Why Cannabis is REALLY illegal


So all these companies stand to loose money if cannabis is legalized and used to its full potential.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Big pharm would in no way go broke, cannabis is only good for so many things and to such an extent with regard to it being used for medicinal reasons, and a lot of people would not use it if offered by a doctor anyway (not for the time being that is, there are far too many who will not change their stance on it being a mind altering drug) but it would certainly dig into their profits a bit.


Well-Known Member
I think the bigger problem is rooted in capitalism.

"You can make millions of dollars!" But in reality 1 out of 100 actually become multi-millionaires, yet most of the rest of us work as hard, try as hard, but we just dont get our break. So we work for the millionaires and build their empire, even if it means little to ok pay. I know people are desperate for money, but I will never get why humanity as a whole lets this system continue like this. The saddest of realities is that we compare ourselves to poorer nations to make us feel better lol ;)



Well-Known Member
I also love how that graph has Monsanto. If anyone does not know who they are, they have successfully patented the soy bean. It's not like weed where we can buy a strain and then make our own seeds. We get caught using Monsanto's seeds in our fields without a permit, we pretty much lose our farm.

They created a strong strain, but if there is one thing in this life that should not have patents, it should be nature.


bud bootlegger
Big pharm would in no way go broke, cannabis is only good for so many things and to such an extent with regard to it being used for medicinal reasons, and a lot of people would not use it if offered by a doctor anyway (not for the time being that is, there are far too many who will not change their stance on it being a mind altering drug) but it would certainly dig into their profits a bit.
i agree with tip top ... again.. :D
but yah, there is no way in hell big pharma is gong to go broke if weed is legalized.. people are still going to take opiates and benzo's till the end of time.. firstly because they're addictive, and secondly, you get way more buzz from either product over weed ime..
not only that, but come on, weed doesn't cure everything.. if i have a wicked headaches, i can't get hear weed, yet an asprin does the trick... despite what some people think, weed is not the end all, be all, cure all drug they make it out to be..

and lastly agreeing with tip top, not everyone is going to smoke weed if offered.. my 73 year old mother who has been told weed is the evil drug all of her life isn't suddenly going to start smoking weed if it were legal, or a legal alternative to some of her other meds..
big pharma makes big money on things that weed simply isn't a substitute for..
Cannabis breaks the barriers between the economic classes. The poor man and the rich man with forget all thoughts on money when a doobie is smoked. Cannabis makes the poor man forget he has no money, and gives inspiration and creativity to a mind that is drab and dry. Cannabis is the equalizer.<3

Marijuana should be the new currency :)

Dank days in the future ahead!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You guys are fucking nuts. Marijuana won't make big pharma go broke. In fact everyone that wants to use marijuana does so. Do you know even a single person that is saying "geeze, marijuana would be so much more effective than the medicine I am currently taking, but it's illegal so I can't take it!". No, not a single fucking person. There are some things it simply doesn't work for. It's a wonderful drug in the right applications, but not every application. Cannabis doesn't make the poor man forget he has no money. If anything it reminds him of just how fucking broke he is - he can barely afford to buy a weed.


Ursus marijanus
i agree with tip top ... again.. :D
but yah, there is no way in hell big pharma is gong to go broke if weed is legalized.. people are still going to take opiates and benzo's till the end of time.. firstly because they're addictive, and secondly, you get way more buzz from either product over weed ime..
not only that, but come on, weed doesn't cure everything.. if i have a wicked headaches, i can't get hear weed, yet an asprin does the trick... despite what some people think, weed is not the end all, be all, cure all drug they make it out to be..

and lastly agreeing with tip top, not everyone is going to smoke weed if offered.. my 73 year old mother who has been told weed is the evil drug all of her life isn't suddenly going to start smoking weed if it were legal, or a legal alternative to some of her other meds..
big pharma makes big money on things that weed simply isn't a substitute for..
Not just opiates and benzos ... but blood pressure meds, cholesterol managing pills, antibiotics and a wide variety of drugs for conditions weed cannot touch. I rely on muzzled tryptamines to manage my worse headaches. All these were invented by folks in the nice white coats working at chemical benches. Wanna know job satisfaction? See a commercial for the new diaper-in-a-pill and say "I sent that one for its first bioassay." cn


