Why do some seem strong and some seem weak and pale? drooping..

This is the first time I have decided the experiment with growing plants on my own. Despite the rumors of Diesel being difficult to manage and grow, I could not pass up the opportunity when I had seeds from such a beautiful strain. On the left, you'll notice that they seem to be much healthier than the plants on the right, I am using Miracle Grow Nursery Select Potting Mix w/ continuous release plant food. I have a 400w HPS lighting them at the moment, and I am using Cornucopia Plus X2 Formula to supplement the plants as I have tried to drain the nutrients from the soil. Can an experienced grower please give me some insight as to why the 2 on the right are looking worse than the 2 on the left? Any educated feedback would be appreciated. Thanks a lot fellas!



Well-Known Member
Your dirt is pre-nutrientized this is the problem. If it wasn't mix thoroughly some plants may be getting more nutes and some are getting less nutes. The plants that are doing good are the ones that are getting less nutes from your dirt. Cause Miracle Gro just don't work for a weed plant~


Well-Known Member
Why do people continue to use MG products for growing MJ? I wouldn't use MG on roses let alone something i put into my body. Stop using shit products and you might have better results. Sorry, just saying.

Tranquil Garden

New Member
Nothing wrong with Miracle Grow - this has been debated many many times and I expect it to be debated many more times, but there are a lot of growers who use MG and grow great weed.


Well-Known Member
MG is ok, takes some getting use to but when you know what your doing its great stuff, i keep hearing people say they love it for the veg stage so can't be that bad. I also see MG producing soil with no time release ferts at the moment. Yes i suppose if you overwater it and treat it bad then it will not be very forgiving but other than that its ok to use. Peace


Well-Known Member
Explain why this isnt overwatering or lack of ferts, bottom leaves being yellow and all? Peace
yes the bottom leaves are yellowing, as you can see in the picture, they also seem to be drooping..as this is my first time, i dont know if they are being overwatered or under-nutrientized :-/
ok, so i have the plants in some coconut husk organic "pots", they are elevated by plastic caps from 2 liters and yogurt containers to keep them off the bottom..if the water gets too high i drain them into the bathtub, i have also started adding the nurtrients into my spray bottle (folair feeding), every few days i loosen up the dirt and rotate the plants into a position that optimizes the space the plants have to receive the light, any other suggestions?..