Why did my first grow fail


Well-Known Member
When you're playing ball, you're normally running around right? So I'm assuming you get some wind on you right? Maybe even have some water right? Maybe? Where I'm from, the if the temp is 90 degrees around noon, it normally drops some by the time it's nightfall, but maybe it's just normal around here... :roll:

well its like 20* at noon right now i dont even go outside if i dont have to lol but summer its like 85*noon 90 3pm 85 7 then gradually drops from their.... i mean we got the shitiest weather but it usually dont fluxuate during the day that much unless your talking about 75 and sunny one day then 25 and snowing the next

Willy Nilly

Active Member
90* is too hot. I don't give a damn where he plays ball at. This is not And 1.
You need: More than intense light... you need AIR.
Proper ventilation is the most over looked part of a grow.
Light. Get proper light... even its a 250 watt HPS.
Water. pH'd, at about room temp.
Nutrients use at the right time and right amounts.
READ, READ, READ. This will be your most helpful tool.
And although you can ask questions, the best teacher is trial and error.
Good luck.