Why do Republicans suck?

A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
Lol...last I checked voting is a constitutional right also....yet the gop has made hundreds of laws making it harder or even not possible for certain people to vote....but hey....those pesky facts keep getting in the way.

So question...why is it ok to make laws for one right but not another?
A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
2 messages and straight to politics...wonder what banned asshat this could be, with his hand shoved up a sockpuppets ass?..or are we truly graced with an actual new member who just happened to join a weed website and went straight to the politics section to start his journey to weed wisdom? :lol:
A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
Republicans believe a woman of any age and her Dr. are never mature enough to make the correct life or death decision for herself yet they think an 18year old without consultation with a DR is mature enough to buy a weapon capable of killing dozens in minutes...>:(
A ruger 10/22 is a semi automatic weapon. But to answer your question, when you try to infringe a right that specifically says "shall not be infringed" those who truly swore to uphold the constitution will not vote for it. Now just look at the list that did vote for it and you will see who doesn't give a shit about the constitution and are traitors to our nation. It's amazing that jackasses feel a 5 year old child can determine their gender, but an 18 year old isn't mature enough to own a gun. And they want 16 year olds to be allowed to vote. 95% (probably more) of politicians don't give a damn about us. They only time they care is when they can play your emotions for a vote.

How's everyone enjoying fuel prices? Better be growing more than weed or start buying smaller clothing. Excuse me while I step outside and throw some lead down range. Bought a new, to me, pew pew I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.

your funny squirrel......if your worried about the fuel prices....go an talk to the oil companies...they're not nationalized...maybe they can give u some money while they're making billions....
What, indeed? Especially if a militia IS *NOT* necessary for the defense of a free state (or collection of free states? Which is the situation we have: militias are no longer necessary. Instead, we now have a permanent standing army, professional officer corps, weapons industries, etc….and that *DESPITE* the constitution.

”The right of the people to keep and bear arms” DEPENDS on the NECESSITY of a militia; render the militia unnecessary, and that right of the people becomes infringeable. Welcome to the Military-Industrial complex.
What, indeed? Especially if a militia IS *NOT* necessary for the defense of a free state (or collection of free states? Which is the situation we have: militias are no longer necessary. Instead, we now have a permanent standing army, professional officer corps, weapons industries, etc….and that *DESPITE* the constitution.

”The right of the people to keep and bear arms” DEPENDS on the NECESSITY of a militia; render the militia unnecessary, and that right of the people becomes infringeable. Welcome to the Military-Industrial complex.
The prefatory statement was intended to be explanatory and not conditional. This is a quarter-millennium of language drift on display.

Even so, the right to keep&bear arms has been constrained by both Scotus and the other branches. I foresee further constraints in the near future.

I would really like for the “law enforcement exemption” to be undone.
I need to get sighted in before squirrel season.
You hunt squirrel & there' a season for them where you live? (Kentuckey?)
Do you need a license?

Yea, I'm a leftist/liberal & I used to hunt deer/bear/pheasant/grouse & turkey, but never a fucking squirrel (you probably bait, don't you)

I hope you eat them, because if you don't, your simply a murdering twit

I would give up my guns in a heartbeat if it helped to stop all the murders that are occurring in this country right now because mostly any asshole/pycho can get one in a heartbeat if they desire.

And as far as the 2nd goes, it states "a well regulated MILITA"
It does not mean & never did that every creatine in this country can have one.

This ain't 1777 anymore with muskets, this is the 21st Century with semi-auto rifles that fire high velocity rounds and it's time to adapt to the realities of today.

Take AR's off the fucking street.

This country would be a safer place to live

I'm awaiting your sure to come rebuttal.

Go for it :)
The prefatory statement was intended to be explanatory and not conditional. This is a quarter-millennium of language drift on display.
I know this has been the dominant judicial reading; you’re quite right about it being explanatory but I disagree that it is not conditional - to the contrary, it sets a pre-condition: the necessity of the defense of [the free states]…*therefore* the right of the people…etc, etc. Not inconsequentially, if the people were forbidden arms no such defense would be possible.

It’s an archaic sentence structure, sure, but it’s not a foreign language - certainly not for anyone who’s spent time studying letters & documents from the same era.

