why do my soil mplants grow so slow


Well-Known Member
ok i have 3 soil bb plants they had 4 leafs at 2 weeks its now 4 weeks and there still the same size. i bought the most expensive soil i could by with a ph of around 6.5 and a ec of .8 i also have a white widow grow flood and drain style in same room that is about 1 foot tall. does hydro realy grow that much faster than soil or is there something wrong with my soil?


Well-Known Member
i dont have a camera sorry. well i cant remember what its called but it has peat moss in it and i mixed it with a bit of perlite and it said on the pack perfect for herbs and vegatables. ec was .8 and ph6.3 or something so i added lime to bring it up a bit. it costed $10 for 33lt of soil which was the most expensive i could find.. i was looking for foxfarm but dont think they have it in australia...


Well-Known Member
yes hydro can be that much faster especialy when your soil grow has a slight problem. this is my plant at 4 weeks (just for compairison) i used the only other brand of soil walmart carrys besides miracle grow. dono ph. do you use nutes in the soil? if so when? have you flushed? how close are they to the light?

sry forgot pics... this is 4 weeks old under 2 26w 2700k cfl bulbs.



Well-Known Member
hey man i'm from aus too, soil can just take its time and sometimes it can take 3-4 weeks until your little plants finally start shooting off
just be patient and roll yourself a nice joint


Well-Known Member
na no nutes since they should have more than enough in the soil at the moment. there 1 foot away from lights. but stuck some outside now and 1 under 100watt flouro since ww is getting to big for them to fit under the hps with it. na havnt flushed cause no sign of nute burn and ec shouldnt be to high since i havnt added anything. yer my plants are about 4 weeks old and there smaller than your plants at 2.5 weeks


Active Member
My experience with soil is that even the best only will feed our little hungery children for about a month. I would start using some nutes


Well-Known Member
will do stilltokin. what soil do you normaly use?
I use a mixture of canna coco, potting soil and perlite. It drains well and doesnt take to long to dry out so you can water it more often-making the plants grow. Because when the soil is dry the roots go and spread out to search for water.


Well-Known Member
mine drys out realy quickly i should prob water more than i do but there not showing that they need more water. yer my plants would be about 1/10 of the size of your 4 week old.


Well-Known Member
hmm, i cant even keep my mother that close to my 400w, i put it a a foot and a half away for one night and it burned it, that could be the problem, light streas. heres a good link to a chart on hight of lamps. but hey if it doesnt burn them idk... i would back it off a bit. maybe like half a foot at least, maybe two.


Well-Known Member
sry forgot pics... this is 4 weeks old under 2 26w 2700k cfl bulbs.
hey, dont wanna steal the topic or anything...but did u grow that plant only under 26w cfls from beginning for 4weeks in soil? Mine baby is under 23w & 25w cfl +150w mercury blended lightbulb...is now one and a half month old and is tretched as a motherfcker ,...shes ~14inches tall alreay....but has only like 7 nodes :( ...would like mine that bushy with only cfl-s


Well-Known Member
hey, dont wanna steal the topic or anything...but did u grow that plant only under 26w cfl from beginning for 4weeks in soil? Mine baby is under 23w & 25w cfl +150w mercury blended lightbulb...is now one and a half month old and is tretched as a motherfcker ,...shes ~14inches tall alreay....but has only like 7 nodes :( ...would like mine that bushy with only cfl-s
k well i had to think about that for a second... ill explain my setup at the time.

i had 2 plants, same age, almost same size, they were right next to eachother and had 2 26w cfls above each of them, so i guess 52w each and 104w overall. when they started to sex (which was about week 3 due to a problem with my timer) one flowered as male right away, i pulled it and then had only one plant under all 104w i had in the first place. like 2 days befor that picture i got a 30w 6500k piont coil cfl that i placed between the 4 26w bulbs. thats why the top few leaves are so big and pointing up.

sorry about that. so heres all the speces... 2 plants under 104w of 2700k cfl for 3 weeks, then one plant for another 5 days, and then the same plant under 134w of 6500k and 2700k mixed. but it worked very fast. heres a picture of my plant at...

well shit now i feel like an asshole, that was the picture im looking for of my plant at 5 weeks.... really sorry about that... i was rushing earlier.

heres the real picture of my plant at 4 weeks. the other one was with an extra week with the whole 134w mixed lighting.

sorry again everyone.



Well-Known Member
so thats your plant at 4 weeks? still 5 times as big as mine lol i think i have black fingers ay i always end up killing my plants 1 way or another lol and moved that light up to 40cm away.