Why Do People Believe Weird Things... Confirmation Bias


Well-Known Member
Me personally, I believe that our creator is the singularity we all were befroe the bing bang. in otherwords everything in this universe is the creator split into all of these separate things.... I also know that no matter what i believe, just like everyone else i'm wrong, but we humans are hardwired to beleive this stuff so I better get a belief that fits in into science best!
yess our creator is the singularity. Reality is like a computer generated hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.

Reality is a game of illusion, delusion, perception and deception.

Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Reality is about learning.

Reality is consciousness or programmed illusion. It is virtual, perceived through conscious awareness. We exist in a biogenetic experiment to experience emotion through the construct of linear time. All and everything is created by geometric design following the patterns of sacred geometry. Reality appears to move in synchronized linear fashion creating the illusion of time, also known as the loops/cycles of time, wheel of karma, or the alchemy wheel.

Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) and spiraling light (consciousness) which create ongoing and endless grids in which souls virtually experience. Grids have frequencies to which souls attach for that experience. Souls enter one or more grids in which they experience simultaneously

Reality is never the same. Like the flow of the collective unconsciousness it is forever in motion creating new patterns of experience. Consciousness spirals like a slinky, mirroring the movement, or evolution, of DNA. The higher your consciousness moves up the slinky, the faster the vibrational frequency - the faster you think, create, understand higher holographic archetypes of reality, and increase your manifestation in physical reality.

Your thoughts/consciousness begin at the top and spiral down to the physical realms which are so slow moving - you forget the nature of reality - that which is above. Now as we approach the end of the reality experiment, everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness.

Indigenous people have always understood that reality is an illusion or dream from which we will awaken.

Prophecies throughout time bring the same message about this being the end of the cycles of time evolving into something more - something non-physical - the return to light.

You see it all around you as the grids that maintain our physical connection are collapsing. Along with this we are witnessing the collapse of economic, political, social, and religious systems. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially allowing souls to understand everything is changing. We are running out of Time, that which holds the illusion in place.

We are light beings (consciousness from a creational source) having a physical experience, evolving back to our natural state.

This reality program is about to end/evolve. Some people link this with 2012 - a metaphor for the return to consciousness. You can't put an exact date on it, if time is an illusion.

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term "Reality", in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.


Well-Known Member
You want him to disprove his own claim, and yet you are asserting that it doesnt hold up under peer review? (which you are still YET to produce). Obviously, that's a conflict...solution: release the hounds on him, put everything he has under a microscope, give him the limelight...if they can knock it down so easily I dont understand why it hasnt happened. You are taking the reluctance of the scientific community as an out.

Just because he has not been given the fair chance doesnt mean that he doesnt have something significant.

Again, you have nothing to discredit him other than an absence of fair examination, something that he is actually seeking.
I'm not trying to offend, but Dr. Leir is a podiatrist, a foot doctor, not a scientist of elements... I"m not saying he's not a doctor he is, but his area of study doesn't seem to parallel his alien studies, in fact his job would get in way.


Well-Known Member
yess our creator is the singularity. Reality is like a computer generated hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.

Reality is a game of illusion, delusion, perception and deception.

Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Reality is about learning.

Reality is consciousness or programmed illusion. It is virtual, perceived through conscious awareness. We exist in a biogenetic experiment to experience emotion through the construct of linear time. All and everything is created by geometric design following the patterns of sacred geometry. Reality appears to move in synchronized linear fashion creating the illusion of time, also known as the loops/cycles of time, wheel of karma, or the alchemy wheel.

Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) and spiraling light (consciousness) which create ongoing and endless grids in which souls virtually experience. Grids have frequencies to which souls attach for that experience. Souls enter one or more grids in which they experience simultaneously

Reality is never the same. Like the flow of the collective unconsciousness it is forever in motion creating new patterns of experience. Consciousness spirals like a slinky, mirroring the movement, or evolution, of DNA. The higher your consciousness moves up the slinky, the faster the vibrational frequency - the faster you think, create, understand higher holographic archetypes of reality, and increase your manifestation in physical reality.

