Why Do White People Smile In Pictures?


Well-Known Member
you would be hard pressed to find any family photos like the growing pains hanging above the stairs in succession type in my home growing up...or any staged fake smiling ones for that matter.

I think what you speak of is less of a race issue and more of a class one. The only homes I ever remember seeing those type photographs in were middle and upper class people that were worried about appearance and keeping up with the joneses.

nice try though sure this thread is full of racial funnies just haven't read it yet.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone notice that if a white person is like "Black people need to be better fathers" white people are all like "YEAH!". Then if you say, "Hispanics just need to get in the country the right way" white people are all like "YEAH!".

But if ANYONE, even a white person, says "Isn't it bad how white people..."
ALL the white people freak out.


Well-Known Member
I need to get back on Devtome. My old wallet does not work anymore and I have a new Bitcointalk account. I need to get back on Devtome. Thanks for reminding me about it, whoever just posted that.


Well-Known Member
So in candid photos people are all smiling because they are being predatory towards each other... Or are you saying when you get a photo taken when someone says 'smile for the camera' that they want you to look predatory? If that is the case you sir are a retard.

Get a job.

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I've seen people of other races smiling in photos. I smile in photos because I'm generally a happy person and smiling looks better. People didn't smile in the old days because of the really long exposure time, it wouldn't be possible to hold a smile for the required length of time.