Why do wild marijuana plants don't flower early?


Looks fine to me. If they are in flower they sure aren't more than a week in so you should be alright
Yep, they turned into flowering stage not more than a week. Can I use them to make my clones? I can't wait to plant outside...especially after watching a video on Youtube today. Nature's power is too gorgeous to believe.


Well-Known Member
Is it means my project to plant them outside will make no sense because no matter what I do, definitely they will flower?

I'm searching for materials to buy on the web now, really need your expertise, this is the first time for me to grow 12/12 photoperiod strains.
Since you
What should I do now? Please help, it's pretty tough for me to handle it. Those two plants are under 24 hours in order to stop early budding. It works with it, I haven't seen more pistils appear so far.

1.Should I mimic the natural day light hours as quickly as possible? How long should I decrease per day? And what's the appropriate time to transplant them outside? BTW my latitude is 28.3 in northern hemisphere, the longest day hour is in summer solstice, no more than 15 hours.

2.I have another two plants in seedling stage, I put them on my window sill when the dark night coming and put them under the LED grow light after I wake up, they receive the light at the time of sunrise. The light hours they've received is nearly as long as the natural light hours. It won't be influenced like the older two plants, right?

3. Next year if I'm still going to plant outside, what should I do? Just sowing seeds in the fields? In my place the early spring is always cloudy and rainy, that means there is not doubt that the plants will be spindly growing.

The two bigger plants are Critical Kush and Critical+, the other younger girls are Blue Cheese and Cheese.

I appreciate your help! If my dream come true, you'll be my benefactor!
Howzit kkhhaadd? That's kind of a lot to go through, but I'll try to help. First off, I don't think your plants are flowering especially if they're under 24 hour light and they're not autos. I'm pretty sure those are just pre-flowers and totally normal once plants get around 2 months old.

What are you ideal plans? Are you just trying to grow some bud? Do you want 10 lb. monsters? A bunch of 1 lb. plants? Those answers will help.

What's your longest daylight hours and your shortest and do you get frost in the winter? In Hawaii we can grow year-round so you might be able to also. If you don't get frost in the winter you can grow through the winter and you can grow equatorial sativas that will suit your daylight hours well; that also get huge, but take forever to finish.

There's a lot of ways you can grow with shorter daylight hours than our grower friends in temperate zones. Since you already started your plants indoors under 24 hour light you can:

1. Veg them until they're the size you want and then throw them outside and let them flower naturally. This is how one of my friends does it here and he pulls quite a bit of weight.

2. Start cutting back veg light hours by half hour increments twice a week until you're at 14-15 hours and then put them outside and they might stay vegging (I think they'll flower still since they're indica dom. hybrids)

3. Put them outside with some supplemental lighting to lengthen the daylight hours and keep them vegging. Some LED floodlights or CFL's with waterproof socket will work. This is what I do most of the time.

Depending on what strains your seedlings are will determine whether they'll flower early. Indica strains will generally flower anytime of the year here in Hawaii. Sativa strains will generally veg through the summer. And tropical landrace sativa varieties will veg until fall and finish flowering in Nov/Dec/Jan.

If you're trying to get huge plants then either stick with tropical sativas (for summer time) or use supplemental outdoor lighting to keep them vegging until late summer.

If your seedlings are under natural light hours then they will probably stay vegging longer than the plants you started under lights. I'd probably just keep them under natural daylight hours and see what happens. This is a learning experience for you. There's not a lot of info about growing outdoors in the tropics on these grow forums so you'll learn as you go, but like I said, generally indica dominant plants and hybrids will flower anytime of the year and sativa dominant (I'd say like 75%+) will stay vegging through the summer.

I wouldn't personally just sow seeds in the field unless you have A LOT of seeds. There's a good chance A LOT of them won't sprout or will get eaten by animals and bugs when the plants are small. If I was doing a field of plants in the tropics I'd grow sativa strains and start them off in and an area I could protect them (from slugs mostly for me) and watch over them and sprout the seeds in Solo cups or 1 gallon pots until they were about 12" tall and then plant them in a field. Once they're about a foot tall they should be pretty good to defend themselves against bugs. If you have mammals that would eat them, then I suggest fencing off an area since it sounds like you can if you could grow 25000 if you desired.