Since the precondition of the militia is at issue, let’s see what Article 1, Section 8 says about militias and related issues:

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

Point by point:

Congress can raise money for an army - but only for two years, beyond which it became a standing army (see colonial issues with Redcoats: founders wanted NO PART of a professional military). This became an issue for us following WW2, when there was a lot of money and pressure behind the idea of creating and maintaining permanent readiness (Strategic Air Command, the Dew Line, in-air refueling, weapons research) in the face of Soviet Russia. To throttle back to a skeleton army would have made such preparations impossible, but the constitution was clear. The response was to build out a fulsome plan for our military future, and to fund it - and get around the constitution itself - they appropriated the buildup expense in two-year chunks - each bigger than the last.

To regulate land and naval forces, the militia would themselves be subject. Military regulations ‘infringe’ on rights every day, and those in the military know it.

’Providing for the calling forth of the militia’ is *EXACTLY* how we got the National Guard…before which there was little military tradition that attached to called-up troops, unless individual units created traditions and standards for themselves. Those supporting rag-tag, ad-how collections of gun owners and tactikids as militia talk about fighting off Indian raids, but running down fugitive slaves not so much. There’s truth to the idea that the original concept of ’the militia’ evolved (or degenerated) into what we now call police forces as “civilization” spread.

TBoMK there is NO ‘provision for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia’ that applies to ANY gun club of ‘second-amendment patriots’ - just as none of them have - *as* militia - been trained according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.

In short, given the moribund state of the founders’ dream of a citizen army and its replacement by the current US Army machinery, the 2nd amendment is as dead as the ‘3/5 of a person’ rule. If we want it back, then we want it INSTEAD OF “the world’s most powerful military”, or we need to rewrite it.

The problem with rewriting it is, some of our least-favorite people have been PLANNING a rigged constitutional convention for some time (search ‘ALEC Article V convention’…and if you’re not familiar w/ ALEC, search ‘American Legislative Exchange Council’ too). I spent a few years working out updates & additions myself…before I found out that Edwin Meese & John Ashcroft were thirsty to overhaul it too. With the nation as it is, I must conclude that we dare not attempt a rewrite in as hardened a partisan atmosphere as we currently endure
Anybody that still believes there's a left and a right is just a plain old moron at this point. Republican and democrat is the illusion they give us that we actually have a choice. There's those WITH money, and those WITHOUT. period. This constant bickering keeps the entire planet divided. So all the billionaires don't have all of us pissrd at at THEM.

All you Trump worshippers forget this country GOT LOCKED DOWN AMD SMALL BUSINESS DECIMATED under HIS administration. Now all you Biden ass wipers just witnessed the beginning of world War 3 and the beginning of the crash of the petro dollar. The presidency is a temporary 4 or 8 year position. The gears dont stop turning in the background.. Both sides are idiots for worshipping another human being just because of a title. I'm the president of my LLC.. who wants to get on ther knees and worship ME and repeat everything I say?? Everybody just watches too much TV. Then repeats it like a parrot. Fools. Zombie-do-nothings. they successfully bred critical thinking skills out of people, and people live their life off'feelings'. That ain't reality. There really IS a pecking order among humans. Yall will see when the time comes.

Moral of the story?? EVERY F&%$in politician is a crooked piece of shit that wants to rob YOU blind. Since the beginning of time.. No matter what color they wear. No matter what color YOU are, what religion YOU are, which side YOU vote for, YOUR sexual preference or the way YOU identify yourself.. DUH... sheep really are sooooo easy to herd with tvs and cell phones.
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I don't disagree.

Question though, wouldn't whatever group pitches higher taxes on the rich to pay for more social programs to benefit the poor be your best choice?

They need to deliver on that front, and really get back to it as central selling point, but democrats were the party for the poor for a long time. They stopped messaging on that front during the 90s, but sheesh, when the two sides still put out their ideas/proposals it wasn't hard to see who was the better choice based on your economic condition.

Where do the two sides line up on stuff like unions, benefits, wages? Those are have vs have not issues.
Listen to this child rapist, who's going to jail for that, talking shit sitting beside that cunt, who should also go to jail for trying to overthrow the government.

what a couple of fuckbag pieces of shit...
i read "profiles in courage" when i was a kid...for quite a while that is what i assumed all politicians are like, then i started to realize that politicians are people, some of them are good people, and some of them are good at what they do...some of them are shitty people, and are shitty at what they do...those two are the shittiest of the shitty bunch
Anybody that still believes there's a left and a right is just a plain old moron at this point. Republican and democrat is the illusion they give us that we actually have a choice. There's those WITH money, and those WITHOUT. period. This constant bickering keeps the entire planet divided. So all the billionaires don't have all of us pissrd at at THEM.

