why choose not to order fem seeds??


Junior Creatologist
Why do even some veteran growers choose not to go with feminized seeds over a regular pack of seeds?? does potency come into play somwhere along the line? or is it just a matter of price, and not giving a shit about a couple males??

Im asking because all the seeds i order are fems, and im just wondering if it makes a difference or not - am i wrong for doin this?

thanks for your responses in advance vets



Active Member
its because those beans where produced by stressing out the mom, and makin it hermie....thats where the seeds come from a hermied out slut pot plant...
now those seeds, although rare, have some tendency to hermie on you.
,many many many growers hate to have hermie polants, even if the chance is little.
you find your own fem seed and you know the genetics are 100 fem and no hermie possibility unless its your mistake.
fem plant wont hermie unless left to long to flower or stressed the fuck out!


Junior Creatologist
yeah, i understand how they make their feminized seeds, but the majority of the breeders doing it say tha their seeds are 100% female. i know that you cant GARUNTEE that the seeds will turn out to be female every time, but The Female/Hermie ratio is alot better than the Male/Female ratio for regular seeds. I was just wondering why some people say its a nono if your taking similar chances anyway. Feminizing seeds doesnt affect potency of the plant right?? then why make a fuss about it?


Well-Known Member
it's agin nature!

i'll just take some nice regular seeds which were produced without stress or chemicals.


Well-Known Member
i believe its cus the vets would rather make their own fem seeds if they wanted them. i buy regular ones cus then i can breed my own seeds and have my own cross my own phenos and know all of the genes so once i finally have a plant perfect i can clone it breed it to itself and get my own perfect fem seeds or just keeping my mother and cloning my perfect strain that just my opinon


Well-Known Member
I have no evidence, but I would think regular seeds would come out better than what fems seeds would.

if someone can, please correct me.


Well-Known Member
just buy some regular seeds .. take best male and female get all the seeds you want .. then later on just take a female and stress it to hermie and polinate a good female and you will have regular and female seeds for all the growing you need to do for along time .. then maybe you want to ad some different flavors in with your grows order some female seeds of what ever u would like to try but allways have your own seed stock no matter what .. just my 2 cent


Well-Known Member
its because those beans where produced by stressing out the mom, and makin it hermie....thats where the seeds come from a hermied out slut pot plant...
now those seeds, although rare, have some tendency to hermie on you.
,many many many growers hate to have hermie polants, even if the chance is little.
you find your own fem seed and you know the genetics are 100 fem and no hermie possibility unless its your mistake.
fem plant wont hermie unless left to long to flower or stressed the fuck out!

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Talk to all those organic hippy peta members. Nothing against those organic growers i love organics myself. Why not go healthy? ya know?

I just hate those people who would rather save 3 chickens then there own kid on a sinking ship.

Oh and there out there, check my post on the peta forums. my user name was meateater321.


Junior Creatologist
yeh i feel that, but for me personally, who isnt cloning yet, starting from seed, and on a time limit - i cant afford to play around with guesswork at the moment, because im moving out in march. So i bought all femmed seeds, so i could start a whole grow from seed and be confident that the plants im growing will come out female in all probability. This also frees up alot of stress on my part, in case i wanna change my grow out into a ScrOG grow, so that i can sit back n grow it out, without having to wory about what im gonna do if one of them turns out to be a male plant -- taking a male plant out of a big group of ScrOgged plants is a bitch im assuming, lol.

But, of every strain that im growin right now, i saved at LEAST one seed of each, just in case i dont make momma plants right before i move out, i can do the move, n then just grow out one plant of each strain, n turn them into moms, n then settle in for a nice, long perpetual grow. I know theres lots of naysayers out there, who wouldnt buy a femmed seed for anything in the world, but i love my feminized seeds man. Im not advanced enough to start breeding yet, so theyre perfect for me. As long as it doesnt fuck with the potency or yield, im good man. :D


Well-Known Member
exactly all you need is 1 female to clone or to get seeds from...you can polinate just one branch and get ton of seeds...I like it better...Price is an issue with me too...why should they be twice as much? Doesnt make sance to me...


Well-Known Member
I have both here. I prefer regular seeds because they cost a lot less and I like to see a few males every now and then. I'll save the pollen and seed a few lower branches for more seeds. I'll run the fems when I have limited space .


Well-Known Member
i found it in the search engine looking at feminized-seeds. you can make your own fem'd seeds WITHOUT stressing the female !!! let a female go about 2 weeks too long until she turn hermie and produces the banana shapes pollen sacs. Cut your plant down and pick all bananas off using tweezers. Save them in a plastic bag in the freezer, pollen will be Ok for a few weeks. Take a small brush and pollinate a female's lower branches with it. you should have fem's seeds after that and the low stress method should avoid hermies in future batches. But dont take my word for it, look it up.


Active Member
not to hijack this thread at all... but I just ordered fem seeds from attitude... however I also got some regular seeds as well.. so my question is.. if I plant a few fem seeds and a few regulrar.. can I take the pollen from males and then brush it on my fem seeded plants and still get seeds? I guess I'm basically asking wether or not it makes a difference if the seeds are regular or fem to pollinate? thanks all!!


Well-Known Member
not to hijack this thread at all... but I just ordered fem seeds from attitude... however I also got some regular seeds as well.. so my question is.. if I plant a few fem seeds and a few regulrar.. can I take the pollen from males and then brush it on my fem seeded plants and still get seeds? I guess I'm basically asking wether or not it makes a difference if the seeds are regular or fem to pollinate? thanks all!!
If a male pollinates a female you will end up with seeds, regardless if the female comes from a feminized seed or not.


Junior Creatologist
werd. All the feminized seed is, is an almost garunteed female. If you take a male and try to pollenate one, itll still work and youll end up with some seed action.

Damn, now that im thinkin about it, maybe i should be buyin like a couple pix n mixes that aint femmed up, like get a few red diesel regular seeds, grow some out, n then take a male, n pollenate the bottom couple branches of my blue cheese feminized. MmMMmMMm -- Blue Diesel :D