Your thoughts/consciousness begin at the top and spiral down to the physical realms which are so slow moving - you forget the nature of reality - that which is above. Now as we approach the end of the reality experiment, everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness.

Indigenous people have always understood that reality is an illusion or dream from which we will awaken.

Prophecies throughout time bring the same message about this being the end of the cycles of time evolving into something more - something non-physical - the return to light.

You see it all around you as the grids that maintain our physical connection are collapsing. Along with this we are witnessing the collapse of economic, political, social, and religious systems. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially allowing souls to understand everything is changing. We are running out of Time, that which holds the illusion in place.

We are light beings (consciousness from a creational source) having a physical experience, evolving back to our natural state.

This reality program is about to end/evolve. Some people link this with 2012 - a metaphor for the return to consciousness. You can't put an exact date on it, if time is an illusion.

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term "Reality", in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.
If you look close enough you see that reality is pixalated.

Also, if you look at things on a quantum level you see that space and time hold no relevancy for the building blocks that made us.


Well-Known Member
yess our creator is the singularity. Reality is like a computer generated hologram in which the characters it creates are programmed to believe it is real.

Reality is a game of illusion, delusion, perception and deception.

Reality is about the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Reality is about learning.

Reality is consciousness or programmed illusion. It is virtual, perceived through conscious awareness. We exist in a biogenetic experiment to experience emotion through the construct of linear time. All and everything is created by geometric design following the patterns of sacred geometry. Reality appears to move in synchronized linear fashion creating the illusion of time, also known as the loops/cycles of time, wheel of karma, or the alchemy wheel.

Reality began with a tone (horns, cones, harmonics, soul notes) and spiraling light (consciousness) which create ongoing and endless grids in which souls virtually experience. Grids have frequencies to which souls attach for that experience. Souls enter one or more grids in which they experience simultaneously

Reality is never the same. Like the flow of the collective unconsciousness it is forever in motion creating new patterns of experience. Consciousness spirals like a slinky, mirroring the movement, or evolution, of DNA. The higher your consciousness moves up the slinky, the faster the vibrational frequency - the faster you think, create, understand higher holographic archetypes of reality, and increase your manifestation in physical reality.

Your thoughts/consciousness begin at the top and spiral down to the physical realms which are so slow moving - you forget the nature of reality - that which is above. Now as we approach the end of the reality experiment, everything moves into higher frequency until it ceases to exist from the physical, returning to light and total consciousness.

Indigenous people have always understood that reality is an illusion or dream from which we will awaken.

Prophecies throughout time bring the same message about this being the end of the cycles of time evolving into something more - something non-physical - the return to light.

You see it all around you as the grids that maintain our physical connection are collapsing. Along with this we are witnessing the collapse of economic, political, social, and religious systems. Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially allowing souls to understand everything is changing. We are running out of Time, that which holds the illusion in place.

We are light beings (consciousness from a creational source) having a physical experience, evolving back to our natural state.

This reality program is about to end/evolve. Some people link this with 2012 - a metaphor for the return to consciousness. You can't put an exact date on it, if time is an illusion.

Reality in everyday usage means "everything that exists". The term "Reality", in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether it is observable, accessible or understandable by science, philosophy, theology or any other system of analysis. Reality in this sense may include both being and nothingness, whereas existence is often restricted to being.
I bet you get mobbed by young girls with puppy dog eyes when you talk like this...



Well-Known Member
space and time have no relevancy to the Source which we originate from. the Singularity. The Source is beyond Space-Time and Time-Space. yet it is part of Time-Space Space-Time, or should i say Time-Space Space-Time is a part of it. The Source is what imprints digital codes for the brain (which is just an electromagnetic machine) to interpret and experience. .it is beyond everything and all, yet part of it. it creates our experience, we create our experience since we all originate from the singularity.

