Wrong, norway doesn't want US cars because of it's political alliances with other european countries, also due to gas prices being up to 10 times higher than the US. All I was saying about the 2022 ONS conference was that Norway isn't as 'morally superior' as you think just because they cannot afford american made cars, nor do the politicians want to portray that to the rest of europe that they can. The point is rather that I studied economics in college and understand the law of supply and demand. It's really not that complicated. Taxation on goods and services are a barrier to trade. If you're going to tax me for buying your weed, why should I sell you mine without taxing you back? That's exactly what the US has been doing all these years... I'm for reciprocal taxation, if it is levied unfairly against us. Seems pretty common sense... all politics aside.
The US IS a republic, not a democracy. Democratic socialism

the state against us all... isn't it strange that these democratic socialists put people in prison for growing weed? The US is the greates country in the world.