Why do libertarians support Republicans?

another way of saying that is "the more fuel the car wastes, and the more pollution it produces, the higher the tax."...so maybe American car makers should quit trying to shove American choices down the throats of Europe and give them what they want?
I highly doubt that Tesla's "success" is what inspired Volvo or BMW to make that decision. They made a commitment on their own, to help the environment. Don't denigrate that by comparing them to Tesla, which is run by a fascist with little love for the country that is making him even more obscenely wealthy than he already is, his fortune started with blood emeralds, and will end in similar fashion.
China buys agricultural goods and manufactured items from us, and many of them receive government subsidies...i don't know if that qualifies as "dumping"...but it happens, daily.
Strong words. I don't see it that way. I see it as a socialist barrier to entry with all sorts of anti-american sentiment behind it... That, along with Norway trying to portray itself as more moral than us... when in fact Norway produces vast amounts of crude all over the world, not to mention oil sands in Canada. Speaking of Musk... he was at the oil convention last year in Norway, together with Zelinsky and the Norwegian prime minister, let me remind that the NATO general was also a Norwegian prime minister. Odd bunch wouldn't you say? Anyways, any type of barrier in economics drive prices up. Taxes, rules and regulations etc... not all all bad, but certainly not conducive to choice... in the end who the hell pays for it all? The tax payer... the price of existense gets sucked right out of people and purchasing power gets reduced to a loaf of bread and sardines. Poverty with a view.
Over the last 50 years the US car companies have repeatedly tried to take on Honda and Toyota (the names for good cars that are comparatively cheap to buy and operate) and not done so well.

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Problem is, Americans like to buy real pigs.

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real world mpg 12

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Why is this moped car trying to be a caddilac?
Strong words. I don't see it that way. I see it as a socialist barrier to entry with all sorts of anti-american sentiment behind it... That, along with Norway trying to portray itself as more moral than us... when in fact Norway produces vast amounts of crude all over the world, not to mention oil sands in Canada. Speaking of Musk... he was at the oil convention last year in Norway, together with Zelinsky and the Norwegian prime minister, let me remind that the NATO general was also a Norwegian prime minister. Odd bunch wouldn't you say? Anyways, any type of barrier in economics drive prices up. Taxes, rules and regulations etc... not all all bad, but certainly not conducive to choice... in the end who the hell pays for it all? The tax payer... the price of existense gets sucked right out of people and purchasing power gets reduced to a loaf of bread and sardines. Poverty with a view.
Gee, you went from Norway to Canada to oil sands to crude to Zelinsky to NATO to socialism to regulations.

Along the way, you dropped some right wing breadcrumbs to distract the easily distracted.

So, let's try this again, shall we, Mr ADD Rightie? Norway doesn't want US cars clogging up its highways and sucking down gasoline. If fact, they don't really want much in the way of automobiles at all. So, they are quite within their national rights to tax the shit out of gas guzzling imports. It doesn't really matter what a right wing authoritarian type says.

Democratic socialism is proven to be much better for the people living under that system than what we have in the US, which is termed a "troubled democracy", though some say it is a Constitutional Republic, of, for and by the 99% wealthiest.
Gee, you went from Norway to Canada to oil sands to crude to Zelinsky to NATO to socialism to regulations.

Along the way, you dropped some right wing breadcrumbs to distract the easily distracted.

So, let's try this again, shall we, Mr ADD Rightie? Norway doesn't want US cars clogging up its highways and sucking down gasoline. If fact, they don't really want much in the way of automobiles at all. So, they are quite within their national rights to tax the shit out of gas guzzling imports. It doesn't really matter what a right wing authoritarian type says.

Democratic socialism is proven to be much better for the people living under that system than what we have in the US, which is termed a "troubled democracy", though some say it is a Constitutional Republic, of, for and by the 99% wealthiest.
Wrong, norway doesn't want US cars because of it's political alliances with other european countries, also due to gas prices being up to 10 times higher than the US. All I was saying about the 2022 ONS conference was that Norway isn't as 'morally superior' as you think just because they cannot afford american made cars, nor do the politicians want to portray that to the rest of europe that they can. The point is rather that I studied economics in college and understand the law of supply and demand. It's really not that complicated. Taxation on goods and services are a barrier to trade. If you're going to tax me for buying your weed, why should I sell you mine without taxing you back? That's exactly what the US has been doing all these years... I'm for reciprocal taxation, if it is levied unfairly against us. Seems pretty common sense... all politics aside.

