharia law in non muslim countries. That is just fucking disrespectful!

If i get blocked foolishly on purpose again (maybe i needed to get the doctor, you know) I will not be as considerate.

(Reuters) - A man Afghan officials say is a member of the Taliban shot dead a woman accused of adultery in front of a crowd near Kabul, a video obtained by Reuters showed, a sign that the austere Islamist group dictates law even near the Afghan capital.

In the three-minute video, a turban-clad man approaches a woman kneeling in the dirt and shoots her five times at close range with an automatic rifle, to cheers of jubilation from the 150 or so men watching in a village in Parwan province.

"Allah warns us not to get close to adultery because it's the wrong way," another man says as the shooter gets closer to the woman. "It is the order of Allah that she be executed".

Provincial Governor Basir Salangi said the video, obtained on Saturday, was shot a week ago in the village of Qimchok in Shinwari district, about an hour's drive from Kabul.

Such rare public punishment was a painful reminder to Afghan authorities of the Taliban's 1996-2001 period in power, and it raised concern about the treatment of Afghan women 11 years into the NATO-led war against Taliban insurgents.

"When I saw this video, I closed my eyes ... The woman was not guilty; the Taliban are guilty," Salangi told Reuters.

When the unnamed woman, most of her body tightly wrapped in a shawl, fell sideways after being shot several times in the head, the spectators chanted: "Long live the Afghan mujahideen! (Islamist fighters)", a name the Taliban use for themselves.

The Taliban could not be reached for comment.

Despite the presence of over 130,000 foreign troops and 300,000 Afghan soldiers and police, the Taliban have managed to resurge beyond their traditional bastions of the south and east, extending their reach into once more peaceful areas like Parwan.

Afghan women have won back basic rights in education, voting and work since the Taliban, who deemed them un-Islamic for women, were toppled by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in late 2001.

But fears are rising among Afghan women, some lawmakers and rights activists that such freedoms could be traded away as the Afghan government and the United States pursue talks with the Taliban to secure a peaceful end to the war

Violence against women has increased sharply in the past year, according to Afghanistan's independent human rights commission. Activists say there is waning interest in women's rights on the part of President Hamid Karzai's government.

"After 10 years (of foreign intervention), and only a few kilometres from Kabul... how could this happen in front of all these people?" female lawmaker Fawzia Koofi said of the public execution in Parwan.

"This is happening under a government that claims to have made so much progress in women's rights, claims to have changed women's lives, and this is unacceptable. It is a huge step backwards," said Koofi, a campaigner for girls' education who wants to run in the 2014 presidential election.

Salangi said two Taliban commanders were sexually involved with the woman in Parwan, either through rape or romantically, and decided to torture her and then kill her to settle a dispute between the two of them.

"They are outlaws, murderers, and like savages they killed the woman," he said, adding that the Taliban exerted considerable sway in his province.

Earlier this week a 30-year-old woman and two of her children were beheaded in eastern Afghanistan by a man police said was her divorced husband, the latest of a string of so-called "honour killings".

Some Afghans still refer to Taliban courts for settling disputes, viewing government bodies as corrupt or unreliable. The courts use sharia (Islamic law), which prescribes punishments such as stonings and executions.
(Additional reporting and writing by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
muslims are ultra passive aggressive ... i was walking through town and a family took up the entire pavement blocking everyone's way while they pretended to be interested in some store window. They were just being fucking awkward. we pedestrians they were purposefully blocking unanimously stood there, giving them their space, and it was obvious each and every single one of us was thinking 'what a bunch of muslim prats'.

Then one of the prats turns to us as if surprised that we were there (eh, he must not have seen us) and said something foolish like 'oh hi do you want get through' .... we walked through and I chuckled to myself 'that ignorant family of muslims has just shot themselves in the foot' .... and we were all thinking the exact same thing.

Shame on them!
Muslim is not a race or ethnicity.. you cant say someone is rude because of their religion. They were probably rude because thats how they were raised in their home country. Some foreigners are more rude than others. For example,here in LA Koreans are extremely rude.. compared to like Africans which are very polite and friendly..
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(Reuters) - A man Afghan officials say is a member of the Taliban shot dead a woman accused of adultery in front of a crowd near Kabul, a video obtained by Reuters showed, a sign that the austere Islamist group dictates law even near the Afghan capital.

In the three-minute video, a turban-clad man approaches a woman kneeling in the dirt and shoots her five times at close range with an automatic rifle, to cheers of jubilation from the 150 or so men watching in a village in Parwan province.

"Allah warns us not to get close to adultery because it's the wrong way," another man says as the shooter gets closer to the woman. "It is the order of Allah that she be executed".

Provincial Governor Basir Salangi said the video, obtained on Saturday, was shot a week ago in the village of Qimchok in Shinwari district, about an hour's drive from Kabul.

Such rare public punishment was a painful reminder to Afghan authorities of the Taliban's 1996-2001 period in power, and it raised concern about the treatment of Afghan women 11 years into the NATO-led war against Taliban insurgents.

"When I saw this video, I closed my eyes ... The woman was not guilty; the Taliban are guilty," Salangi told Reuters.

When the unnamed woman, most of her body tightly wrapped in a shawl, fell sideways after being shot several times in the head, the spectators chanted: "Long live the Afghan mujahideen! (Islamist fighters)", a name the Taliban use for themselves.

The Taliban could not be reached for comment.

Despite the presence of over 130,000 foreign troops and 300,000 Afghan soldiers and police, the Taliban have managed to resurge beyond their traditional bastions of the south and east, extending their reach into once more peaceful areas like Parwan.

