Why do Republicans suck?

An ACTUAL democracy would be nice. Not a fucking ruse.

And you're obviously very accurate, not everyone will use an entheogen and be enlightened. You have to actually seek enlightenment. It takes more effort than clicking on the TV. Most people avoid it.
we got what we got...i understand being dissatisfied with the current situation, but reality is real....
this is the system, either work within it for change, or gamble with your life and liberty and try to bring about violent change...of course, the president trying to do exactly that is a major part of the shitstorm we're dealing with right now.
the government isn't the problem...APATHY and short attention spans are the problem...why did we allow shit to get so far out of hand without calling the dogs to heel? because a lot of us don't give a shit...about anything, except our own comfort and security.
don't blame the government, don't say democracy is a joke...people are a fucking joke, especially people who have sat on their ass their whole life doing fuck all to make anything better, anywhere, but they have plenty of time to point out problems they don't intend to do a fucking thing about themselves...
"My kind" get out of here with that bs...you know nothing about me or my political leanings... way to jump to conclusions though... typical American drivel supporting your party blindly while regurgitating propaganda.
that whole statement is typical American bashing drivel, regurgitated propaganda...."you don't know me!"...you sound like any of my nieces or nephews when they're pissed at their parents...
that whole statement is typical American bashing drivel, regurgitated propaganda...."you don't know me!"...you sound like any of my nieces or nephews when they're pissed at their parents...
You sound like a dude that can't get laid. If you could your statement would be my children but it's not. Congratulations on living a meaningless life.. All alone lashing out on the internet to anyone that doesn't support your views... I suggest you get a life there Lil fella.
What's funny about that statement is I hear far more democrats calling for republican deaths than Republicans publicly calling out for democrats deaths. Heck just look at this site..

Wow dude wishing for the death of fellow Americans is beyond fucked up. I hope you die a slow protracted death from covid while hooked up to a ventilator dying alone because ya know covid restrictions.. go fuck yourself
1st off, I have/had a lot of Gay friends, & I admire them for standing up for their rights as a Human being.
You might ask where the fuck is he going with this?
Sen. Lindsey Graham is where I'm going.
Everyone in America knows that Graham is a fag, not Gay (they are righteous in stepping forward in this still homophobic society & takes balls which Graham has none, he's a fucking eunuch)
Watch Bernie fuck that closet Queen up.
I hate that fuck

we got what we got...i understand being dissatisfied with the current situation, but reality is real....
this is the system, either work within it for change, or gamble with your life and liberty and try to bring about violent change...of course, the president trying to do exactly that is a major part of the shitstorm we're dealing with right now.
the government isn't the problem...APATHY and short attention spans are the problem...why did we allow shit to get so far out of hand without calling the dogs to heel? because a lot of us don't give a shit...about anything, except our own comfort and security.
don't blame the government, don't say democracy is a joke...people are a fucking joke, especially people who have sat on their ass their whole life doing fuck all to make anything better, anywhere, but they have plenty of time to point out problems they don't intend to do a fucking thing about themselves...

Is that what's happening here?
If I'm a fascist then you're a nazi.
All I did was correct your false assertion about how common it is for violent rhetoric to come from Democrats. That noose in front of the Capitol building. It was violent rhetoric from Republicans who in fact tried to get their hands on Democratic Party leaders and murder them. I also posted Trump's "joke" about assassinating Hillary Clinton. His audience laughed their heads off.

So, all I've ever done is be polite and accurate. Not just about you but also about you. And all you do is get angry and talk like a whining girlfriend. "you never understood me". lulz. You talk like a fascist. You cite their propaganda. How else should I call you?
Two sentences were complicated for you? Get some fucking oxygen.
Claiming Biden didn't win requires invoking a very complicated conspiracy. A conspiracy so vast and effective that it left no evidence.

Yeah, that's pretty complicated.

I'll make it simple for you. Biden won fair and square in a nearly perfectly run election.
Claiming Biden didn't win requires invoking a very complicated conspiracy. A conspiracy so vast and effective that it left no evidence.