If you grow heavy leaning sativas you can start them off in the spring. The cloudy rainy conditions are fine. If you're growing indicas or hybrids and you want to grow them under normal daylight hours I'd start them off somewhere between the beginning of May and the beginning of June and you should still be able to pull some good weight off of them.

Your situation is a little different from mine though. I'm just under 21 deg. latitude and our longest daylight hours are 13 hr. 25 min. and our shortest are 11 hr. 25 min. You would have more daylight than us in the summer and less in the winter. Also your days will add more light faster going into the summer solstice so you may be able to put out some strains that will stay vegging going into summer and the same strain might go straight into flower here because the strain isn't used to such short daylight hours. Strains from the tropics "know" that the daylight hours don't get too long so they'll stay vegging. Strains from temperate zones are waiting for the rapid daylight lengthening to signal summer is coming, "so stay vegging"; in Hawaii they don't get that rapid daylight lengthening so they perpetually "think" winter is on its way so they do what they are supposed to do to try prolong their genetics and flower right away.

Depending on your climate (rain, humidity, possibility of frost, etc) certain strains will do better than others, but you may be able to grow whatever you want; it just might not excel like some strains. Where I live it's humid and rains a lot so I mostly grow sativa strains, which I prefer anyway. I can grow indicas, but they won't yield as well (most likely) and if the flowers are dense there will probably mold and/or get infested with some stupid bug. Guys on the other side of the island can grow virtually whatever they want, it (almost) never rains there and they have less humidity so environment plays a role on what will excel in your area. A little insight to your environment could help for suggesting some strains.

I hope some of that was helpful and made some sense.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention; probably the best resource on growing in the tropics I've found on the internet is oldhaole's grow journals. His first two or three seasons are/were on cannabis.com and the rest are on icmag. He's been growing here for 40 years and shares a lot of good info in his journals. And he's a good writer and a cool dude. You should read through them; you'll learn a lot.


I forgot to mention; probably the best resource on growing in the tropics I've found on the internet is oldhaole's grow journals. His first two or three seasons are/were on cannabis.com and the rest are on icmag. He's been growing here for 40 years and shares a lot of good info in his journals. And he's a good writer and a cool dude. You should read through them; you'll learn a lot.
Howzit kkhhaadd? That's kind of a lot to go through, but I'll try to help. First off, I don't think your plants are flowering especially if they're under 24 hour light and they're not autos. I'm pretty sure those are just pre-flowers and totally normal once plants get around 2 months old.

Hello, rikdabrick, finally I have time to reply you. Sorry for being late. The bigger one seems to become worse, the pistils are growing more and more, it seems that the 24 hours didn’t work on it or works just slightly. They are Critical Kush and Critical+. And when days go on to May 10th, they will be 2 months old.

What are you ideal plans? Are you just trying to grow some bud? Do you want 10 lb. monsters? A bunch of 1 lb. plants? Those answers will help.

My ideal strains are huge yield and easy to grow. I desire bumper harvest to be hnoest. I need them have big buds in falls and of course those monster cannabis plants as you said. My place is not like many tropical warm places or which I describe as sunny all year round such as California, Arizona and Mexico. Here is always cloudy and rainy in Marches as well as in Aprils. That’s why I’m not willing to put my plants outdoors because they will grow pretty spindly. I want strains which could get rich harvest and also mold resistance. Currently I just know some seeds websites they make categories of that.

What's your longest daylight hours and your shortest and do you get frost in the winter? In Hawaii we can grow year-round so you might be able to also. If you don't get frost in the winter you can grow through the winter and you can grow equatorial sativas that will suit your daylight hours well; that also get huge, but take forever to finish.

Well, as for the longest day and the shortest day, from my common sense I know that in vernal equinox and autumnal equinox on the northern hemisphere the day light hours and the dark night hours is the same. When days reach to the summer solstice, in my place that’s the longest day, the sunrise and the sunset time are 5:45 a.m. and 7:42 p.m., it will be about 14 hours and exactly not more than 14 hours. Perhaps we need to consider that it will be visible a short time before the sunrise and the sunset, I’m not pretty sure about that. As for the frost, we get frost not very often, I’m sure it will not be frosty before December. But the temperature is so cold in winters bro, the numbers on thermometers you see look like okay, such as it’s 50°F outside, but the humidity is very high, so you will feel very cold even freezing. It’s not tropical zone here, we have four seasons.