Ursus marijanus
I don't think this thread is about bigpharma going broke. it's bigger than that
The other premises are in trouble also. There are better crops than C. sativa for paper and oil ... and the oil crops haven't exactly made a dent in demand for petroleum. It's difficult and expensive to make proper Super Unleaded from biomass. cn


Well-Known Member
I love my herb, but I don't think it's ready to replace drugs used for general anesthesia. I would jump out the bed and haul ass if I seen the anesthesiologist pull out a big blunt prior to operation. (Unless it's grown in Canada :D) :D regards,
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United Nations Moves to Impose International Treaties On States Legalizing Marijuana Kurt Nimmo - November 21, 2012 The United Nations has declared Colorado and Washington in violation of international treaties following ballot initiatives that have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. ...The President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Raymond Yans, has voiced “grave concern about the outcome of recent referenda in the United States of America that would allow the non-medical use of cannabis by adults in the states of Colorado and Washington, and in some cities in the states of Michigan and Vermont,” according to an INCB press release. The INCB is a quasi-judicial “control organ” for the implementation of the United Nations drug conventions. Mr. Yans said the referenda in Colorado and Washington state “are in violation of the international drug control treaties, and pose a great threat to public health and the well-being of society far beyond those states.” Yans cited the standard nanny-state reasons for dictating what consenting adult Americans put in their bodies, including mental disorders, and cited the welfare of children as a primary concern of the internationalist organization. “Legalization of cannabis within these states would send wrong and confusing signals to youth and society in general, giving the false impression that drug abuse might be considered normal and even, most disturbingly, safe. Such a development could result in the expansion of drug abuse, especially among young people, and we must remember that all young people have a right to be protected from drug abuse and drug dependency,” the globalist bureaucrat said. Yans called for the U.S. federal government to “resolve the contradiction between the federal and state levels in the implementation of that country’s obligations under the drug control conventions” and demanded it “take the necessary measures to ensure full compliance with the international drug control treaties within the entire territory of the United States, in order to protect the health and well-being of its citizens.” In other words, the United Nations insists the federal government perpetuate the destructive and expensive War on Drugs that has fostered a massive prison-industrial complex and ruined countless lives over the last few decades. As a consequence of the War on Drugs, the prison population in the United States has quadrupled since 1980, primarily as a direct result of mandatory sentencing for drug crimes. Around half of all inmates in federal prisons are there for drug offenses and more than 45 percent of all drug possession arrests in the U.S. last year were for marijuana, according to the FBI’s annual crime report. The United Nations supports this insanity with its call for the United States to obey international drug treaties. Marijuana legalization is a classic states’ rights and federalist issue. “States should be allowed to make a lot of these decisions,” Rand Paul said earlier this week when asked about marijuana legalization. “I want things to be decided more at a local basis, with more compassion. I think it would make us as Republicans different.” “I think, for example, we should tell young people, ‘I’m not in favor of you smoking pot, but if you get caught smoking pot, I don’t want to put you in jail for 20 years,’” Paul said. Fortunately, the tide is slowly turning and many states are finally realizing the War on Drugs is not only grossly unfair, but an immense waste of law enforcement resources and tax payer money. The United Nations is attempting to insert itself in decisions made by the states and by doing so is acting to perpetuate the War on Drugs. Americans should not only ignore the United Nations and the INCB Secretariat, but the federal government as well when it comes to decisions made by citizens on the local level. http://www.infowars.com/united-nations-moves-to-impose-international-treaties-on-states-legalizing-marijuana/

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I like that when it comes to alcohol and tobacco, it's simply drug use, but with cannabis it seems that there is only drug abuse. Pathetic :D