The source isnt confined by patterns of sacred geometry which create the physical illusion. It originates outside the patterns, on the highest level of conciousness, it can experience all simultanously, with full awareness. we are bound in the Illusion to raise our conciousness through the Alchemy of Time. Once you raise your vibrational frequency to a high enough level, gathered enough knowledge and experience for the divine mind, you can begin your journey back to the creator and away from the illusion of the physical reality.


Well-Known Member
I once met a man who claimed he experienced god, he had been in a surfing accident and almost drowned. He had flat lined on the beach for a 1:52 before being revived. The experience he shared with me was that he was under the water after the third wave had crashed on him with the undertow pulling him down and looking up at the sun coming down through the water he felt like he was slipping away. He said that he experienced the tunnel of light effect and that there were various flashing stages coming at him very quickly until he emerged into what he called a golden plane of light. He said he felt he was a being made of light and that he was fully conscious and aware, he had no sense of being dead, he struggled to explain the concept of being alive but not limited a physical manifestation or body. He was aware of himself as a being of light encompassed by a larger being of light that he perceived as what we would understand to be god.

He claims to have had a communication with the being that was like what we would understand as telepathic and in this communication he had simple questions,

he claimed to be surrounded by a feeling of pure peace and joy and so the first question he asked is "what do i have to do to stay?" and the being replied "i have never told my children when to come or go"

so the second question he asks is "then how may i serve?" and the being replies by asking "what is it that brings you joy?" and he said he was expecting some kind of duty or task but instead the being simply wanted him to do whatever it was that brought him happiness.

and so he asked "but there must be something i can do to earn this?" and the being replied "how can you earn that which is given freely and unconditionally with love?"

then he said he felt something like a hook inside pulling him and the sound of rushing water and he was on his back on the beach coughing up water

quite an interesting guy, he seemed very at peace with his existence


Well-Known Member
If you look close enough you see that reality is pixalated.

Also, if you look at things on a quantum level you see that space and time hold no relevancy for the building blocks that made us.
I can almost hear Morgan Freemans voice when you say this. :)


Well-Known Member
I once met a man who claimed he experienced god, he had been in a surfing accident and almost drowned. He had flat lined on the beach for a 1:52 before being revived. The experience he shared with me was that he was under the water after the third wave had crashed on him with the undertow pulling him down and looking up at the sun coming down through the water he felt like he was slipping away. He said that he experienced the tunnel of light effect and that there were various flashing stages coming at him very quickly until he emerged into what he called a golden plane of light. He said he felt he was a being made of light and that he was fully conscious and aware, he had no sense of being dead, he struggled to explain the concept of being alive but not limited a physical manifestation or body. He was aware of himself as a being of light encompassed by a larger being of light that he perceived as what we would understand to be god.

He claims to have had a communication with the being that was like what we would understand as telepathic and in this communication he had simple questions,

he claimed to be surrounded by a feeling of pure peace and joy and so the first question he asked is "what do i have to do to stay?" and the being replied "i have never told my children when to come or go"

so the second question he asks is "then how may i serve?" and the being replies by asking "what is it that brings you joy?" and he said he was expecting some kind of duty or task but instead the being simply wanted him to do whatever it was that brought him happiness.

and so he asked "but there must be something i can do to earn this?" and the being replied "how can you earn that which is given freely and unconditionally with love?"

then he said he felt something like a hook inside pulling him and the sound of rushing water and he was on his back on the beach coughing up water

quite an interesting guy, he seemed very at peace with his existence
I had a very similar experience once during a near death experience. left my body and went somewhere with no up or down. had telepathic communication with everything around me. seeing, speaking, hearing were all the exact same thing. I saw beings which I can describe in various different ways, for example while a dark bearded man in blue robes on a white horse approached, it was also a blue triangle getting larger, and was also just a ball, all at the same time. And I also saw a circling halo like spinning thing above me which was once part of me but was then separate and was the go between between myself and the beings of this spiritual realm. I also spoke, listened, saw in all directions at once and had similar conversations with such beings. I saw every moment of my life all at once and realize this must be what life passing before your eyes is.

