Why do my top leaves curl under during the day?


Active Member
PICT0010.jpgPICT0009.jpgim about a month into the veg state and i got 3 cfl's on it right now. im using miracle grow starting soil for now until i can get regular soil.

the problem is every morning i check the plant and the blooming leaves and the other leaves near the top keep curling under. especially the new blooming ones. but at night the leaves perk ALL the way up and almost touch the lights. in the 2nd pic u can see the leaves are perking up nicely. in the 1st one the u can see tge lower leaves on the top are drooping and the blooming leaves are curling, they usually curl under more than shown in that pic. why is it doing this?
it could be ur soils ph, i would try less nutes and maybe raise ur lights up a little and see how that works for u. i would raise the lights before using less nutes. how far are ur lights from the top of the plant?


Active Member
my ph level is always at 7. and i thought my plant might need more nutes because the leaves have some yellow spots on them and i heard that means its hungry. and the lights are about 3-4 inches away from the plant, i thought they might have been too close, but i dont get why the leaves reach toward the light at night and droop down and curl away during the day. im gonna raise the lights and see how that works.


Active Member
Plants droop at night naturally. You say you are still in starter soil? Overall the plant looks healthy in that second pic. Are you overwatering a bit?


Active Member
the leaves dont droop at night its always during the day, then around 7pm they stick up toward the light and yeah im using miracle gro starting soil. i water it every morning, but i dont water it TOO much when i do it


Active Member
it doesnt droop at night its always during the day, then around 7pm they stick up toward the light and yeah im using miracle gro starting soil. i water it every morning, but i dont water it TOO much when i do it
You shouldnt water every day dude. thats prob.the reason...The roots are getting big,and need a lot of water...then let it get really dry..about 3-5 days....Then water again...This will help you..


The cfls are probably fine where they are- stick yer hand under em ust above your plant and if your hand gets warm enough to cause any discomfort then move em, otherwise they should be as close as practically possible in my opinion. good luck, j