Why do Republicans suck?

then we'll use 'our turn' to do same; a few cycles and maybe they will learn.

if the framers wished something called 'filibuster' they would've invented it back then and put it in the Constitution; but they didn't..know why? because it does fucking work..the premise of asking permission of the minority party is a joke!
y’know that subset of voters who treat the Constitution with the same artificial “reverence of infallibility” that they invest in the toxics?

aren’t any of them angry about the utter absence of guidance in re electronic record keeping, or vaccination?
Well...all things considered, guess I am happy they are going back to something kinda normal like "privatizing" old people's money so it can be taken.

You can tell they really care. See before, old people couldn't take advantage of robot insurance. The elites didn't want you to know about this powerful financial tool that keeps you and your future generations safe. They are going to take your pills and give them to your grandkids! Don't be part of the overdose epidemic! The police could come after you if your pills are found!
more suck.

Social security used to be called "the third rail of politics". As in the electrified track on the NY subway. Touch it and die. Which was true until not too long ago. I wonder why it's not any more? Or perhaps it still is? Or perhaps this is a desperate move to get campaign funding from the wealthy GQP. Anyway, Johnson doesn't seem to be in a good position to win right now. This can't help him win. Or maybe he's depending on the Republican controlled elections board to stiff the public and seat him regardless of the actual result.

As of June 20 from 538

Polls ending June 20, 2022
U.S. Senate, Wisconsin, 2022

Marquette University Law School
Nelson44%43%Johnson Nelson+1
Marquette University Law School
Lasry42%45%Johnson Johnson+3
Marquette University Law School
Godlewski45%43%Johnson Godlewski+2
Marquette University Law School
Barnes46%44%Johnson Barnes+2

In June, polling favored the Democrat and it didn't matter which one. Over the past week or so, Barnes was endorsed by the other democratic candidates as they dropped out. The Wis. primary is Aug. 8. As happened in the Presidential primary, Democratic Party leaders decided to unify behind the leading candidate. Trump and his followers managed to do one thing that seemed unimaginable not long ago. They brought Democrats together.

Wisconsin’s Democratic primary for United States Senate started out as a wide-open contest as the party searched for the next nominee to take on Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.

That suddenly changed last week when three of the leading candidates dropped out, paving the way for Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes to win on Aug. 9 on his way to the general election.
Social security used to be called "the third rail of politics". As in the electrified track on the NY subway. Touch it and die. Which was true until not too long ago. I wonder why it's not any more? Or perhaps it still is? Or perhaps this is a desperate move to get campaign funding from the wealthy GQP. Anyway, Johnson doesn't seem to be in a good position to win right now. This can't help him win. Or maybe he's depending on the Republican controlled elections board to stiff the public and seat him regardless of the actual result.

As of June 20 from 538

Polls ending June 20, 2022

U.S. Senate, Wisconsin, 2022

Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
In June, polling favored the Democrat and it didn't matter which one. Over the past week or so, Barnes was endorsed by the other democratic candidates as they dropped out. The Wis. primary is Aug. 8. As happened in the Presidential primary, Democratic Party leaders decided to unify behind the leading candidate. Trump and his followers managed to do one thing that seemed unimaginable not long ago. They brought Democrats together.

Wisconsin’s Democratic primary for United States Senate started out as a wide-open contest as the party searched for the next nominee to take on Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.

That suddenly changed last week when three of the leading candidates dropped out, paving the way for Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes to win on Aug. 9 on his way to the general election.
I was meditating on the third rail metaphor and its apparent recent failure as well. I scratch my head. The only explanation I tiptoe around is that it took a totalitarian campaign to shift that paradigm.

The retiree lobby (which is rich) needs to spend $100mm on ads for his opponent.
Social security used to be called "the third rail of politics". As in the electrified track on the NY subway. Touch it and die. Which was true until not too long ago. I wonder why it's not any more? Or perhaps it still is? Or perhaps this is a desperate move to get campaign funding from the wealthy GQP. Anyway, Johnson doesn't seem to be in a good position to win right now. This can't help him win. Or maybe he's depending on the Republican controlled elections board to stiff the public and seat him regardless of the actual result.

As of June 20 from 538

Polls ending June 20, 2022

U.S. Senate, Wisconsin, 2022

Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
Marquette University Law School
In June, polling favored the Democrat and it didn't matter which one. Over the past week or so, Barnes was endorsed by the other democratic candidates as they dropped out. The Wis. primary is Aug. 8. As happened in the Presidential primary, Democratic Party leaders decided to unify behind the leading candidate. Trump and his followers managed to do one thing that seemed unimaginable not long ago. They brought Democrats together.

Wisconsin’s Democratic primary for United States Senate started out as a wide-open contest as the party searched for the next nominee to take on Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.

That suddenly changed last week when three of the leading candidates dropped out, paving the way for Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes to win on Aug. 9 on his way to the general election.
Ron was involved in the fake electors scheme on Jan 6th, the DOJ will want to talk to him.
Why do Republicans suck? Grievance politics for one thing.

This is about Trump but isn't just about Trump:

Some years ago, Mr Trump invited me to lunch for a one-to-one meeting at his apartment in Manhattan. We had not met before and I accepted. Even before the starters arrived he began telling me about how he had asked a number of people for help after his latest bankruptcy and how five of them were unwilling to help. He told me he was going to spend the rest of his life destroying these five people.

He didn’t speak about anything else and I found it very bizarre. I told him I didn’t think it was the best way of spending his life. I said it was going to eat him up, and do more damage to him than them. There must be more constructive ways to spend the rest of your life. (Hopefully my advice didn’t lead to him running for President!)

What concerns me most, based upon my personal experiences with Donald Trump, is his vindictive streak, which could be so dangerous if he got into the White House. For somebody who is running to be the leader of the free world to be so wrapped up in himself, rather than concerned with global issues, is very worrying.

Dick Cheney calls Trump a 'coward' in new TV ad supporting daughter's campaign
593,680 views Aug 4, 2022 Former Vice President Dick Cheney calls Donald Trump a "coward" in a new TV ad supporting his daughter, Liz Cheney, in her reelection campaign.

I was waiting for this..WY doesn't have that many people dems should be able to carry her by switching parties- and they will.

She's logical and must be kept.