Why do I see like 15 threads with either "DEA" OR "BUSTED" in them


Well-Known Member
I dont get it either,people are seeing helocopters & infra red devices everywhere,all they do is get all worked up & end up shakin like Don Knotts.


Well-Known Member
I dono, I didn't take my only encounter with a cop too much too heart.. I mean I expressed worry but I think by now the coast is pretty clear I just need to keep from being sloppy.


Well-Known Member
Dam my guess was they are all retarded and let people know,just wanted to let all you guys and girls know your thread was filled with all OG's until I came


Well-Known Member
because the cops have been crazy about busting people lately there were like 25 K-9 units lined up at the police station in my town a couple days ago,the cops have been out soooooo much more than normally,and ive been seeing at least 2 choppers every night cops are soooooooo bad about bud were im from


Well-Known Member
the site is filling with more and more people, and the more people you get, the more paranoid people you get, thats all....... they are just filing in from other sites.


Well-Known Member
Church isn't going to help you.

Those threads don't crack me up quite as much as all the ones titled "HELP!" in one form or another. Last one I noticed was just "helphelphelphelphelphelphelp" as though that's going to get their question answered better or more quickly. There was one guy who actually posted their question as the thread title, worded it really well and everything, and then gave NO information that would allow him/her to be helped properly. :lol: :| Right along the lines of all the disclaimer sig lines. :D