The US IS a republic, not a democracy. Democratic socialism :wall: the state against us all... isn't it strange that these democratic socialists put people in prison for growing weed? The US is the greates country in the world.
Wrong, norway doesn't want US cars because of it's political alliances with other european countries, also due to gas prices being up to 10 times higher than the US. All I was saying about the 2022 ONS conference was that Norway isn't as 'morally superior' as you think just because they cannot afford american made cars, nor do the politicians want to portray that to the rest of europe that they can. The point is rather that I studied economics in college and understand the law of supply and demand. It's really not that complicated. Taxation on goods and services are a barrier to trade. If you're going to tax me for buying your weed, why should I sell you mine without taxing you back? That's exactly what the US has been doing all these years... I'm for reciprocal taxation, if it is levied unfairly against us. Seems pretty common sense... all politics aside.

The US IS a republic, not a democracy. Democratic socialism :wall: the state against us all... isn't it strange that these democratic socialists put people in prison for growing weed? The US is the greates country in the world.
I haven’t seen that much contorted logic presented so compactly in a while. Mad skills.
Wrong, norway doesn't want US cars because of it's political alliances with other european countries, also due to gas prices being up to 10 times higher than the US. All I was saying about the 2022 ONS conference was that Norway isn't as 'morally superior' as you think just because they cannot afford american made cars, nor do the politicians want to portray that to the rest of europe that they can. The point is rather that I studied economics in college and understand the law of supply and demand. It's really not that complicated. Taxation on goods and services are a barrier to trade. If you're going to tax me for buying your weed, why should I sell you mine without taxing you back? That's exactly what the US has been doing all these years... I'm for reciprocal taxation, if it is levied unfairly against us. Seems pretty common sense... all politics aside.

The US IS a republic, not a democracy. Democratic socialism :wall: the state against us all... isn't it strange that these democratic socialists put people in prison for growing weed? The US is the greates country in the world.
80% of new car sales in Norway are EVs or hybrids.

America is a liberal democracy, the government is democratically elected representees who vote democratically in the house. America is a political shit sandwich, democracy being the bread and the republic part being the shit. A liberal democracy can have any economic system that works and the only one that does is socialism, every country in the world uses it, including America. No country has a libertarian government, not even the Romans, they had an army and taxes. For capitalism to work one only needs responsible government, but that won't last long without democracy. A republic is not necessarily democratic, it depends on if the representatives are appointed or elected by a majority, democratically.
80% of new car sales in Norway are EVs or hybrids.

America is a liberal democracy, the government is democratically elected representees who vote democratically in the house. America is a political shit sandwich, democracy being the bread and the republic part being the shit. A liberal democracy can have any economic system that works and the only one that does is socialism, every country in the world uses it, including America. No country has a libertarian government, not even the Romans, they had an army and taxes. For capitalism to work one only needs responsible government, but that won't last long without democracy. A republic is not necessarily democratic, it depends on if the representatives are appointed or elected by a majority, democratically.
No country honors its constitution more than the US and ballot voting is a hell of a lot more democratic than the extension of veto when voting in a european parliamentary government. Basically the constitution has been used for every social advancement not only in the US, but the world. Democratic socialist countries, which they're really not... they're constitutional democracies, were beating up drug addicts and homosexuals too! Homosexuality was illegal in Norway up until the 1980's. The better examples to look for in terms of EU countries are countries like Holland and Switzerland, Liechtenstein and possibly Denmark. These are more libertarian democracies than the socialist pigs who hate everything american.
No country honors its constitution more than the US and ballot voting is a hell of a lot more democratic than the extension of veto when voting in a european parliamentary government. Basically the constitution has been used for every social advancement not only in the US, but the world. Democratic socialist countries, which they're really not... they're constitutional democracies, were beating up drug addicts and homosexuals too! Homosexuality was illegal in Norway up until the 1980's. The better examples to look for in terms of EU countries are countries like Holland and Switzerland, Liechtenstein and possibly Denmark. These are more libertarian democracies than the socialist pigs who hate everything american.
I don't even think you know what socialism is. It is Medicare and social security in America, but social programs are more extensive in other developed countries, America is an outlier. Socialism is a dirty word to bigots and racists who don't want to form a caring sharing normal human community with the "other", which is why America is the only country not to have government healthcare and it pays from 3 to 5 times more and still does not have the entire population covered. Socialism is a term thrown around by the right and it is somehow supposed to be scary? BTW Liberal means free as in liberty as in if it isn't illegal, it's legal, another term that most on the right have no clue as to what the word means or what liberals stand for.

