Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

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Well-Known Member
You John Birch types could learn a few things from us, like how to properly spell "know".
Yeah when you ran out of ideas, you began to type. And all you could think of was an insult. And all you could stoop to was a Spelling Cop.


Well-Known Member
Yeah when you ran out of ideas, you began to type. And all you could think of was an insult. And all you could stoop to was a Spelling Cop.
Big difference between misusing words and misspelling them. Your, you're, no, know, there, their. C'mon, seriously?


Well-Known Member
Big difference between misusing words and misspelling them. Your, you're, no, know, there, their. C'mon, seriously?
He didn't misspell it, the word NO is not a misspelling, look that word up in the dictionary, you will most likely find that it is indeed a word and means the opposite of yes.

He misused the word. Or used the wrong word because he is young and texts frequently.

If you were unable to discern the meaning of the sentence then I could see pointing it out, but since you just point it out in a sly attempt at character assassination, you must expect that your every single grammatical form will be duly scrutinized by half the members in the politics section.

Don't screw up, if you do, 20 people will "correct" you and point out how only stupid people would make those mistakes.


Well-Known Member
He didn't misspell it, the word NO is not a misspelling, look that word up in the dictionary, you will most likely find that it is indeed a word and means the opposite of yes.
We all realize he did not misspell the word "no", however he misused it. Clearly you have a very hard time grasping this concept. And for that I am truly sorry.


Well-Known Member
Big difference between misusing words and misspelling them. Your, you're, no, know, there, their. C'mon, seriously?
There is a big difference in criticizing the message for the spelling, when the content is quite clear.

Also, if you check, close to 100% of my posts are edited for spelling. So if you jump on a spelling mistake, that I will correct, almost immediately, you are being stupid. And usually it is out of a lack of ideas. So, try to tell us, you don't make spelling mistakes. :)

Or, are you trying to say that the words, debate and discussion, are just mis-understood and they are actually, synonyms?

In that case, you are displaying a serious lack of education, and that is not stupid, at all, only ignorant. It can be fixed...by discussion.

There are cases where low IQ means you cannot learn.

But, the saddest type of stupidity, to me, is that which we see in those, that refuse to learn, for example, the simple difference between debate and discussion.

And we see, this worse form of stupidity displayed in those that want to suggest that typo is a mistake, on the same level, as not knowing the definitions of words.


Well-Known Member
you left out the part where i mentioned that they set up a customer service center, but you did make sure to point out something which i did not bring up.

show me another customer service joint that starts employees at $14 an hour. that's well above market average for the portland area.

derp dee der.
So Portland is one shitty place to live because it pays its people next to nothing. Remind me never to visit again; I thought it was a lovely place, I didn't realize it's made up of slaves.

Average wage in my county is $32 an hour, the average single person is making $67K a year. People working at McDonalds for a year are making more than Portland people working a customer service position.

Portland is a shit hole, you said it first. Probably has a large portion of white trash.

also the starting average wage for Customer Service reps is $16 an hour, http://jobsearch.about.com/od/best-jobs/ss/Top-15-Highest-Paying-Popular-Jobs_7.htm


Well-Known Member
Clearly you have a very hard time grasping this concept. And for that I am truly sorry.
Obviously I have realized it since I am bringing the fact to YOUR attention.

You said he misspelled it, its right in the quote, then you attack me cuz you SOOO butt hurt.

Dog There said it was misspelled and you jumped right on it like a dog in heat.

Really see4 you are quite the piece of work, your personal attacks don't even make sense, you are like a petulant little child having a temper tantrum.


Well-Known Member
So Portland is one shitty place to live because it pays its people next to nothing. Remind me never to visit again; I thought it was a lovely place, I didn't realize it's made up of slaves.

Average wage in my county is $32 an hour, the average single person is making $67K a year. People working at McDonalds for a year are making more than Portland people working a customer service position.

Portland is a shit hole, you said it first. Probably has a large portion of white trash.
The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland. You are missing the essential part of the wage equation. Housing and transportation. I manage compensation all over the world. Each Country is different with the labor laws, but there is one thing in common. H & T.

Even in the USA I manage 4 labor markets, all based on H & T. You will see what we consider equal pay for equal work.

In Europe, Germany especially, it can be much more than in the USA, in Russia, much less. In Bangalore (mostly, dirt streets) we pay, way less.

San Jose is A market for us, Portand is D. Very simple. H & T.


Well-Known Member
The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland. You are missing the essential part of the wage equation. Housing and transportation. I manage compensation all over the world. Each Country is different with the labor laws, but there is one thing in common. H & T.

Even in the USA I manage 4 labor markets, all based on H & T. You will see what we consider equal pay for equal work.

In Europe, Germany especially, it can be much more than in the USA, in Russia, much less. In Bangalore (mostly, dirt streets) we pay, way less.

San Jose is A market for us, Portand is D. Very simple. H & T.
H & T is even cheaper in my county.

The reason people move to Portland? Its cheap, lots of social programs, beautiful.

But its cheap. $14 an hour to start.

If that is considered VERY GOOD pay ( bucky's words) then what is considered average pay in Portland? $8 an hour? what is considered top notch pay? $20 an hour?

I made $22 an hour my first job out of high school in the late 70's.


Well-Known Member
H & T is even cheaper in my county.
Yeah. It is entirely possible for that to be bent out of shape by growth.

In our County, called Silicon Valley, it has flopped several times, but, now with Megalopolis all around, Oakland, SF and SJ, we are an expensive place to live and wages for Tech, iac, are quite high.

Your Co. is lucky and well planned to have good jobs and low rent. Good job in Self Rule.


Well-Known Member
Good job in Self Rule.
If you only knew, but to say anything would give it all away.

My last Real Estate purchase was a 2000 Sq Ft home in the neighboring town, I paid $78K for it and it had just been remodeled, entirely gutted, new roof, new siding, everything new inside. New concrete pour for the Drive Way. I purchased in 2006, had it paid off in 2010. Renting it out for $1100 a month right now. According to the county the property is worth $110K, I could probably get $100K on the market though.


Well-Known Member
You mean how to properly use the word know.
BTW, how are those almost awesome grammar skills of yours doing for ya, got a job? LOL
I know, you didn't use it properly did you?
I started working when I was 15, and have had a job ever since then, which is more than you can say. God it's amazing the double standard you hick teabaggers have.
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