Why do people do this on RIU?


Active Member
Ive been seeing more and more people on RIU that will have something like this for there tag shit. "The content of the messages are NOT created by this user and therefore DO NOT represent the views of this user. User hereby excludes all and any liability or responsibility for the content of the messages!" Is there security issues on this site or some shit:?:


Well-Known Member
no but there is always the what if factor. besides if u dont cover your own ass who else will... just be smart tell no one and oh yeah tell no nothin ever about your grow. two can keep a secret if one is dead good luck wit your grow


Well-Known Member
It's a disclaimer signature. And as desertflower stated it does not provide any protection.

"I didn't really mean it" is not a lawful defense.

The best protection is to remain anonymous. Do not post any incriminating information or photos which could possibly identify you.


Active Member
i can dig it, but if your not suppose to talk about your grow i miss the point of even being on this site at all. You would think it would be secure and not have to worry about it really. Do u think they actully look on sites like this to bust people?


Active Member
you can talk about your grow here but what they are saying is keep your identity closed people only know you by your user name etc dont have info like address your real name etc


Active Member
How can it be secure? Anyone can register, It's not like a secret forum or anything. Anyone can find this site.
From the cop down the street, to the President of the United States :P

I don't think posting a grow room would be evidence unless there was something to identify you by.

I would not post some of the grow rooms I've seen.
Such as the Super Grow Room 13 000 dollar setup, 50 pots, obviously not personal use.
People who post little set ups, even if anyone came across it, I don't think they be very concerned about personal use.
I'm the the type of guy to trust no one. Like scarface said "I Trust Me"

As long don't say anything disclosing your location, name, even nationality, ect... you should be fine.
I'm not sure about everywhere. But in Canada where I live at a remote location that may not even be in Canada, I believe its like 70% of Canadians smoke weed so. Also I have read 1% of Canadians who are involved with Weed in some way are caught. Half of those people getting off with a warning.

Anyways I probably carried on for nothing :P And for all those Canadians out there maybe you can live a little easier reading those facts^ Sorry one more if you have less than 15grams IN CANADA its a simple ticket kind of like drinking in public :P probably a little more pricey but better than a criminal offence.


Well-Known Member
i can dig it, but if your not suppose to talk about your grow i miss the point of even being on this site at all. You would think it would be secure and not have to worry about it really. Do u think they actully look on sites like this to bust people?
The point of this site is the ability to discuss growing in anonymity. It's a release valve. We all want to brag on our grows; discuss plant problems; learn different techniques; and 'hang out' with fellow growers. It's best to do all those things in complete secrecy. The internet is a perfect venue as long as one is discreet.


Well-Known Member
Ya, the disclaimer does nothing...I mean, if you don't believe the disclaimer, why would a jury? The point of RUI is as a forum to discuss or brag on your grow op with anonymity. To that end, don't post identifying info, pics, etc. I also use a proxy server www.hidemyass.com to view this site. If the po po are watching, recording ip addresses and such, then my trail will just lead back to hidemyass. It's slows things down a little, and sometimes I wonder if I'm too paranoid, and they the paranoid part of me says "How can you be too paranoid?". ;)


New Member
i can dig it, but if your not suppose to talk about your grow i miss the point of even being on this site at all. You would think it would be secure and not have to worry about it really. Do u think they actully look on sites like this to bust people?
There is nothing wrong with this website, as long as Obama doesn't suddenly send the hounds after growers. It's still illegal with the feds, but the DEA isn't cracking down on small growers. If you are not in a med-Mj state or country, then you should definitely NOT be growing and posting. You are just asking for trouble.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ive been seeing more and more people on RIU that will have something like this for there tag shit. "The content of the messages are NOT created by this user and therefore DO NOT represent the views of this user. User hereby excludes all and any liability or responsibility for the content of the messages!" Is there security issues on this site or some shit:?:
cuz they are so stoned they belive it will save their asses in court.... LOL funny if you ask me..haha


New Member
Just be glad I don't run the LEO'S. Set up a super kewl website for growers and just sit back and wait. Like shooting fish in a barrel. I'd be surprised if it isn't being done....somewhere. Makes sense.