why do people even bother with..


Well-Known Member
Because lot's of people don't want to invest money in seeds if they are unsure if they will kill them. They learn the basics (like not killing them) then move on to better seeds.

Also, lots of people are concerned about the safety of ordering seeds from a seed bank.


Well-Known Member
growing schwag? it cant be any easier then why bother? i dont get it..

Yea I don't get that I mean the weed must be coming from Mexico or from someone with a really big crop, cuz the shit weed I get comes in a steady stream of the same bad quality for years.

I mean they can at least pull the males out so it don't got seeds


Well-Known Member
i know what the fuck lol, they must just plant a ton and let them grow then pay some mexicans to go through and harvest like 5 cents a day lmao then smuggle it over the border


Well-Known Member
only needs 1 hermie sac to make seed dont know what you mean by 100% hermie but wouldnt it be 100% hermie even if there are a few sacs?


i grew some bagseed
with some floro lights

i've brought some of it over to some friends who sell dank
who didn't know i grew this, or what strand it was
and loved the stuff

there are some great mexican strands... mine tastes citrusy with another mild fruity taste in the background

i live close to mexico, i sell commercial, and its basically all i smoke...
"swchag" gets a bad rap, but you can get some damn good mersh if you got the right connects...

not saying all bagseed is worth growing...

if the smoke wasn't real good, then don't grow it

if its a pretty good smoke, you'll only be making it better... plus... customs what?

there are a few good reasons to grow it


Well-Known Member
you tricky bastard.. i guess so... There still lazy Mexicans, and should invest some money in good seeds.


.... lets not get racist
lazy mexicans is the stupidest stereotype...

who the fuck do people think are these illegals stealing all our jobs? lazy mexicans...

that doesn't make sense to me

like i said...

it CAN be good seed

ever here of oaxacan, or panama red?
local families have been growing the same pot for a long time in south america... and the drug lords, in a move for profit, brick up a lot of good weed (and probably even more not good weed) and move it to the US

if your real fond of the dutch genetics, or other specifics, go that route

but bagseed is at the very least a great cheap learning tool if you have some decent regs


Well-Known Member
i save all my bag seeds, cuz i feel like throwing them out is a waist. i planted them earlier in the year near a swamp but nothing happen what should i do in the future?


being near a swamp the roots might have always been water logged

you could grow in bags or work on plots to get an area worth growing in...

look at threads from Beaner, Cannabliss, Sonofnothing

they all do guerilla grows like that


Well-Known Member
why would somone who has acres of comercial pot growing in columbia or mexico or africa or wherever use anything but the best seeds? if you are on that scale you must know what your doing and want the most yield and highest potency so you get a better price for your crop, just like any normal farmer would when dealing with corn or wheat...

I don't know anything about how the swaag market works really, ive always wanted to know, but ive got some theoreys based on some things i have read. i figure,the bud is really pretty good most of the time, i mean tons of people do grows with bagseed, it doesn't grow as a brick off the plant, it looks just like all pot plants, and if dried well and stored well could probably be decent bud if it didn't have many seeds. the problem is the third world farmers who grow it in bulk have so much of it to clean so fast they basicly have hundreds of workers around a big mountains of buds in the fall to clean it and get it ready for drying and bricking, and basicly they just stand by the piles shucking the buds and leaves off with there bare hands into baskets and such so the bud ends up leafy and stemmy some times.

Then the bud is possibly bricked while still wet, causeing the weed to ferment a bit and turn that "brown frown" color and smell funny. a lot of the bud was trimmed well and very good buds before being bricked and spending 8 months in warehouses slowly moving accross the us in smaller and smaller bags till it reached you and dried up and stale smelling.

my theory on the seeds is, when your growing that much pot, and your neighbors are too, a few hermies and missed males are bound to apear every once in a while, and the pollen will be everywhere. I heard jamaka was like that, so much pollen you couldn't grow weed anywhere without a few seeds in your bud. there is bound to be lots of wild pot as well there and that could interfere as well...


why would somone who has acres of comercial pot growing in columbia or mexico or africa or wherever use anything but the best seeds? if you are on that scale you must know what your doing and want the most yield and highest potency so you get a better price for your crop, just like any normal farmer would when dealing with corn or wheat...

I don't know anything about how the swaag market works really, ive always wanted to know, but ive got some theoreys based on some things i have read. i figure, so much of the stuff is leafy and stemmy because the workers have huge mountains of buds in the fall to clean and basicly just stand by the piles stripping the buds and leaves off with there bare hands into baskets and such and possibly bricked while still wet, causeing the weed to ferment a bit and turn that "brown frown" color and smell funny. a lot of the but was trimmed well and very good buds before being bricked and spending 8 months slowly moving accross the us in smaller and smaller bags till it reached you and its dried up and stale smelling.

the seeds i figure, when your growing that much pot, and your neighbors are too, a few hermies and missed males are bound to apear every once in a while, and the pollen will be everywhere. I heard jamaka was like that, so much pollen you couldn't grow weed anywhere without a few seeds in your bud.

like i said earlier, i live close to the border down here, and i'm lucky enough to know people bringing the stuff over

in the bricks themselves
my qp's will fit in one normal sandwich baggy sometimes until i lossen it and fluffen it up... but then it will have an awesome earthy taste, and keep ya couch locked or talking for a while

of course, theres also this brown plant material stuff that goes for like 20 bucks a zip... and that stuff is only good to get others in trouble with....

of course... i know that as the bud continously moves out across the nation, it degrades more, sometimes has shit added to gain weight... etc. etc.

i guess it really jsut matters where you are in the country (and thusly on the pot distribution food chain) that makes a difference on the schwag you smoke...

just use your best judgement when choosing what bagseed might be worht growing out...

best of luck all!


Well-Known Member
why do people spray weed with chemicals I mean if you do it right it sells itself right?


Well-Known Member
people don't spray it with chemicles, that would be a waste of money, but the government likes to say stuff like that to scare people. i have heard about people dipping low grade swaag in fermaldahyde to get you higher but i would think they would charge more for it since those chemicles aren't super easy to get.

good point lumberjack, when your that close to the source pretty much all the brick weed that comes in the us is at one time in the lowest states like texas, new mexico, and arizona, so they natraully get the best prices and best quality, the lower grade brown shit that sells for 400 a pound in texas goes for 750-800 up here in minnesota, so they don't ship as much good stuff up here, because nobody is gonna pay more than 800 a lb out here and if we are willing to pay that for the lowest grade why ship the more expensive stuff for the same price? it's just easier to rip people off in rural areas, when i lived in the country everyone payed 25 bucks for 3.5 grams or less of disgustingly brown weed that could hardly get them high, and just 50 miles closer to the city and you get 7 grams for 25 and it looks much better, though it's hard for me to say for sure, i haven't smoked that stuff since middle school i bet...