This is what is called a DMT trip, or life passing before your eyes. It is a chemical reaction in the brain which happens upon death.

I have also seen Derren Brown do magic tricks on stage, and my eyes could have sworn what he did with those cards were supernatural.... but at the same time I know the card trick wasn't a changing of physical reality outside of its rules, but rather a slip of the hand which the human brain misinterprets.

Do i beleive that the triangle/bearded man on a horse/shiny sphere judged my soul as holy and light, or is that how my brain dealt with the influx of dmt into my brain upon nearing death.

for the record i've never done the drug dmt, not counting my near death experience and brains release of these chemicals which every brain produces.


Well-Known Member
I have also seen Derren Brown do magic tricks on stage, and my eyes could have sworn what he did with those cards were supernatural.... but at the same time I know the card trick wasn't a changing of physical reality outside of its rules, but rather a slip of the hand which the human brain misinterprets.
Wow, I'm surprised to see a Derren Brown reference from someone outside the UK, especially referencing his early magic work before his more popular NLP/persuasion explanations for his methods. I'm a big fan of his but most people in the US would probably have said Criss Angel.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm surprised to see a Derren Brown reference from someone outside the UK, especially referencing his early magic work before his more popular NLP/persuasion explanations for his methods. I'm a big fan of his but most people in the US would probably have said Criss Angel.
LOL Chris Angel is a magician, Derren Brown is a student of the human perception.
Ever notice that my avatar is Naboo from The Mighty Boosh, and my name is a Dr. Who Reference. I'm a big fan of the BBC. When its good its fantastic, although admitedly when its bad it truely does suck. I'm one of the only people I know who loves the media in the UK.


Well-Known Member
LOL Chris Angel is a magician, Derren Brown is a student of the human perception.
Ever notice that my avatar is Naboo from The Mighty Boosh, and my name is a Dr. Who Reference. I'm a big fan of the BBC. When its good its fantastic, although admitedly when its bad it truely does suck. I'm one of the only people I know who loves the media in the UK.
I caught the Dr. Who spaceship reference but have never seen the Mighty Boosh.

Let me tell you that ALL good magicians are familiar with human perception. Many basic tenets of misdirection are based in human psychology. Many of the best magic and mentalism tricks let the spectator fool themselves, often because we prey on certain assumptions that people make. Derren merely gave his false explanation a little more credibility by moving it from the realm of ESP and other supernatural mental powers to NLP and psychology. Most of the psychological explanations of how he does his tricks are bunk, they are themselves misdirecting from the true methods of trickery and deception. The ingenious thing about it is that there are a handful of demonstrations that rely almost entirely on psychology, so when they work, he can point to that and expose the 'secret' making it more credible that other tricks use similar methods.

BTW, since I got Netflix streaming, I've been catching up on old Dr. Who episodes. How great is the internet!!!


Well-Known Member
I caught the Dr. Who spaceship reference but have never seen the Mighty Boosh.

Let me tell you that ALL good magicians are familiar with human perception. Many basic tenets of misdirection are based in human psychology. Many of the best magic and mentalism tricks let the spectator fool themselves, often because we prey on certain assumptions that people make. Derren merely gave his false explanation a little more credibility by moving it from the realm of ESP and other supernatural mental powers to NLP and psychology. Most of the psychological explanations of how he does his tricks are bunk, they are themselves misdirecting from the true methods of trickery and deception. The ingenious thing about it is that there are a handful of demonstrations that rely almost entirely on psychology, so when they work, he can point to that and expose the 'secret' making it more credible that other tricks use similar methods.

BTW, since I got Netflix streaming, I've been catching up on old Dr. Who episodes. How great is the internet!!!
Darren Brown is a genius who entertains much more than any mere magician could.

Yeah i love the internet and i've caught up on tons of doctor who history through it. If you like comedy check out the Mighty Boosh.

BTW, as for the psychology refrence RIP the show Big Brother UK. I'll probly never hear what came of Perfect Pete now.


