Why do plants produce Buds anyway?


I startet a 400W HPS Cabinet Grow in August together with a friend of mine, who has way more experience with pretty much everything that has to do with Indoor stealth growing. So I´m more or less a Grow Padawan, who got lucky enough to start his first grow with a fully equipped HPS System and a guy, who actually knows what to do.

The last few months, I learned a lot about all the things you need to know about growing but there`s one thing thats bugging me.
WHY DO PLANTS PRODUCE BUDS? I`m sorry if that`s the stupidest question ever asked in this forum but I just don´t get it. What`s the benefit for a non fertilized female plant to produce buds?
Thx! Incrementalbackup


Well-Known Member

I startet a 400W HPS Cabinet Grow in August together with a friend of mine, who has way more experience with pretty much everything that has to do with Indoor stealth growing. So I´m more or less a Grow Padawan, who got lucky enough to start his first grow with a fully equipped HPS System and a guy, who actually knows what to do.

The last few months, I learned a lot about all the things you need to know about growing but there`s one thing thats bugging me.
WHY DO PLANTS PRODUCE BUDS? I`m sorry if that`s the stupidest question ever asked in this forum but I just don´t get it. What`s the benefit for a non fertilized female plant to produce buds?
Thx! Incrementalbackup
A female plant produces buds like a human female produces eggs. This is so that it can be pollinated and pass on its jeans.... Its just that most female plants have external organs, like human male's....



Well-Known Member
The buds are the outer protective jacket for the seeds. The female plant lives for one thing and one thing only, to get pollinated and make seeds.
A female plant produces buds like a human female produces eggs.


Yeah but eggs need to be fertilized. What comes out of buds? Without touching the plant, it dies and gets rotten and nothing comes out of the bud...
So what`s the point in producing buds? Is it just the final attempt to get somehow fertilized, like .. other plants produce a certain smell or special colour or things like that to attract insects and stuff..
What´s the benefit for a non-fertilised human female to produce eggs??? Cos it might just happen.
So what happens to the bud, if I wait till like one week before harvest and start fertilizing them. Do the Buds protect the female organs while getting fertilized? Is there a better fertilization chance for plants with buds or sthg.?

The thing I don´t get is:
Plants can get fertilized without buds, and won`t produce buds when fertilized.
So why produce buds, when not fertilized...
Fertilization can happen with, or without buds... as far as I know.. and i don`t know that much.. yet


Well-Known Member
ALL plants are either male or female, but Cannabis is the only plant that shows its sex.
Sorry total nonsense - where does this crap come from? Just invented it did you ???

More than 90% of all plants produce the same type of flower, that has both pollen and ovules - they do not have any distinct sex, all individual plants and flowers are the same.

A small minority of plants are dioecious ( having male and female individuals), they include holly, many species of the genus Euphorbia, sorrel, cannabis, yew and quite a lot more. In these the males produce pollen, and only the females produce seed.


Active Member
The buds are the sites where seeds will form if pollen is collected. The resin, which contains THC, is there to make the pistils sticky to hold onto the pollen. This is my understanding any ways. We then selectively bred the plants that made the most resin and tada, big sticky plants that make more resin than they need.
The buds are the sites where seeds will form if pollen is collected. The resin, which contains THC, is there to make the pistils sticky to hold onto the pollen. This is my understanding any ways. We then selectively bred the plants that made the most resin and tada, big sticky plants that make more resin than they need.
thx a lot man


Well-Known Member
Sorry total nonsense - where does this crap come from? Just invented it did you ???

More than 90% of all plants produce the same type of flower, that has both pollen and ovules - they do not have any distinct sex, all individual plants and flowers are the same.

A small minority of plants are dioecious ( having male and female individuals), they include holly, many species of the genus Euphorbia, sorrel, cannabis, yew and quite a lot more. In these the males produce pollen, and only the females produce seed.
Your just backing up my statement. All plants are female or male, they can be both at the same time, or one or the the other. They can also use morphological adaptation to become the other BUT they cannot be sexless no matter how much you want them to be.