Why do people pick on the noobie's ???

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Well-Known Member
In defense for the noobs. With enough brain power a noob can do just fine. Proof. Here is My very first shot at growing ever, and from seed:



Well-Known Member
In defense for the noobs. With enough brain power a noob can do just fine. Proof. Here is My very first shot at growing ever, and from seed:

Lemme guess, you did your due diligence and learned as much as you could before you popped those seeds.

You read, asked questions (be it grower friends or w/e) and then applied the info you gained.

The difference is you actually wanted to LEARN. Not just get through the grow to get through it.

I bet you are one of those people that likes hanging out with your plants if given the time.

When I talk about noobs I mean people that just want everything handed to them...those people that want you to grow for them pretty much..and give you an attitude about it the whole time you are helping them.

You can point someone in the right direction all you want...does it mean they are going to listen? As I said before, I help those that show interest in helping themselves. It's pretty easy to spot a BS question where the OP obviously didn't even attempt to find the info on their own...and those are the posts I skip...


Well-Known Member
Ill tell you why i bash certian noobs:

#1 not doing their own research for very basic questions like: Will my iPhone work as a light?
#2 not doing their own research for questions asked constantly: I searched but couldnt find anything, whats a good way to make CO2?
#3 not paying attention in school and asking uneducated questions: Has anyone thought of growing MJ totally underwater?
#4 not doing their own research so they ask questions like: I planted 2 bagseeds, how long do i have to wait to get a pound?

Fine, there are no stupid questions, just questions that reveal the askers stupidity.

It also doesnt help if they cant spell of have grammer that makes it almost impossible to decipher.

Big P

Well-Known Member
damn chitown i didnt know your developing strains and shit

in the ghetto? but damn you an 84' and already doin some things

you still live in the in a bad area and shit?

Big P

Well-Known Member
oh yea dude that fucking pizza is the sickest pizza on earth they got in chicago

sauce on top cheese on the bottom:mrgreen:

man they need to export that shit to other states


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess, you did your due diligence and learned as much as you could before you popped those seeds.

You read, asked questions (be it grower friends or w/e) and then applied the info you gained.

The difference is you actually wanted to LEARN. Not just get through the grow to get through it.

I bet you are one of those people that likes hanging out with your plants if given the time.

When I talk about noobs I mean people that just want everything handed to them...those people that want you to grow for them pretty much..and give you an attitude about it the whole time you are helping them.

You can point someone in the right direction all you want...does it mean they are going to listen? As I said before, I help those that show interest in helping themselves. It's pretty easy to spot a BS question where the OP obviously didn't even attempt to find the info on their own...and those are the posts I skip...
Yes I did take my time learn a lot on my own. I never thought about growing so i can just to some weed out of it. I cant see people like that growing for to long anyway. I feel ya on that. Well in my experience RIU is the place to come for a new grower I havent had a problem. And I'm about to enjoy my first fruits and I owe the ppl of RIU a thank you and my pops (indoor hydro 90's grower)


Active Member
Man lots of us are more than happy to help out a noob. But I dont feel sorry for some noobs that come asking 1000 questions before they have even done research on growing, personally we all know that we dont have the time to write a 20 page grow guide. Thats why lots of noobs need to do some research on their own before inquiring about information on the forums.


Active Member
wtf is a t9??? you mean t8?

I remember the brown hydro tubs too! lol They came with vermiculite as the planting medium and a packet of magic nutrients LMAO...they did work but I didn't know shit n' had em under an incandescent bulb in the closet - had like 6 leaves on 18 inches of stem :lol:
I'm happy to help and offer opinions but new growers need to take some responsibility for themselves, no ones gonna hand this to you.
Spend time reading, reading, reading...yes you're gonna find lotsa pissing contests but usually those are by the ones with the smallest dicks.


Well-Known Member
Because noobs want to get spoon fed instead of researching and reading.
Any questions you may have when you start out have more than likely been answered hundreds of times before.

mookie brown

Active Member
Because noobs want to get spoon fed instead of researching and reading.
Any questions you may have when you start out have more than likely been answered hundreds of times before.
It's easy to come off stuck up & tell a noob to go read that it's been answered already hundreds of times. It takes someone cool to spend a 1/2hr of their time or so typing & break it down for the noob in laymans terms & not confuse the noob.

I'm sure in the real world if someone asked questions you would answer them instead of saying go home & log on the internet & search your questions because it's been answered a hundred times you noob :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Because noobs want to get spoon fed instead of researching and reading.
Any questions you may have when you start out have more than likely been answered hundreds of times before.
i actually come here to try to help feed some of those people. it's the whole purpose of this forum. otherwise we'd just print a book and call it done. site closed. :bigjoint:
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