There's a lot of ways you can grow with shorter daylight hours than our grower friends in temperate zones. Since you already started your plants indoors under 24 hour light you can:

1. Veg them until they're the size you want and then throw them outside and let them flower naturally. This is how one of my friends does it here and he pulls quite a bit of weight.

Now I’m trying to re-veg them according to your instruction, I really really need to appreciate you. The things that I fear is the hot summers’ temperature. We have hot and stuffy summers and the temperature can even reach 100°F sometimes. I’m afraid of they will get burned and thirsty in those sultry days. Will them be like that or they will just be fine as long as I water them in time?

2. Start cutting back veg light hours by half hour increments twice a week until you're at 14-15 hours and then put them outside and they might stay vegging (I think they'll flower still since they're indica dom. hybrids)

Jesus! You said is really right. I searched and read the description about the Critical Kush from Barney Farm Seeds, it looks like it’s pure Indica strain……The above-mentioned bigger one which I said couldn’t stop budding now I doubt that’s just Critical Kush. And another one seems little pistils, the Critical+, 50% indica and 50% sativa. It’s much more fine at the moment.

3. Put them outside with some supplemental lighting to lengthen the daylight hours and keep them vegging. Some LED floodlights or CFL's with waterproof socket will work. This is what I do most of the time.

Oh, I know it, but I can’t do this because it’s not a normal behavior here to use CFLs or LEDs to give them extra light hours. I guess that a lot of people here have never seen marijuana plants for their life and if I do this, they will be quite curious and it will cause unnecessary attention. That’s why I want guerilla growings outside and also I need to take electricity into consideration. Unless I got a roof on a comparable tall building and nobody can come in. Furtherly, mother nature’s power is gorgeous, you can’t grow indoors as big as outdoor monsters. That’s amazing! And no electricity fees and I needn’t worry about the pay bills, smells and noises.

Depending on what strains your seedlings are will determine whether they'll flower early. Indica strains will generally flower anytime of the year here in Hawaii. Sativa strains will generally veg through the summer. And tropical landrace sativa varieties will veg until fall and finish flowering in Nov/Dec/Jan.

We have four distinctive seasons though the latitude is still a little low. Do you have strains for recommendation? I’m fond of some colorful strains such as Grand Daddy Purple and Purple Kush, but they are a little expensive for me if I want to grow numerously.

If you're trying to get huge plants then either stick with tropical sativas (for summer time) or use supplemental outdoor lighting to keep them vegging until late summer.

It’s great thank you for your patient reply, you’ve really enlightened me a lot. It’s not realistic for me to use supplemental bulbs because I don’t want people know that’s marijuana plants and need to be careful about the security. Additionally, on the mountains there is no electricity if you use solar cells that will increase the budget, I have a tight budget.

If your seedlings are under natural light hours then they will probably stay vegging longer than the plants you started under lights. I'd probably just keep them under natural daylight hours and see what happens. This is a learning experience for you. There's not a lot of info about growing outdoors in the tropics on these grow forums so you'll learn as you go, but like I said, generally indica dominant plants and hybrids will flower anytime of the year and sativa dominant (I'd say like 75%+) will stay vegging through the summer.

I know a place where there are a lot of wild marijuana plants in my country. I can even say that those plants are as astronomical as stars in the sky, it’s countless. I will use a small green house next year and put them under natural light hours immediately after their germination. I guess it will grow like the wild plants because they are nearly under the natural light, the only thing I need to do is put some CFLs for strengthening the intensity. I will try pure sativa strains like Durban Poison or 1024? or 2046. I used to have two regular Durban Poison plants but unfortunately they all became male then get removed.

