Why do you grow?


Well-Known Member
For me, its simple - buying weed has become a huge pain in the ass.

In fact, the older I get, the tougher it gets to find weed. It's usually a ridiculous process of waiting for somoene who is waiting for somoene who is wating for somone to call once they talk to so-and-so, and in the end, I might end up with a gram or two of schwag if I'm lucky. If I can grow enough to just be able to smoke a bowl or two every day when I get home from work, I'll be happy as shit.

What about you? Do you grow to sell? Just enjoy horticulture? Tired of dealing with an element of society you would rather not associate with just to buy a sack?


Well-Known Member
I grow because...

- I love growing plants in general.
- Cannabis is a particularly beautiful plant in my opinion.
- The whole process is intriguing and rewarding.
- I very much enjoy the quality of weed thats grown/dried/cured properly.
- Hopefully when I get my operation perfected, I can completely rely on my grow for smoke and not need to call the weed lady anymore.
- I have no plans to sell. I'm not in it for that. I just love doing it. Its one of my hobbies.


Well-Known Member
I grow for never having to rashin weed anymore.
no more scraping bowls! it's been a while and I dont miss it!
never handing some dude $200 monthly like clock work!
no more waiting game, as you stated.
Knowing what's NOT in the weed, is a awesome and healthy thing.
The smell of entering your grow when in full bloom.
kicking back and watching your newly harvest all trimed up:like a proud papa!
Always nice to have something worth money and nothing sells easier then weed.
quick $50-$100 here and there adds up.


Well-Known Member
I don't like paying outrageous money for something I know I can grow myself.
For me, it is all about the money.


Well-Known Member
I just grow so I can show all my friends so that they think that I am cool. And when I am trying to pick up on a girl, my growroom is usually one of the first places that I take them.

I like the smell of the plants a lot too. I never use odor control or scrubbers. I just let em go. it is so nice smelling your crop from a block away.

Other than that I just grow to sell. I sell many small bags and have everyone come to my house to pick them up, then they can check out the grow themselves.

Also I like to grow to meet new people. I meet so may people going to the park and selling weed to people I have never met before. It just sucks because if they want anything more than an eight I have to take them to my pad.


Well-Known Member
I just grow so I can show all my friends so that they think that I am cool. And when I am trying to pick up on a girl, my growroom is usually one of the first places that I take them.

I like the smell of the plants a lot too. I never use odor control or scrubbers. I just let em go. it is so nice smelling your crop from a block away.

Other than that I just grow to sell. I sell many small bags and have everyone come to my house to pick them up, then they can check out the grow themselves.

Also I like to grow to meet new people. I meet so may people going to the park and selling weed to people I have never met before. It just sucks because if they want anything more than an eight I have to take them to my pad.
Wow man, you're a glutton for punishment.


Well-Known Member
I just grow so I can show all my friends so that they think that I am cool. And when I am trying to pick up on a girl, my growroom is usually one of the first places that I take them.

You so just broke a Marijuana growing law.


Well-Known Member
I just grow so I can show all my friends so that they think that I am cool. And when I am trying to pick up on a girl, my growroom is usually one of the first places that I take them.

I like the smell of the plants a lot too. I never use odor control or scrubbers. I just let em go. it is so nice smelling your crop from a block away.

Other than that I just grow to sell. I sell many small bags and have everyone come to my house to pick them up, then they can check out the grow themselves.

Also I like to grow to meet new people. I meet so may people going to the park and selling weed to people I have never met before. It just sucks because if they want anything more than an eight I have to take them to my pad.
haha thats funny shit


Well-Known Member
Quick story that just illustrates what I mean when I say buying weed is a fucking hassle.

Today we were calling around trying to get a bag and we finally talk to our one dealer who says she has one joint she'll sell us for 10. I'm thinking 10 is a lot for one joint...but she always has high quality stuff, and if it's big, maybe it will be worth it. Besides, it's either this...or no weed for us tonight.

So we get to her house and the fucking thing is like half smoked and she still wants 10 for it. Are you fucking kidding me? 10 for a half smoked joint?

That was the final straw - as soon as my seeds come in, I'm ordering my lights and getting this shit going. I can't wait for the day when I don't ever have to buy another bag of weed again.


Well-Known Member
Ah well let me add my 2 cents here :) i started growing because its tough finding a dealer. but now I'm addicted to growing. its awesome to watch my plants grow and flower. Peace.


Active Member
I started becouse of the drought we are going through around these parts. Plus the police have gottin so bad in the ol neighborhood it is just sickining, basicly I'm just tired of all the bull shit that comes with buying a sack on the block.


Active Member
well i'm still in the process of purchasing all my equipment, but i am going to start growing because i am tired of the ridiculous prices most co-ops have so i will now start a legal medical grow.


Well-Known Member
Growing is a fantastic hobby. I have been smoking for 20 years now, and I should have started growing 20 years ago. In another month and a half, I will be able to stop spending $600-$1200 each month on herbs. And mine will be twice as good as anything I can get around here. I love to stick my head in the tent and examine all of my beauties. I currently have 6 females out of 6 seeds started on my first inside try at growing and they are the most beautiful things.
None of my grow is for sale, it is all for me, and a few friends and family members who all use it medicinally. I'm sure one day soon, we will all have prescriptions for it as we have real medical conditions which require daily bong rips.
Also by growing my own, I reduce my activity with "criminals" and a black market.
And every other great reason listed above.


Well-Known Member
my first grow was honestly cuz i was bored one day and was like fuck it, why not. but then i really got interested in it and started fine tuning my grow room to make every thing legit.

the grow im starting tomorrow is gonna be for me and my friends "pot weekend" were all buying bud (well they are, i dont gotta spend a dimebongsmilie)
but anyways were gonna just smoke all day, like atleast 15-20 blunts, till we fall asleep, wake up and smoke all day again till we got nothing left. im saving a good amount for myself wich no ones touchin.

other than that tho, i love weed but hate paying for it.

Today we were calling around trying to get a bag and we finally talk to our one dealer who says she has one joint she'll sell us for 10. I'm thinking 10 is a lot for one joint...but she always has high quality stuff, and if it's big, maybe it will be worth it. Besides, it's either this...or no weed for us tonight.

So we get to her house and the fucking thing is like half smoked and she still wants 10 for it. Are you fucking kidding me? 10 for a half smoked joint?

That was the final straw - as soon as my seeds come in, I'm ordering my lights and getting this shit going. I can't wait for the day when I don't ever have to buy another bag of weed again.
dude like 4 months ago i call my last resort connect( no one had it), im like you can 10g for 50? hes like yea, im waiting on my ride gimme an hour. i call him like an hour n a 1/2 later, same shit. this bull shit go on for no lie 6 fucking hours. so finaly we meet up, this guy tries to give me like 4 maybe 5 grams. im like fuck that. my normal dude gives me a 1/4 for 35 bucks.
the worst part is its my good friends cousin, i use to buy off him every day.
its all good tho. i havent bought bud off him since then