Why do my flowering plants wilt and die?

My question: Will heat and too much watering cause plants to whilt from bottom to top?
Bottom to top--- not necessarily in that order.... but this is a HEAT and Over/Under watering problem. 102 is just too much man... and "watering twice a week" is hard to judge by... its a feel for the weight of the pot, and the dirt. If its dry... it needs water. If your top layer of soil is moist and you water them... this is going to eventually kill them.

Put some dirt in an two empty pots, set the pots side by side and run some water through ONLY ONE it till a little drains. Now lift this pot... and lift the dry pot. It sounds crazy... but this will give you an idea of when to water.

But the heat is killing you....

you should get a grow bible
^^^would help, good stuff. Barns and Nobel like 20 bucks?


Well-Known Member
pics could allow us to help you alot better, right now all we can really do is give you educated guesses. these guys have it narrowed down to those few possibilities but we cant give you a definitive answer this way, could be heat,humidity, overwatering (doubt it but maybe) underwatering. etc