I wouldn't personally just sow seeds in the field unless you have A LOT of seeds. There's a good chance A LOT of them won't sprout or will get eaten by animals and bugs when the plants are small. If I was doing a field of plants in the tropics I'd grow sativa strains and start them off in and an area I could protect them (from slugs mostly for me) and watch over them and sprout the seeds in Solo cups or 1 gallon pots until they were about 12" tall and then plant them in a field. Once they're about a foot tall they should be pretty good to defend themselves against bugs. If you have mammals that would eat them, then I suggest fencing off an area since it sounds like you can if you could grow 25000 if you desired.

Ha ha, I won’t do that, don’t worry. Seeds are really expensive for me. I used to have some unsuccessful experience, one THC Bomb and two Afghan Kush seeds couldn’t germinate, well, I remember more seeds couldn’t geminate too. Last week a Cheese and a Blue Cheese, pretty sad for me, that was money. I will use green house, I’m sure. The place where I live there are no deer here, I have never seen any deer in my life. Bugs, weather and security is the key point. I figured out that digging holes to reserve water as reservoirs, certainly I will filter the rain water. Like someone called Dando or something on Youtube said, outdoor is gambling. They grew about 29 plants I remember and the yield was 600+lb they claimed. The more I grow the more I will get, but the budget, time, your energy and the weather will be my stumbling blocks. Absolutely I will grow them separately, I’m not too idiotic to grow them just in one place like on a land just about 5 acres.

If you grow heavy leaning sativas you can start them off in the spring. The cloudy rainy conditions are fine. If you're growing indicas or hybrids and you want to grow them under normal daylight hours I'd start them off somewhere between the beginning of May and the beginning of June and you should still be able to pull some good weight off of them.

Thank you so much. I will take it. I will look up some scholar articles and try to know the wild marijuana plants, try to figure out they are sativa or indica. This time it’s a little earlier as you and those benevolent well-known members said on Rollitup. I’ll try to avoid that next year.

Your situation is a little different from mine though. I'm just under 21 deg. latitude and our longest daylight hours are 13 hr. 25 min. and our shortest are 11 hr. 25 min. You would have more daylight than us in the summer and less in the winter. Also your days will add more light faster going into the summer solstice so you may be able to put out some strains that will stay vegging going into summer and the same strain might go straight into flower here because the strain isn't used to such short daylight hours. Strains from the tropics "know" that the daylight hours don't get too long so they'll stay vegging. Strains from temperate zones are waiting for the rapid daylight lengthening to signal summer is coming, "so stay vegging"; in Hawaii they don't get that rapid daylight lengthening so they perpetually "think" winter is on its way so they do what they are supposed to do to try prolong their genetics and flower right away.

Well, it’s true that no practice one can’t gain in his wit. I was trying to get information as you have mentioned but I need time to know, need experience and practice. Thanks a lot bro. I will get information about it.

Depending on your climate (rain, humidity, possibility of frost, etc) certain strains will do better than others, but you may be able to grow whatever you want; it just might not excel like some strains. Where I live it's humid and rains a lot so I mostly grow sativa strains, which I prefer anyway. I can grow indicas, but they won't yield as well (most likely) and if the flowers are dense there will probably mold and/or get infested with some stupid bug. Guys on the other side of the island can grow virtually whatever they want, it (almost) never rains there and they have less humidity so environment plays a role on what will excel in your area. A little insight to your environment could help for suggesting some strains.

Okay, I will get the accurate meteorological data to you. I’m really expected you to support me for selecting proper strains.

I hope some of that was helpful and made some sense.

Hey bro, don’t say like that, you’re sooooooo nice and soooooooo kind. A knowledgeable and a benevolent person who I should always pay respect for. Pleas notice the message in the inbox. Thanks a lottttttt~~~~~


I forgot to mention; probably the best resource on growing in the tropics I've found on the internet is oldhaole's grow journals. His first two or three seasons are/were on cannabis.com and the rest are on icmag. He's been growing here for 40 years and shares a lot of good info in his journals. And he's a good writer and a cool dude. You should read through them; you'll learn a lot.
Thank you, I need time to digest. I will visit those sites later.