The republican party are the enemies of the constitution and tried to overthrow the government, no American patriot could vote for them, they promote and depend on and engage in domestic terrorism and anti democratic election denial.
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I don't even think you know what socialism is. It is Medicare and social security in America, but social programs are more extensive in other developed countries, America is an outlier. Socialism is a dirty word to bigots and racists who don't want to form a caring sharing normal human community with the "other", which is why America is the only country not to have government healthcare and it pays from 3 to 5 times more and still does not have the entire population covered. Socialism is a term thrown around by the right and it is somehow supposed to be scary? BTW Liberal means free as in liberty as in if it isn't illegal, it's legal, another term that most on the right have no clue as to what the word means or what liberals stand for.

The republican party are the enemies of the constitution and tried to overthrow the government, no American patriot could vote for them, the promote and depend on and engage in domestic terrorism and anti democratic election denial.
Nazis are national socialists... just sayin...
I don't even think you know what socialism is. It is Medicare and social security in America, but social programs are more extensive in other developed countries, America is an outlier. Socialism is a dirty word to bigots and racists who don't want to form a caring sharing normal human community with the "other", which is why America is the only country not to have government healthcare and it pays from 3 to 5 times more and still does not have the entire population covered. Socialism is a term thrown around by the right and it is somehow supposed to be scary? BTW Liberal means free as in liberty as in if it isn't illegal, it's legal, another term that most on the right have no clue as to what the word means or what liberals stand for.

The republican party are the enemies of the constitution and tried to overthrow the government, no American patriot could vote for them, the promote and depend on and engage in domestic terrorism and anti democratic election denial.
The Republican Party is the Patriot party. They're the party who originally wanted to end all slavery. And are all about a strong National Defense.

The Republican Party is the Patriot party. They're the party who originally wanted to end all slavery. And are all about a strong National Defense.

You make the Republican Party like the guy who thinks he should still be getting free drinks at the bar for hitting a home run in his high school game 60 years ago. Or maybe the disspated 50 YO guy whose self image is who he was when he was 20, still hits up chicks that age and calls her a bitch when she won't give out her phone number.

Sure, Lincoln was great. He wouldn't ever have won a primary in today's party. Your kind elected Trump whose conspiracy to overthrow the election included this sordid sight:


The Republican Party is the insurrection party.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad to see you invoke Lincoln.
Nazis are national socialists... just sayin...
It's just a name, they were anti-union and ended up owning the capitalists who funded them, they were a rightwing authoritarian nationalist party and enemies of the communists and democrats too. As Gobbels said and the republicans practice, "accuse others of what you are guilty of yourself".

The republicans are behaving like fascists, lie cheat and steal, there is no good will among them, politics requires goodwill, but what we have with the GOP is civil war, or civil war wannabes.
The Republican Party is the Patriot party. They're the party who originally wanted to end all slavery. And are all about a strong National Defense.

Trump headed the republican party, and he is a racist and a traitor with his face shoved in Putin's ass crack. In 2020 ten republican senators spent July 4th in Moscow and many in the GOP are pro-Russian, they own the magats remember, or I should say, the magats own them and drive their agenda of stupid.