Why bash Islam?

Dude. Heart disease, Influenza, and Tuberculosis have been the leading causes of death. YOU should be embarassed for arguing that fact.

But you are wrong. Heart disease and women have actually caused the most deaths.. tuberculosis comes close behind.

Besides blatant murder or even war (troy) over women, think about all the murders due to abortion.

Yeah, and just think about all the murders due to bullets...

You are too stupid to educate, too ignorant to know it, and too proud to care.

We're done.
Yeah, and just think about all the murders due to bullets...

You are too stupid to educate, too ignorant to know it, and too proud to care.

We're done.
Disease and outbreak has killed more human beings than all wars combined. I made sure to confirm that before I posted. I gave actual facts with a sarcastic nod about women, even though it is partially true. Alot of huge feuds in history and today are over money, land, or females. One classic example is the Trojan War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_War I have a decent education, and I hate ignorance. You on the other hand have a sever case of pretentia. I made that word up but im sure you get the meaning.

Unless religion causes heart disease and cancer, then you are wrong . If you mean to say that religion is the leading cause of violent death, the answer to your question is still no. Why? Because religion isn't a cause for anything; it's a pre-text for rationalizing human behavior: some bad (genocide, judgmental parenting, christian rock), and some good (Western government, education and culture, abolitionism, civil rights, Friday fish fries).
I keep have to turn down my music when they sing prayers out the mosque, then forget to switch it on. Its all Islam`s fault!! :D
I`m not currently in the UK. Yeah, there are some modernised muslims over there, pushing the limits :)
In fact Islam has a lot going for it. They think alcohol is not great for a start and 6 year old muslim children are probably less ignorant than most of the people who have posted in this thread. One man and his family's lack of manners can be forgiven.
you keep talkin bout women bein one of the main causes of deaths an thats whats makin you look retarded bro. who gives a fuck about the trojan war that was one war that was fought over a bitch. did the bitch tell one side to go fuck the other side up? no she didnt just like jesus didnt tell the templar to go start hackin ppl apart as you touched on. put the weed down an really think about what you're sayin before you say it. lmao an for a woman to commit murder via abortion the baby has to be considered far enough along to be alive which varies from person to person. senseless stupidity causes war an death just like its drivin your point that women are the most dangerous thing on the planet apparently.
I'd rather kill a fetus than have a woman carry a child to full term that is not wanted, there are already too many orphans, adopt a little bastard in need instead of bringing more unnecessary people in to the world...