Afghan women have won back basic rights in education, voting and work since the Taliban, who deemed them un-Islamic for women, were toppled by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in late 2001.

But fears are rising among Afghan women, some lawmakers and rights activists that such freedoms could be traded away as the Afghan government and the United States pursue talks with the Taliban to secure a peaceful end to the war

Violence against women has increased sharply in the past year, according to Afghanistan's independent human rights commission. Activists say there is waning interest in women's rights on the part of President Hamid Karzai's government.

"After 10 years (of foreign intervention), and only a few kilometres from Kabul... how could this happen in front of all these people?" female lawmaker Fawzia Koofi said of the public execution in Parwan.

"This is happening under a government that claims to have made so much progress in women's rights, claims to have changed women's lives, and this is unacceptable. It is a huge step backwards," said Koofi, a campaigner for girls' education who wants to run in the 2014 presidential election.

Salangi said two Taliban commanders were sexually involved with the woman in Parwan, either through rape or romantically, and decided to torture her and then kill her to settle a dispute between the two of them.

"They are outlaws, murderers, and like savages they killed the woman," he said, adding that the Taliban exerted considerable sway in his province.

Earlier this week a 30-year-old woman and two of her children were beheaded in eastern Afghanistan by a man police said was her divorced husband, the latest of a string of so-called "honour killings".

Some Afghans still refer to Taliban courts for settling disputes, viewing government bodies as corrupt or unreliable. The courts use sharia (Islamic law), which prescribes punishments such as stonings and executions.
(Additional reporting and writing by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
WW, would you like me to counter every post of yours with one about some middle class white person that lost it and killed their family? You keep posting shit about these extremist sects.. that dont represent the majority by far..
WW, would you like me to counter every post of yours with one about some middle class white person that lost it and killed their family? You keep posting shit about these extremist sects.. that dont represent the majority by far..

What would be the point? Some middle-class white person snapping is a random event. WW is showing events clearly correlated with and informed by a particular religious authority. If you want to bring counterexamples, they need to be relevant. cn
WW, would you like me to counter every post of yours with one about some middle class white person that lost it and killed their family? You keep posting shit about these extremist sects.. that dont represent the majority by far..
You asked why bash Islam? Did you not?

I don't see Christians killing their family because of religion. Financial stress and K2 yes, religion-not much.

I'll match one for one.
Because there is strong evidence laid out in BOTH the Bible and Koran that supports the idea that it is a religion that was created by Satan and Mohammad himself is actually Lucifer. It's also not a "religion of peace". That is PC bullcrap only beleived by ignorant fools that haven't actually read there sacred scriptures.

The Koran instructs Muslims to intimidate people into converting thru terrorism. The concept is if you kill many people for no reason eventually the rest will follow you out of fear. That is the Muslim faith, this is what the Koran actually teaches.

Based upon what the Koran has laid out the unfortunate fact is that peaceful, accepting "Muslims" have by and large either never read the Koran, or they go out of there way to disobey it, or they are just liars. The extremists, murderers, and terrorists are the true Muslims. They are following what the Koran (satan) tells them to do. The peaceful ones are actually in direct disobedience of Muhammad by being peaceful. Muhammads messenge was not one of peace. It was one of genocide, and terrorism.
The devil is just a different term used to describe a series of thoughts triggered by psychological distress :dunce:
Well I still like the thought of reincarnation theory. You do good, die, come back as a human, and slowly enlighten your life each time. The more people that are like that, the better the world and that would be a kind of heaven.


Islam is not a religion. It's a death cult, an old school death cult. The "prophet" Muhammad himself was a pedophile, murderer, and it's been documented, even the koran itself that he recreationally raped dead bodies, men women and children. There is alot of controversy going on right now in some Muslim nations because the people want there to be no required age for marriage, because there religion teaches it is right and holy to molest and rape kids. Muhammad married a 7 year old when he was middle age.

Islamic extremists sense 9/11 have shot up shopping malls, strapped bombs to cars, etc. more than 12K times in the name of religion. They have murdered more people in this 10 year period than the KKK murdered in the name of religion in 300 years, think about that. Just look at how the women are forced to dress and than compare that with how woman are forced to dress in extreme death cults. Matter fact read your Koran and than compare the teachings and beliefs to modern day death cults. That's all Islam is, the oldest and most popular death cult. Muhammad wasn't a prophet, he however was a master manipulator, charismatic speaker, born salesman, killer, and pedophile. Just read your Koran, it's all in there. You people that blindly follow Satan are beyond me.

The fact is the Koran itself endorses these practices.

1. Murdering anyone who is not a Muslim
2. Raping children
3. Raping dead bodies
4. Homosexuality
5. Beating and abusing women

All these things are satanic practices and the bible warned of a false prophet pocessed by Satan would write a book and create a religion that many would follow that would subtly teach these satanic practices and that it would become the religion that would be dominant during the end times. So I'm letting people know now 12/12/2012 is not the end of the world. The world will end when Islam dominates the globe and every global leader is a Muslim, so we are not there yet. I'm just letting people know though, within 100 years necrophilia and having sex with children will be an accepted part of our society and every society and not illegal. Both these things will happen when the Muslims (satanists) gain control of the globe. It's inevitable, things are gonna get REALLY fucked up.
Well I still like the thought of reincarnation theory. You do good, die, come back as a human, and slowly enlighten your life each time. The more people that are like that, the better the world and that would be a kind of heaven.

Reincarnation is specifically Hindu and relies on the presence of a discrete, durable soul. The Buddhist rebirth concept strongly suggests that unidentified life-energy gets reused, but stripped of self-markers. cn