Why do Republicans suck?

Interestingly, conservatism is about making things last and has nothing to do with change itself. For example, technologies are always evolving/changing/improving in the field of environmental conservation and they embrace new ideas to help the planet. That's what an ideological conservative looks like, which is kind of funny, because an actual conservative has lots of overlap with hippies.

they conserve for themselves- 'don't touch that 2017 tax cut'. mitch to joe

their #1 go-to 'do what's right for you' (because i'm going to do what's right for me regardless who it hurts).

with that mind-set?
Exactly, which is why conservatism and republicanism are on different planets. A conservative would value rights over their personal preferences and would support support things like gay marriage, black lives matter, etc. Anyway, it all boils down to fear.
fall in to one group or another
Very true point
I came of age in the 60's and witnessed 1st hand the development of what the fuck we have now in the Republican party, started/led by Nixon.
They pretended to be moral, meanwhile subjugating the Blacks in this country & invading Vietnam and causing the deaths of thousands of American boys & 100's of thousands Vietnamese.
They espoused "God and Country" and dissent from they're philosophy meant you were you were either an atheist or a Communist or homosexual or morally bankrupt or a drug user/Hippie/antiwar advocate, any of which is un-American and should be condemned and/or exterminated.
Once I figured out they're agenda I made a choice, who do I want to follow, Democrats or Republicans?
So, in 1970 at the age of 16 I made my decision.
Fuck Republicans, they blow.
They did do me a favor though.
They gave me a list of things I should aspire to, items or actions that Republicans preached are Un-American and will lead you to Hell & Eternal Damnation.
So I decided to do everything that by they're actions (Republicans) said was bad and strove to be honest & and respect everyone & be peaceful for starters.
And my favorite item that they were against, which I figured had to be good because Republicans hated them, drugs.
I was right :)
I do love my drugs, especially Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, Psilocybin & Mescaline (my favorites/I love tripping :)) followed closely by cocaine & speed (I stoped doing them, they will make you crazy)
Anyway, in a fucked up way, Republicans have been a guiding light for me in my life.
If they don't like it, it has to be good
If they like, it has to be fucked up
Life choices made easy
Have a nice day :)
Speaking of the 60's, I love this song :) (Republicans hated it, which was cool by me :) )

One more that song that Republicans hated (It was sacrilegious :) )

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Can anyone answer that question?
Why are Republicans so fucked up?
Really, what the fuck is up with them?
Is it lack of education?
Just plain stupidity, caused by generations of inbreeding?
Hate of everything they're not?
I mean they love/adulate Trump, and he's the best the GOP has to offer it seems, that delusional fucking idiot.
That means over 1/3 of the citizens of the USA are mentally deranged/handicapped, at least in my opinion.
They like Trump and what he stands for.
Just think of that for a moment & try not to puke.
Also, what kind of monster/cunt would cut aid to it's constituents during a fucking Pandemic & at the same time basically say, ah, you don't have to wear a mask or get vaccinated, that's up to your dumb ass, fuck concern for your family, friends & neighbors?
A fucking Republican, that's who.
So, what do you think it is?
What caused this plethora of mutants to emerge?
Bad water?
Too many X Rays?
Abuse as a child"
Abuse as an adult?
Who amongst you know why, please tell me, I'm trying to figure it out & can't.
It wasn't always this way. Sure, many of the worst of them have always been Republicans but now there is a new coalition that has brought their crazy voices to the fore. There are a ton of former Republicans who bailed, they took all the remaining sanity with them. The New Republican coalition is now opportunists, religious nuts and poor white people who are afraid of who might want to dance with their daughters. The New Republicans are very easy to fool and it wasn't long before a new industry of people willing to sell to them and it wasn't long before one did. It has prospered beyond its dreams.. This has created a "stupid feedback loop" that will result in our downfall. Perhaps the fault is in our stars. We seem to have to fight these people over and over again.
Very true point
I came of age in the 60's and witnessed 1st hand the development of what the fuck we have now in the Republican party, started/led by Nixon.
They pretended to be moral, meanwhile subjugating the Blacks in this country & invading Vietnam and causing the deaths of thousands of American boys & 100's of thousands Vietnamese.
They espoused "God and Country" and dissent from they're philosophy meant you were you were either an atheist or a Communist or homosexual or morally bankrupt or a drug user/Hippie/antiwar advocate, any of which is un-American and should be condemned and/or exterminated.
Once I figured out they're agenda I made a choice, who do I want to follow, Democrats or Republicans?
So, in 1970 at the age of 16 I made my decision.
Fuck Republicans, they blow.
They did do me a favor though.
They gave me a list of things I should aspire to, items or actions that Republicans preached are Un-American and will lead you to Hell & Eternal Damnation.
So I decided to do everything that by they're actions (Republicans) said was bad and strove to be honest & and respect everyone & be peaceful for starters.
And my favorite item that they were against, which I figured had to be good because Republicans hated them, drugs.
I was right :)
I do love my drugs, especially Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, Psilocybin & Mescaline (my favorites/I love tripping :)) followed closely by cocaine & speed (I stoped doing them, they will make you crazy)
Anyway, in a fucked up way, Republicans have been a guiding light for me in my life.
If they don't like it, it has to be good
If they like, it has to be fucked up
Life choices made easy
Have a nice day :)
Speaking of the 60's, I love this song :) (Republicans hated it, which was cool by me :) )

One more that song that Republicans hated (It was sacrilegious :) )

now it's 'God, Guns and Country'. Official.
On July 1, 2021, Pelosi announced eight members, seven Democratic and one Republican member, with Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) to serve as committee chair.[9] On July 19, 2021, McCarthy announced the five members he recommends as the Minority on the Select Committee. He recommended that Jim Banks (R-IN) serve as Ranking Member, and minority members be Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), and Troy Nehls (R-TX).[10] Banks, Jordan, and Nehls voted to overturn the Electoral College results in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Banks and Jordan also signed onto the Supreme Court case Texas v. Pennsylvania to invalidate the ballots of voters in four states.[11]
On July 21, Pelosi in statement said she had informed McCarthy that she would reject the recommendations of Jordan and Banks, citing concerns for the investigation's integrity and relevant actions and statements made by the two members. She approved the recommendations of the other three.[12] McCarthy then pulled all of his picks for the committee and stated that he would not appoint anyone on the committee unless all of the five were approved.[13]
On July 1, 2021, Pelosi announced eight members, seven Democratic and one Republican member, with Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) to serve as committee chair.[9] On July 19, 2021, McCarthy announced the five members he recommends as the Minority on the Select Committee. He recommended that Jim Banks (R-IN) serve as Ranking Member, and minority members be Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rodney Davis (R-IL), Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), and Troy Nehls (R-TX).[10] Banks, Jordan, and Nehls voted to overturn the Electoral College results in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Banks and Jordan also signed onto the Supreme Court case Texas v. Pennsylvania to invalidate the ballots of voters in four states.[11]
On July 21, Pelosi in statement said she had informed McCarthy that she would reject the recommendations of Jordan and Banks, citing concerns for the investigation's integrity and relevant actions and statements made by the two members. She approved the recommendations of the other three.[12] McCarthy then pulled all of his picks for the committee and stated that he would not appoint anyone on the committee unless all of the five were approved.[13]

refuses to follow rules..what else is new? he's got the sadz because his prize monkey would turn it into the circus we know it'd be. frankly i'm not up to it anymore.

wonder what happens when baby with a load in his diaper doesn't show?
McCarthy is taking his Legos and going home.