All you Trump worshippers forget this country GOT LOCKED DOWN AMD SMALL BUSINESS DECIMATED under HIS administration. Now all you Biden ass wipers just witnessed the beginning of world War 3 and the beginning of the crash of the petro dollar. The presidency is a temporary 4 or 8 year position. The gears dont stop turning in the background.. Both sides are idiots for worshipping another human being just because of a title. I'm the president of my LLC.. who wants to get on ther knees and worship ME and repeat everything I say?? Everybody just watches too much TV. Then repeats it like a parrot. Fools. Zombie-do-nothings. they successfully bred critical thinking skills out of people, and people live their life off'feelings'. That ain't reality. There really IS a pecking order among humans. Yall will see when the time comes.

Moral of the story?? EVERY F&%$in politician is a crooked piece of shit that wants to rob YOU blind. Since the beginning of time.. No matter what color they wear. No matter what color YOU are, what religion YOU are, which side YOU vote for, YOUR sexual preference or the way YOU identify yourself.. DUH... sheep really are sooooo easy to herd with tvs and cell phones.
i do disagree...some politicians are good people, look at Cheney and Kinzinger, they're both republicans who got sick of their parties bullshit and are trying to make things right. how about Benny Thomas? can you provide a list of his crimes?...there are many politicians on both side that you CANNOT find a record of committing crimes, because they don't commit crimes...there are at least some politicians that are trying to reform campaign finance, so that there can be a fair level playing field in electoral races, there are others who are genuinely trying to improve the quality of life for their constituents...these dirt bags take money from the n.r.a....Senators bankrolled by the NRA: Mitt Romney: $13,648,000 Richard Burr: $6,987,000 Roy Blunt: $4,556,000 Thom Tillis: $4,421,000 Marco Rubio: $3,303,000 Joni Ernst: $3,125,000 Josh Hawley: $1,392,000 Mitch McConnell: $1,267,000 Ted Cruz: $176,000
but that is 9 out of 100, that means there are 91 senators who do not take contributions from the n.r.a.....
just saying they're all bad is both lazy and stupid...i know reading is hard, but try, learn about the people you are condemning out of hand, some of them deserve it, but some don't, and the ones that don't NEED our support, they're the ones who will actually make the changes that have to be made
If you don't follow closely though, I get why people come to that conclusion. You can paint it with big broad strokes though, who backs unions/education/Healthcare.

I would point out that cops overwhelmingly vote for one group, you can pretty much just always make sure to be on the opposite side of those dicks. Religious wackos as well. Certain groups of people with ideology I am opposed to line up all on one side of the aisle, it really isn't hard.

People get sold bullshit, sometimes they buy. No the two sides aren't the same, but I understand how/why people end up feeling that way.
Anybody that still believes there's a left and a right is just a plain old moron at this point. Republican and democrat is the illusion they give us that we actually have a choice. There's those WITH money, and those WITHOUT. period. This constant bickering keeps the entire planet divided. So all the billionaires don't have all of us pissrd at at THEM.

All you Trump worshippers forget this country GOT LOCKED DOWN AMD SMALL BUSINESS DECIMATED under HIS administration. Now all you Biden ass wipers just witnessed the beginning of world War 3 and the beginning of the crash of the petro dollar. The presidency is a temporary 4 or 8 year position. The gears dont stop turning in the background.. Both sides are idiots for worshipping another human being just because of a title. I'm the president of my LLC.. who wants to get on ther knees and worship ME and repeat everything I say?? Everybody just watches too much TV. Then repeats it like a parrot. Fools. Zombie-do-nothings. they successfully bred critical thinking skills out of people, and people live their life off'feelings'. That ain't reality. There really IS a pecking order among humans. Yall will see when the time comes.

