Why do I have seeds in my plants and how do I get rid of them, thanks


New Member
I've had seeds in quite a few of my plants now. I've cleaned the flower room and redid most of it. I don't believe it can be pollen. Once in a while I open the door when the lights are off, can someone tell me how sensitive the plants are? Also, I 've got my plants in dirt in 4 gallon buckets, when I flush with water how much should I use? The temp varies just a little in there as well, between66 and about 72, is that to much. Its lots of work to pick out the seeds, when I trim, plus I know my customers don't like finding seeds....Please help me get rid of them!!! thanks


Well-Known Member
You could be missing an occasional banana on your plants. Did you spray down all your walls, floor and ceiling, lights and fans. Anywhere a few grains of pollen could be hiding?

As for light leaks I'm going to start a war here but I have always had a light-leak problem because I grow in my bedroom wardrobe closet. There is no way of blocking off all light when your closet doors are suspended bypass doors and I have never had a hermie problem except from genetically inferior seeds. Think about outside grows, even on the darkest of nights in the deep woods far from any city or even a house, you can go out and wait for your eyes to adjust and you may be amazed how light it is. Regardless of lack of sunlight you still have moonlight and the stars put off light too and if it's overcast you get a LOT more light than you think. Where I live we get quite a bit of snow, and some nights it is almost as if it was daytime because of reflected light.


New Member
I'll tackle one of your questions head on: Yep it's fukkin pollen. Does not matter if you believe it or not.
Ok, its been cleaned and plants still have some seeds, though not as many as they used to. I talked with someone who had seeds, and it took a little while but they disappeared....is that possible? I even make a smaller room to put my newer plants in when this first happened.... am I going to have to open up that room again?


Once in a while I open the door when the lights are off, can someone tell me how sensitive the plants are?
plants are very sensitive to light, unless its pitch black when opening the doors thats your problem right there. your plants hermied because of the irregular light cycle. or it could be your seeds. but im guessing its the opening of your door thats causing it


New Member
Opening the door during the dark period should only be done on emergencies or on very rare occasions . Might want to sit in the room while its dark and smoke a fatty , once the fatty is gone take a long look around for any light leaks as you may not notice them initially .

It could just be the genetics at hand as not all pot is created equally lol . I have some strains that will throw pollen easily when stressed , but they are so damn potent and delightful that I humbly accept this while realizing it is a survival trait and nothing more :)


Well-Known Member
You got a plant that prob turned hermie on only part of it... yes it happens...
You did not expect to have a nanner pop out, and you missed it. Nanner on said hermie pollinated all the viable buds that it could.
Sheiot happens... Sorry, you missed it...
Or, you brought Male MJ pollen in from somewhere else...
You tell us, because seeds just do not "Happen" by themselves...
Good Luck man...


You don't want lights brighter than a full moon during lights out.

Use a green bulb in your grow room so you can work during the lights off period because the plants cant see the green light.

<---- $1.10 @ 1000bulbs


Well-Known Member
Ok, its been cleaned and plants still have some seeds,
What's been cleaned what do you mean? Its a hermie that has already pollinated itself ,the more seeds you pull out the more you wreck the buds, don't use the genetics again.


Active Member
Next grow spray the entire grow room with a light bleach solution. floors, walls, ceilings.
Clean the walls and floors of any adjacent rooms. ( and clothes )

Wet pollen is dead pollen, I've slowed herming by spraying with water. ( but I live in a really dry place..really dry.)

And keep the damn door closed !

An occasional light leak goof they will tolerate but extended or repeated ones can spell disaster.


Well-Known Member
An occasional light leak goof they will tolerate but extended or repeated ones can spell disaster.
This right here is the absolute truth. Don't fret over the small stuff. But if you accidently leave your lights on for 18 hours during flower a few days in a row there's probably going to be a price to pay.

It all works out in the end and there's much you can do in the meantime other than get back to and stick with your target light schrdule.


could it be possible that the plant is producing seeds to save it's self/strain whit no male plants around.