Why do girls get pissed when you watch porn?

dude that is a easy one

to females it is cheating .......they should be enough for u if u need something else to get u off that reflects badly on them they take it personal ....they get hurt then pissed then u hear about it .....it is your fault for not telling them u wanted something different in the bed room and when u do say it they say no and watch porn that is 1000% worst because she said no and u went somewhere else to get it she can not trust u are a dog just looking for a hole in the fence to get out and do what u need too

This is why I fart on a girl
Right away, she has to know I'm not the droid she is looking for.

Now let's address these girls doing things with dirty guys they aren't dating that they won't with their spouses. (I know because I know)

I think this still about control.
If you know she is just as filthy minded as you then she can't call shit on you.
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dude that is a easy one

to females it is cheating .......they should be enough for u if u need something else to get u off that reflects badly on them they take it personal ....they get hurt then pissed then u hear about it .....it is your fault for not telling them u wanted something different in the bed room and when u do say it they say no and watch porn that is 1000% worst because she said no and u went somewhere else to get it she can not trust u are a dog just looking for a hole in the fence to get out and do what u need too
Sound's like a personal problem. How does one go about telling his gf he wants her to throw up on his dick?

Let's be honest if we told our girls what we really wanted. they would just tell us to go watch porn.
If everyone were allowed to embrace who they were I actually think relationships would work better.
I'm married like 26 yrs now.
I think because we accept each other. Took over a decade of me being me to get her to come out of her closet.
Lots of risks were taken but it worked.
we know what the other is thinking before they think it.
lying no longer works or is required.
it's good.
I think I understand.
sometimes we know she's not in the mood, our balls stink and we just want some strange.
My example is bad, my girl lives to blow me when I get back from the gym. Is that normal?
Or is she checking to be sure I haven't been cheating?

+++ REP LMFAO @charface : You have more insight than you let on though. but I'm enjoying the posts. You're on fire.

Yes, that's what I was trying to convey. Men understand women's need to mix emotions with sex more than women understand men's need of sexual variety and chronic masturbation. Women get to think that they are right because they are the gatekeepers to sex, and get to say yes and no to sexual advances. If it was up to most men, there would be sexual acts happening several times per day. Every day ;)

That is an excellent point.

Maybe. You ladies and your body image issues, it's gotta be difficult...

For sure! We learn quickly in out teens and 20s what to expect irl as opposed to the fantastic portrayal of sex on screen...

See since we're being honest here, I believe most women don't accept what IS when it comes to the men they pick. My gender settles for less than she wants then after marriage bitches about what she thinks she deserves. Still waiting for her frog (of her choosing) to act like a prince. IMO men are more realistic (and forgiving) when it comes to knowing that women IRL aren't the same as the porn stars (in terms of appearance). I'm talking about regular people. If you're a porn star looking guy with all the other attributes, then, yes you will attract the same level of woman. But for the rest of us slobs. We're just regular people.

See this boils down to men being pretty simple to figure out. They have pretty basic needs (the 3 f's) and they're happy. Women have many needs and often unrealistic expectations of people in general. This is why before I was married I had mainly male friends. Lots less bullshit and I never had to guess what they meant. No hidden meanings. They would just speak it like it was. (I am this way and it's hard having female friends because of it).

BODY IMAGE: @tyler.durden Sharing your life twice with someone you KNOW this is huge for women. It's a struggle. We have a lot shorter shelf life physically than men. Guess that's just the way it is. But I think it should have less to do with porn than with the woman herself. Even on my BEST day I never had a porn star bod. So what? Nothing I can do about it. But I accepted what IS and play up the good parts I do have.

Millennials and metrosexuals aside I think guys have a way healthier body image even if they're schlubby. They just accept what IS.

I do like this topic though, as I always like to hear how the other half thinks. interesting stuff.
If it is something you have to hide from your spouse, you probably shouldn't be doing it.

You shouldn't need porn if you have a woman in the next room. If a woman wants to, she could get you off in 2 - 3 min. It's not hard to do.

So saying it is too much work is kinda silly. It shouldn't be WORK. It should be exciting and pleasure full.

Would you rather use your hand and sift through videos or have a woman give you a hoover?

Sounds more to me like you don't want to invest the time in your relationship.

Please explain why it is too much work. I'm waiting.

@Flaming Pie You and I think pretty much the same. It shouldn't be a "chore" to love on your man. I don't get women who think that way. Maybe they never experienced great sex. That has to be it.
We aren't dumb either
We understand those girls are often cracked out and pretty beat up in the daylight.
Also they are fucking crazy for the most part.
If you aren't treating your girl like a porn star once in a while she will be pissed.
We also change as we age.

We hooked up in our teens and screwed like crazy for years, the superficial kind.
Then we drifted apart, lost interest. During this time I think we actually got to know each other. Now we have very raunchy but emotionally connected sex, not as often as we did
But all we want. Her tastes have changed too. She is way more into it now.a

I think the secret to women is that they live in their heads.
You have to get in there if you want to play a game that engages them.
If you engage them your getting some great sex.
Once the two of you connect ya need porn less, until they go shopping then it's on.
We aren't dumb either
We understand those girls are often cracked out and pretty beat up in the daylight.
Also they are fucking crazy for the most part.
If you aren't treating your girl like a porn star once in a while she will be pissed.
We also change as we age.

We hooked up in our teens and screwed like crazy for years, the superficial kind.
Then we drifted apart, lost interest. During this time I think we actually got to know each other. Now we have very raunchy but emotionally connected sex, not as often as we did
But all we want. Her tastes have changed too. She is way more into it now.a

I think the secret to women is that they live in their heads.
You have to get in there if you want to play a game that engages them.
If you engage them your getting some great sex.
Once the two of you connect ya need porn less, until they go shopping then it's on.
WOOPS. not implying guys are dumb. I meant uncomplicated when I said simple. (Sorry :-(

Hit nail on head with the getting in our head part. But don't think most dudes are willing to put the effort in.
Do you stick fake dicks in your vagina? If you don't would you consider people that do cheaters? Let's take it a step further if your looking at a guy because you think he's attractive isn't that cheating too? Like let's say your looking at a handsome Mans ass.. he's wearing pants but you're looking and thinking dayummmmm. Isn't that exactly the same? And if not what would make it different? Is it the thin Layer of jean between his ass and your eyes?? See what I'm saying? I don't think it's bad at all
No I dont. Hubby said he didn't like it.

You are reaching. Staring at vaginas is different then eye humping at the grocery store.