Moral of the story?? EVERY F&%$in politician is a crooked piece of shit that wants to rob YOU blind. Since the beginning of time.. No matter what color they wear. No matter what color YOU are, what religion YOU are, which side YOU vote for, YOUR sexual preference or the way YOU identify yourself.. DUH... sheep really are sooooo easy to herd with tvs and cell phones.
Dude, you’ve been “both-sided” to death…RIP

Cant disagree on your assessment of “left” and “right” - nothing in politics makes sense in terms of “left” and “right” unless you’re a politician in revolutionary France in the late 18th century…if you’re gonna clear out your head, get some real perspective and make a good job of it, okay?

So, since your comment rapidly deteriorated into Alex Jones/‘Tyler Durden’ territory, what’s your solution? What’s your approach to the rest of the decade? Not gonna vote anymore at all? Gonna keep voting for the same folks you always do? What have any of them done besides convince you it’s all pointless & we were sunk before you were born? Planning to ‘buy back’ your ‘contract’ with the British admiralty, buy some cool sunglasses & make your own license plates? Hoard crypto? Scare your neighbors?

Or you just gonna jump in with the winning team once the dust settles?
Dude, you’ve been “both-sided” to death…RIP

Cant disagree on your assessment of “left” and “right” - nothing in politics makes sense in terms of “left” and “right” unless you’re a politician in revolutionary France in the late 18th century…if you’re gonna clear out your head, get some real perspective and make a good job of it, okay?

So, since your comment rapidly deteriorated into Alex Jones/‘Tyler Durden’ territory, what’s your solution? What’s your approach to the rest of the decade? Not gonna vote anymore at all? Gonna keep voting for the same folks you always do? What have any of them done besides convince you it’s all pointless & we were sunk before you were born? Planning to ‘buy back’ your ‘contract’ with the British admiralty, buy some cool sunglasses & make your own license plates? Hoard crypto? Scare your neighbors?

Or you just gonna jump in with the winning team once the dust settles?
Since you named dropped Alex Jones, it's pretty obvious which side you chose. Lol. Whats that Kool aid taste like? Vote? Voting is the illusion we have a choice my friend. Hows voting worked out for you so far on Saturday June 11 2022. Fill ur tank up lately?? There's nothing to do except watch this slow moving derailing freight train. You know it deep down too. Nobody's getting out of this one alive..

Some see the glass as half full. Some see it as half empty. None of you idiots realize it's a glass of piss that yall sipping on.
i do disagree...some politicians are good people, look at Cheney and Kinzinger, they're both republicans who got sick of their parties bullshit and are trying to make things right. how about Benny Thomas? can you provide a list of his crimes?...there are many politicians on both side that you CANNOT find a record of committing crimes, because they don't commit crimes...there are at least some politicians that are trying to reform campaign finance, so that there can be a fair level playing field in electoral races, there are others who are genuinely trying to improve the quality of life for their constituents...these dirt bags take money from the n.r.a....Senators bankrolled by the NRA: Mitt Romney: $13,648,000 Richard Burr: $6,987,000 Roy Blunt: $4,556,000 Thom Tillis: $4,421,000 Marco Rubio: $3,303,000 Joni Ernst: $3,125,000 Josh Hawley: $1,392,000 Mitch McConnell: $1,267,000 Ted Cruz: $176,000
but that is 9 out of 100, that means there are 91 senators who do not take contributions from the n.r.a.....
just saying they're all bad is both lazy and stupid...i know reading is hard, but try, learn about the people you are condemning out of hand, some of them deserve it, but some don't, and the ones that don't NEED our support, they're the ones who will actually make the changes that have to be made
Your so called 'good' politicians haven't been caught for the shit they've done. You honestly think all those good guys don't know the local heads of the organized crime figures and dont get contributions from THEM? These people grew up together. Lol You know, the nameless ones that do all their dirty work? Who the hell do you think your 'good politicians' body Guards are?? Lmao. Do a little research to the people are who guard politicians, movie stars, and bands. Lol. You drank the Kool aid too my friend. And by YOUR name drops I know which side YOU chose.

Reading is Not hard my friend, and accusing somebody of not being able to is just you voicing you frustration as you vehemently stand up for YOUR SIDE because you have nothing else.

Many many things in life arnt taught in books, which is obviously where you've spent most of your time. No street smarts. . Everybody forgets there's equally powerful people as these politicians that don't show their faces that have a LOT of influence behind the scenes. now why is that?? MONEY. Like I said.