New Member
I live in Jamaica, 18° N, At the moment I am growing my plants on the roof where they can catch sun from about 7am until 4pm and I placed lights above it so i can keep them growing without going into flower. I have some experience with growing indoor or outdoor conditions for the Netherlands, but these conditions are new to me. so far my first Jack Herrer went straight into budding, never reached higher then 15cm from the soil. After that i relocated my plants and made sure there was light above them in the evening until midnight (sun comes up at 6am). right now I have 1 Silver Haze, 2 Jack Herrer, 2 NY Diesel and 1 Super Skunk growing. biggest challenge so far is finding good Nitrogen food and/or root development food (this weekend I am making my own compost tumbler so I can feed my plants this compost mix of: green leafs, vegetable/fruit peals and bat manure). My plants grow so slow!! The sun is great during the day, for the remaining 5 to 6 hours of light I use 2 Philips T8 Fluorescent lights. I started to use this just because I wanted to stop them from flowering, now I am thinking about getting better lights and use the additional 6 hours of artificial light to actually improve the grow. any suggestions on what lights to use? i saw CFL 23Watt with 6500K 2100 lumens in the 'home depot' of Jamaica.

I am very happy to finally find some more information about growing with the short daylight hours, great to hear from growers who grow in these latitudes with sun and high temperatures all year round with no longer then 13 hours of sun in a day, etc.

Happy Growing everybody!


Well-Known Member
I live in Jamaica, 18° N, At the moment I am growing my plants on the roof where they can catch sun from about 7am until 4pm and I placed lights above it so i can keep them growing without going into flower. I have some experience with growing indoor or outdoor conditions for the Netherlands, but these conditions are new to me. so far my first Jack Herrer went straight into budding, never reached higher then 15cm from the soil. After that i relocated my plants and made sure there was light above them in the evening until midnight (sun comes up at 6am). right now I have 1 Silver Haze, 2 Jack Herrer, 2 NY Diesel and 1 Super Skunk growing. biggest challenge so far is finding good Nitrogen food and/or root development food (this weekend I am making my own compost tumbler so I can feed my plants this compost mix of: green leafs, vegetable/fruit peals and bat manure). My plants grow so slow!! The sun is great during the day, for the remaining 5 to 6 hours of light I use 2 Philips T8 Fluorescent lights. I started to use this just because I wanted to stop them from flowering, now I am thinking about getting better lights and use the additional 6 hours of artificial light to actually improve the grow. any suggestions on what lights to use? i saw CFL 23Watt with 6500K 2100 lumens in the 'home depot' of Jamaica.

I am very happy to finally find some more information about growing with the short daylight hours, great to hear from growers who grow in these latitudes with sun and high temperatures all year round with no longer then 13 hours of sun in a day, etc.

Happy Growing everybody!
With day lengths like that why bother vegging just run from seed straight outdoors and keep popping beans every 2 weeks or so. As the plants reach maturity they'll go straight into flower. You won't get huge plant (just plant more) but you will get to continually grow and harvest almost year round if temps permit


New Member
With day lengths like that why bother vegging just run from seed straight outdoors and keep popping beans every 2 weeks or so. As the plants reach maturity they'll go straight into flower. You won't get huge plant (just plant more) but you will get to continually grow and harvest almost year round if temps permit
I was really hoping on creating some nice big trees, thats why i started vegging under a light outside. if I just run them from seed to outdoor and flower as soon as they are mature as you say, how big can i expect them to be, and how much would i gain from a normal size plant? will it effect the quality of the bud when it kind of skips the vegging stage like that?

Thanks for feedback


Well-Known Member
I was really hoping on creating some nice big trees, thats why i started vegging under a light outside. if I just run them from seed to outdoor and flower as soon as they are mature as you say, how big can i expect them to be, and how much would i gain from a normal size plant? will it effect the quality of the bud when it kind of skips the vegging stage like that?