Yeah, that's pretty complicated.

I'll make it simple for you. Biden won fair and square in a nearly perfectly run election.

Where did I ever mention the latest election? I didn't. I said "democracy is an illusion". You chose to interpret it to benefit whatever narrative you're running internally.

Like I said, get some fucking oxygen.
Is that what's happening here?
i participate in the limited events that happen in my area. i try to sway the opinions of people, with varying success. i donate to causes i deem worthy and check out. i do what i can with my limited resources. when i don't have anything better to do, i come here and try to sway the opinions of people, with varying success....
Got to love 'people' crying about 'Democrats' using random online accounts being shitty as their proof.

lol wake up and smell the attack on our society that is being funded by would be fascist dictators (and their backers (foreign and domestic)) that are currently inhabiting the Republican party here in America.
Got to love 'people' crying about 'Democrats' using random online accounts being shitty as their proof.

lol wake up and smell the attack on our society that is being funded by would be fascist dictators (and their backers (foreign and domestic)) that are currently inhabiting the Republican party here in America.
Ok then what about all the riots and the burning down of businesses?? That was a leftist thing or are we just going to forget about those because it doesn't fit your narrative??
Whatever you say nazi...where did I get angry?? And by me saying the democrats are calling for violence I am correct. All you have to to is read the politic section of this website to see your kind calling for violence. Both piece of shit political parties are guilty and corrupt beyond repair. If your nazi mind cant see that then just go back to sleep. Just pointing out that you miserable leftists aren't innocent by any means. And the piece of shit righties are just as guilty.. So in short take a long walk off of a short pier. Please for humanity?
I can't help you if you won't listen.

So, I'll just put you on ignore.

Texas Paul EXPOSES GOP Links to Extremist Groups
62,400 views Jun 14, 2022 Texas Paul exposes the Republican Party's direct links to various white supremacist, neo-Nazi and other organizations.
Ok then what about all the riots and the burning down of businesses?? That was a leftist thing or are we just going to forget about those because it doesn't fit your narrative??
oh god, still trying to sell those lies?

You telling me the Boogaloo boys, white (who can be different melanin hued folks if they have been spammed enough (or being paid of course) to buy their crazy shit) dickhead supremacists, and any other radicalized idiot that trolls selling the same bullshit you are here are somehow 'leftists'?

Yeesh, if you actually believe the lies (and you know, not that other possible reason you are pushing this false narrative) that you have been fed by the Republicans and other right wing dictators have paid to spam you with, you really should just take a breath and realize you have been conned.

Are you going to be able to actually be a real person with your next response, or are you going to go full Pee-Wee Herman?
Where did I ever mention the latest election? I didn't. I said "democracy is an illusion". You chose to interpret it to benefit whatever narrative you're running internally.

Like I said, get some fucking oxygen.
like I said. Biden won the presidential election. It matters. He sets the policy for his administration and is very different from the previous one. Tell Putin Biden is an illusion, lol. Because Biden is prez, his flagship is a wreck at the bottom of the ocean. His moneylaunderer lost the election and Putin lost his military because of it.

Not to mention that Trump was able to pack the Supreme Court with religious bigots and women are about to become second class citizens because of it. Tell your wife/daughter/gf losing their civil rights is an illusion.

Only a privileged white boy whose rights are never abridged would say what you said.
like I said. Biden won the presidential election. It matters. He sets the policy for his administration and is very different from the previous one. Tell Putin Biden is an illusion, lol. Because Biden is prez, his flagship is a wreck at the bottom of the ocean. His moneylaunderer lost the election and Putin lost his military because of it.

Not to mention that Trump was able to pack the Supreme Court with religious bigots and women are about to become second class citizens because of it. Tell your wife/daughter/gf losing their civil rights is an illusion.

Only a privileged white boy whose rights are never abridged would say what you said.

If you're ever going to respond to my comments in their entirety, let me know.

Until then, I'll just sit here and watch you project and avoid direct questions.