Well-Known Member
Darren Brown is a genius who entertains much more than any mere magician could.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'mere magician,' except to say that you are right, that many magicians do not have the charisma and are not as entertaining as Derren. However, you are wrong to think that his demonstrations are anything beyond what a magician does. Have you ever heard of Joseph Dunninger? How about Chan Canasta, David Berglas or Maurice Fogel, all from the UK? More contemporary performers that do what Derren does - Alain Nu, Bob Cassidy, Ted Karmilovich, Anton Zellman and Craig Karges.

Have you ever heard of Banachek? How about Marc Salem?



Well-Known Member
Banachek is brilliant, although his most interesting tricks are performed by other people. He was also involved in the project alpha which is a hilarious but interesting read if you're not familiar. I shall have to check out the other names you mentioned, I haven't heard of most.

Jamy Ian Swiss is an example of someone who in my opinion is great at doing tricks, working the audience, ect but just isn't all that likable for some reason. I do enjoy his Honest Liar podcast though.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you mean by 'mere magician,' except to say that you are right, that many magicians do not have the charisma and are not as entertaining as Derren. However, you are wrong to think that his demonstrations are anything beyond what a magician does. Have you ever heard of Joseph Dunninger? How about Chan Canasta, David Berglas or Maurice Fogel, all from the UK? More contemporary performers that do what Derren does - Alain Nu, Bob Cassidy, Ted Karmilovich, Anton Zellman and Craig Karges.

Have you ever heard of Banachek? How about Marc Salem?

I have to check these guys out!!! Thanks for the references! what I mean is Darren Brown is like a magician, only more clever. compliment on Darren not a dis on magicians.


Active Member
I have faith that Ronald McDonald made God. That he manifests thru McDonalds. If you don't have faith in that like I do then you are just simply unable to see the truth, you are blind. Open your heart to Ronald McDonald and your soul will live forever! You see, Ronald McDonald made God, who made creation, who made scientific theory who made evolution. Don't you see it all goes back to Ronald McDonald, have faith or you'll burn in taco hell forever.
This is where the thread should have ended lol. WIN! =D


Well-Known Member
I have to check these guys out!!! Thanks for the references! what I mean is Darren Brown is like a magician, only more clever. compliment on Darren not a dis on magicians.
No, I understand. I'm a fan of Derren too. The only thing I'm saying is that he is not like a magician, he is a magician. He is clever only in that he has come up with interesting explanations of how he does things. Much of his cleverness can be traced to Andy Nyman, clever in his own right. The only difference is that his tricks appear to replicate mental powers rather than juggling cards and coins. I've been doing magic since I was 8. I've been doing mentalism for about 6 years. I'm not arguing with you, I agree Derren is brilliant. What I do want to do is show that he is not unique and he learned many tricks from other magicians.


Well-Known Member
This is what is called a DMT trip, or life passing before your eyes. It is a chemical reaction in the brain which happens upon death.
DMT is actually released from your Pineal Gland (3rd Eye Chakra) everynight when you go to bed. it is a drug used to get the body into a trans, so you can unconciouslly astral project. (sleep) this plane is different then the astral plane, its called the dream plane. when you tap in conciously you are in the Astral Plane where amazing things are possible.

when you tap into your pineal gland you can release this dmt while concious, this is called Astral projection.

Ive done some astral projection, my one friend has done alot. the things you can experience are amazing.


Well-Known Member
I was talking with my son and a few of his friends here at my house............well we were blazed a bit. So I thought I would bring up DRAGONS.........not to get into it to much but every where in the world there are stories about dragons............One they are serpent like and 2 they fly and have talons........MY thought on this is kinda like you say Heisneberg.....we are hard wired......way back when man first started to get around.........snakes could kill so they were afraid........Eagles Fly and are preditors with Talons......so put this together for thousands of years and it gets sort of twist and we are hard wired to fear snakes and Eagles and poof they got combined and we have TONS of stories world wide about dragons but not one has been found...........am I on the right track or did I misunderstand the thread and my thoughts on dragons are just junk.....shrug...just my 2 cents