Thanks for feedback
Wouldn't effect the bud quality. To gain the same amount as growing a tree just grow a few extra plants. Will probably get to around the 2-3 foot mark by the end of flowering. Why don't you give both a go and compare them. It's going to take a lot of room and time indoors for you to grow trees with those light hours. Most people growing trees outdoors receive upwards of 14.5 hours of light on the Summer solstice


New Member
Wouldn't effect the bud quality. To gain the same amount as growing a tree just grow a few extra plants. Will probably get to around the 2-3 foot mark by the end of flowering. Why don't you give both a go and compare them. It's going to take a lot of room and time indoors for you to grow trees with those light hours. Most people growing trees outdoors receive upwards of 14.5 hours of light on the Summer solstice
Just to summarize your suggestion of growing; this would be straight from seed, from day 1 until harvest, outside with no added lights? with transplanting when needed but keep growing on the same spot under the same conditions? Would it still be a good idea to top the plant? Or will this only cause the grow to slow down?


Well-Known Member
Around 9 deg and 17N 11:28 shortest day and 12:47 longest day. Plant more plants or start vegging them under artificial light indoors tent, room, whatever then put them outdoors. Plant more plants works fine, and step them up, starting in a cup, 1 gallon, 5 gallon, 10 gallon...++++. I start in cups and finish in 5 gallons but I am not in the ground. More roots=more fruits


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't effect the bud quality. To gain the same amount as growing a tree just grow a few extra plants. Will probably get to around the 2-3 foot mark by the end of flowering. Why don't you give both a go and compare them. It's going to take a lot of room and time indoors for you to grow trees with those light hours. Most people growing trees outdoors receive upwards of 14.5 hours of light on the Summer solstice
We had a afghan kush cut that would produce a pound of rock hard buds at 3 ft .


Well-Known Member
Just to summarize your suggestion of growing; this would be straight from seed, from day 1 until harvest, outside with no added lights? with transplanting when needed but keep growing on the same spot under the same conditions? Would it still be a good idea to top the plant? Or will this only cause the grow to slow down?
Yep that's what I would do. Personally I wouldn't top them, just let the plant do its thing naturally. But if your going to pop beans and very few weeks or more than one plant at a time top one and compare it to an untopped plant.
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New Member
Yep that's what I would do. Personally I wouldn't top them, just let the plant do its thing naturally. But if your going to pop beans and very few weeks or more than one plant at a time top one and compare it to an untopped plant.
Around 9 deg and 17N 11:28 shortest day and 12:47 longest day. Plant more plants or start vegging them under artificial light indoors tent, room, whatever then put them outdoors. Plant more plants works fine, and step them up, starting in a cup, 1 gallon, 5 gallon, 10 gallon...++++. I start in cups and finish in 5 gallons but I am not in the ground. More roots=more fruits
I decided to test both growing theories.

- I will start new seeds outdoor on my roof and all i will do is water/feed them and transplant them from 1L pots to 4Gal pots to maybe a 10Gal pot depending on how they grow.

- At the same time I will also start new seeds under 3 or 6 CFL's with 23compact wattage with 6500K, 2100 lumens. What I am planning to do is make a growbox but have 1 side open which will give it air to breath and also natural sunlight. the other 3 insides of the box i will paint white and will try to figure out a way to attach the lights to the 'roof' of the box with chains. I might make a board that i can put against the opening when it gets dark, this way the light will be mostly kept inside the box.

I would love some feedback about what you guys think of having a grow box where 1 side is open, just to be clear; this box will be outdoors on my roof.


Well-Known Member
I decided to test both growing theories.

- I will start new seeds outdoor on my roof and all i will do is water/feed them and transplant them from 1L pots to 4Gal pots to maybe a 10Gal pot depending on how they grow.

- At the same time I will also start new seeds under 3 or 6 CFL's with 23compact wattage with 6500K, 2100 lumens. What I am planning to do is make a growbox but have 1 side open which will give it air to breath and also natural sunlight. the other 3 insides of the box i will paint white and will try to figure out a way to attach the lights to the 'roof' of the box with chains. I might make a board that i can put against the opening when it gets dark, this way the light will be mostly kept inside the box.

I would love some feedback about what you guys think of having a grow box where 1 side is open, just to be clear; this box will be outdoors on my roof.
Just remember that water and electricity don't mix so make sure you water proof it. If you aren't worried about people seeing the light during the night I'd just leave the box open for sunlight. The beauty of growing this beautiful plant is that there are so many different ways to do it. Just keep experimenting until you find a method that suits you.