Why do they look like this?(pics)


Well-Known Member
looks like theyve been overwatered let them dry up a bit then water like in a couple days... bet growht shuold take off


Nice Setup blackkmask. well done.. but if im going to do something like that I might as well buy a 400w HPS with a ballast , would come down cheaper.

and trailerparkkid, I'm using Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting mix... I know... not the best, could be the nutes in the soil doing this, or I may of had over watered them at the start... I will buy foxfarm soil for when I transplant . Hopefully the plants will last until then....


Well-Known Member
if your girls are getting yellow tips and ur just watering,it might be the type of soil. what kind of soil
He said he was using MG Moisture control. And dont start that "MG Soil sucks" bit. Ive used all of the MG Soils and As long as you keep Ph in range it works beautifully. MG Soil (except the Organic) has a Ph of about 5.1-5.5. Water with 7.4 Ph for first 3-4 waterings then change to 6.5-6.8 throughout unless adjustments are needed. The organic MG, In my experience, is usually in optimal Ph range and needs no adjustments. Also, a good sign that Ph range is not right, is seedlings having purple stems. Purple stem on a seedling is common to see even with experience growers, but it IS NOT normal. The moisture control MG Is my least favorite of the brand specifially for the reason that holds moisture abnormaly long and can sometimes lead to noobies overwatering, as was the case when I used it.
only organic soil, but i use the same soil,but i mix it with other things. but that soil is just as good. read the lables of what% it contains of the active ingredients


Well-Known Member
Nice Setup blackkmask. well done.. but if im going to do something like that I might as well buy a 400w HPS with a ballast , would come down cheaper.

and trailerparkkid, I'm using Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting mix... I know... not the best, could be the nutes in the soil doing this, or I may of had over watered them at the start... I will buy foxfarm soil for when I transplant . Hopefully the plants will last until then....
actaully, the cheapest 400 watt hps ive seen is about $100-120.
I got my 42's $6/light and the 23's were $6.44/ 4 pack at Wal-Mart = 54.44.
Dont believe what people tell you about MG Soil. CANNABIS GROWS ALMOST ANYWHERE.

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Hey guys please help me figure this out shes under a 400 watt hps with a diy cool tube, in a 5gal dwc bubble bucket Dyna grow bloom 3-12-6 at 12/12 for 20 days veg with Dyna grow 7-9-5 for 6 weeks from when the clone got roots i cant see any bugs. but she got these brown spots



Purple stem... I think my plants have them...appears to be purple anyways, i know they are dark, not green.. I do not have a PH tester, I will go pick one up tomorrow.
Although this is my first time actually taking care of my plants while growing, before I didn't give a shit about it and just grew and had somewhat success.
Should I change soil?


okay now I have just ordered a 400w HPS kit with ballast,reflector,bulb, etc.. and foxfarm soil.. now hopefully everything is worth it.. If those plants dont cut it I do have over a 1000 seeds to try... I got those from my cousin who was in china, from good plants. Hopefully the purchase will be worthy.


Well-Known Member
Dude, your soil is just fine. As long as you have MG w/nutes you should not need any extra nutes until flower, and even then it not necessary. Your problem is either overwatering or Ph related. And yes Fox Farm is a much better soil for cannabis but its also $25-30 for the same size bag as the $5 MG Soil. The pics show Plants from bagseed in various stages. 18 days Veg, 2 weeks flower and 3 weeks flower all in regular MG Soil in the green and yellow bag with no extra nutes. Also shows the type of Ph kit you will need for $5 from Wal-Mart.

